Why has God created me ugly?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Krillin1993, Sep 10, 2023.

  1. Krillin1993

    Krillin1993 Fapstronaut

    Why has God created me ugly?
    Cherubim likes this.
  2. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    You can't change some fundamental aspects of yourself. I would say things like bone structure and height are things that are immutable, or at the very least risky to change. And it's true that in terms of online dating, race and skin color are important factors.

    It's the acceptance that there are things you can't change which will propel you forward. Recently, there has been a phenomenon called LooksMaxxing, where people lose weight, go the gym, change their hair style, and do a whole lot of stuff to make themselves look better in a communal environment. I would advise doing this not to get a positive reaction from others but rather to feel more confident in yourself.
    Beingpure and Krillin1993 like this.
  3. You're probably not ugly. Even if you genuinely are, I see unattractive people with partners all the time. Guys who are severely disabled get partners. Guys who had their faces blown off in war have partners. The problem is probably your mindset and outlook on life, not your physical appearance.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    looks only matter that much if you are trying to attract guys, women value material possession, social status and social skills much more than looks.

    You can see this in the fact that across cultures, women are more likely than men to cut the marital knot if their partner becomes unemployed, in contrast, men are more likely to end a relationship when the woman starts getting older, as we place more weight than women on a mate’s appearance and youthfulness.
    Krillin1993 likes this.
  5. Porn makes you see yourself ugly....
  6. No such thing as an ugly person, only neglected one
    Krillin1993 and FocusIsLove like this.
  7. FocusIsLove

    FocusIsLove Fapstronaut

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Like other have said, porn definitely distorts perception. Science has found empirical evidence on this phenomenon. Research started all the way back when girls started becoming bulimic(I think it was the 50's or 60's). Girls as thin as twigs saw themselves as fat in the mirror because of ideas of beauty that all of the magazine models and tv actresses were instilling in them. There's no way in our pornified and social media centered culture it's not having an effect on all of us. Your mind can literally warp your perception of yourself to be something that it's not.

    Don't be a victim to all of the mass manipulation going on right now. Give your all to set your life straight, and just learn to trust in your value in all areas of life as you do, looks included. Eventually your mind can learn to agree.
    Krillin1993 likes this.
  8. Leanmaxxing

    Leanmaxxing Fapstronaut

    It was your parents fault. Blame them.
    Krillin1993 likes this.
  9. Damn...thank you because this conversational shoe laces up for me as well.
    Krillin1993 likes this.
  10. Why would you hate what God has created?
    Krillin1993 likes this.
  11. Krillin1993

    Krillin1993 Fapstronaut

    Because it's the Truth.
    I can recognize the Eyes of Rejection within seconds.
    Thats God's Gift to me I guess...
  12. UpyetDown

    UpyetDown Fapstronaut

    I have a family member who doesn’t consider herself to be super attractive. She is getting older and is glad she wasn’t so as she has less to lose. I find it crazy that no matter what a person looks like that their looks with modify through aging. I’ve known some people that looked better with age. For instance my grandma had more masculine features and as she aged they softened and she looked younger and more attractive to some. Maybe there is a little hope in that? Maybe you could work with weights out and do more with physicality and style to suit something you or someone you want to impress might desire? I of course am blindly suggesting and trying to add different insights. The only other thing is the “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. Honestly though it is true.
  13. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    NOT helpful. Come on, man!! Do better.
    UpyetDown likes this.
  14. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    So my question would why do you think you're ugly? The next question would be what would you say to someone who thought that about themselves.

    Ugly is opinionated and relative. It's what you compare it to.
  15. IOGD

    IOGD Fapstronaut

    God gifts everyone in some areas more than others. If you believe you haven't been gifted with good looks, that's not meant to be a source of shame or comparison to others, but rather an opportunity to seek out where your personal gifts lie.

    It's also an opportunity to relate to others who perhaps feel even worse about their appearance. When you meet someone struggling in that area, your words will have more importance to them than the words of others, because you've actually gone through the same thing and know what it's like.

    All of our imperfections can actually be seen as incredible gifts. Those who are stereotypically "perfect" are usually also those who get puffed up and lose their souls to pride. Our imperfections humble us and make us more inclined to rely on God, which ultimately brings us into deeper relationship with Him and closer to salvation. “Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven" (Mt 5:11-12)
    again likes this.
  16. GrittyRunning

    GrittyRunning Fapstronaut

    If its any consolation, the Bible says that the Lord Jesus Christ was not a handsome Man.
  17. There are certain aspects of your appearance that you simply cannot change. Start working on those aspects of your appearance that are within your control. Develop healthier habits; diet, exercise, drink more water, get more sleep, wear more stylish clothing. Something that can really boost your confidence and self esteem is a new hairstyle that compliments and highlights your better features. God didn't make you ugly. If you settle on that idea, you won't notice all the ways that you can improve your appearance.
    Joe1023 likes this.