Stress intolerance

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Alessandro84, Aug 2, 2023.

  1. Alessandro84

    Alessandro84 Fapstronaut

    Hello everybody,
    Lately I'm suffering from bad anxiety and inhability to tolerate stress.
    My resting pulse rate is always in the 90s, when walking jump to 120s or more.
    I can't exercise and when walking I sweat and need long time for recovery.
    Yesterday, I walked for 3 miles, have rapid pulse and nightmare in the night and long time to recover.
    All these cause me panic attacks.
    Do you think this is caused by porn hangover/withdrawal?
    It's like a bad dream, I have constant anxiety, lightheadedness, sweating, light sensitivity, burning skin, difficult digestion, dry eyes and mouth, visual snow.
    Let me know please, I need help in this moment.
    Andy1517 likes this.
  2. Alessandro84

    Alessandro84 Fapstronaut

  3. fortissimoBlues

    fortissimoBlues Fapstronaut

    I have all of these symptoms apart from sweating and I find it plausible that they could be caused by porn addiction. The only chance to know for sure is a clean, long streak.
    Meanwhile I was able to reduce the panic attacks greatly by eating only a moderate amount of carbs per day (not more than 150g). On the other side I feel horribly tense and shaky when I hit a ketogenic state with a low carb diet. Go figure. I hope No-pmo will cure this longterm. My body is out of balance on so many fronts.
  4. To me, all of those seem like symptoms of excessive p/m/o. That's my impression because I've had or have most of those myself.

    How often do you p/m/o? Do you edge? How many years have you subjected your mind and body to this?
    Rostrock47 and Alessandro84 like this.
  5. Alessandro84

    Alessandro84 Fapstronaut

    I've used porn since 15 years old, now I'm 38.
    I usually PMO using edge, sometimes for 3-4 hours before orgasm.
    Generally, I've never used once a day, maybe 5 times a week, but sometime it also happened twice in a day.
    This is a very bad period my friend, I have Tachycardia and panic attacks, I feel huge adrenaline rush and can't handle stress.
  6. It’s a byproduct of MO/PMO plus the withdrawal. I used to have terrible stress intolerance. Over time it fades and not nearly as much stuff aggravates me anymore. The initial part of breaking this addiction is damn difficult. The desire to relapse is constant due to the brain freaking out because it’s not getting that dopamine fix. It translates to a tangible discomfort and psychological stress; all temporary. Maybe try some GABA supplements or melatonin at night as your brain chemistry is adjusting.
    Rostrock47 and Alessandro84 like this.
  7. I realize this won't help you but I know exactly how you feel. But just know this: when you can't handle stress, probably the worst thing you can do is turn to p/m/o. You have to find a way to take it on the chin. We have to tolerate pain and suffering or even just general discomfort in order to better deal with them.
  8. Alessandro84

    Alessandro84 Fapstronaut

    Thank you guys, I really need help in this period.
    Also think that gluten and caseine worsen my symptom, but I have never run a test (if that exists).
    Rostrock47 and PRESS THE FIGHT like this.
  9. There's a good chance that's the case. I had a functional medicine doctor run a food sensitivities panel several years back and it found that I was sensitive to all sorts of foods from dairy products to wheat. I cut most of them out. To this day, my diet remains restrictive. This is another thing I'm hoping longterm abstinence from p/m/o will ultimately fix. I think excessive edging destroys the digestive system as much as anything else in the body.
    Rostrock47 and PRESS THE FIGHT like this.
  10. Alessandro84

    Alessandro84 Fapstronaut

    AWAKE, do you remember what type of test are you referring to?
    The only I know is for celiac people, which I'm not. I think more to sensitive, in fact I'm negative and don't have typical intestinal problem.
    I also think that edge has caused digestive system damage, either via microbiome alteration or leaky gut syndrome.
  11. There's no such thing as a "typical intestinal problem." There are many digestive issues and since 80% of the immune system is there, these issues can manifest as any number of things. Personally, I have something called Hashimoto's thyroiditis. If you feel worse after eating certain foods, you almost certainly have some food sensitivities yourself. You might have gut permeability. If you do, particles of undigested food are getting into your bloodstream, causing issues.

    Look for a functional medicine doctor or a Natural Doctor (ND) and consult with them. You can also try calling Life Extension and talking to one of their doctors about getting a panel done that way. You may be able to go to a lab in your area and get more information, too.
    Rostrock47 and Alessandro84 like this.
  12. Kevin Owens1993

    Kevin Owens1993 Fapstronaut

    Have you noticed the rejuvenating effect of nofap