First Post-Sissy/Humiliation Problem

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Lassquwuquwuw, Jan 7, 2023.

  1. Lassquwuquwuw

    Lassquwuquwuw Fapstronaut

    Escaping Sissy/Feminazation porn

    I created here an account, because i finally found people, who have the Same Problems.

    Well i think i should first of give a summary of my story.

    My first contact with Porn was when i was 13 a friend showed to me and what jerking off is.(Afterwards he always wanted to jerkoff toghether, what i luckily declined)

    Afterwards it simply over-catogorized for me. I was always pretty interverted and alone, which i like usally.

    But since i found Porn it was like the Hit for me. Then it just went down the Spital to some dark and weird shit. What was about when i was 14/15.

    At the Same time i started to notice how all of this fucked my Brain/Mental health it was 24/7 in the backside of my head. But still kept going even tough while watching these fucked up videos i thought to myself that this is fucked up and that i dont really like it.

    After some hardcore depression and creating weird fetishes i finally pulled trough and stopped that madness.

    Currently im going to therapy and take some meds, which really helped to this Point. But i stil struggle so much with these haunting Fetish‘s and thoughts. I feel so dirty and uncomfrotable after relapsing it drives me insane.

    At least like not a Relapse like going completly back to those Videos but still haunts me.

    So my Question is to the People that have „recoverd“ and how they handeld the Time after all the consume and when your Addiction/Brain wants you to go back.

    If someone has questions, just ask.

    (Sorry if there are some mistakes, im not from the US)
    Spontifex, Burrow2Chase and _hector_ like this.
  2. Pauley

    Pauley Fapstronaut

    Let me say a couple of things:
    • Normal porn is weird too, you are sitting alone in your room like a voyeur beating it to strangers. You are not participating. The whole thing is weird.
    • Young people are designed by nature to be curious to learn everything there is about sexuality. Unfortunately our bodies are not prepared for todays internet porn and addiction can happen very easily.
    • When people are addicted the increase the dose of the drug in two ways: 1) they consume it more often; 2) they take stronger doses. In the case of porn that means changing porn genres to more and more extreme content. The more content and more extreme content you watch the more desentisized you become to it.
    • Sissy porn is stupid. It shows you 90% straight videos and tells you you are gay or a woman, which doesn't make any sense. It's also narrated by very beautiful women voices.
    • Often they warn you in the beginning that it's dangerous or permanent. It is not. It's just a lie to scare you.
    • Sissy porn is also stupid because it generalizes: they don't know you, anything about you, how can anything they say have any truth? It can't. It's stupid.
    • They say you should become a transgender and show you (I'm not gonna lie) some very beautiful trans women who are indeed very feminine looking. Reality is that these people have been on medications and been to surgeons for years. All this costs thousands of dollars and is extremly dangerous to your health.
    • This sissy porn content is often created by men who are addicted to extreme porn.
    • I know that some people on this forum have escalated to gay porn. But ask yourself this: do you prefer watching only women or only men in porn. Are you searching for the most beautiful guy when you are on porn sites?
    • Many people who get afraid of these thoughts are constantly anxious about them, keep second guessing themselves, keep analyzing their past and worst of all: they label them selves as having OCD, HOCD, TOCD and so on. It's normal to think a lot about sex, especially if you are young. It's also normal to feel anxious at times. Don't be too quick giving yourself these mental illness labels and start to be dependent on meds.
    • If you are really a woman inside and in fact transgender, these are the last people you have to listen to. :)
    Many people on this forum struggeled with this genre at one point or another. Many belive they need to analyze everything about themselves, how they sit, how they talk, what they said to whom, when. But I think it just feeds this fear. Leave it alone. Stop analyzing all this and you will lose the anxiety about it. Quit the porn for a good amount of time e.g. 100 days and see how you feel after. Pick up good habits like exercise, cold showers, healthy food and try to be more social with the people outside of the pornography realm. For many people all this has been revertable and maybe this is also the case for you! :cool:
  3. Lassquwuquwuw

    Lassquwuquwuw Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the quick answer. Yeah im on my way to the better, since after a hard realiasation i started getting the hang of it. Just my Addiction always wants me to comeback even tough i stopped watiching these extreme Videos.
    Pauley and assasin04 like this.
  4. assasin04

    assasin04 Fapstronaut

    i have same problem like you(agp/sissy/trans) and people said me there is no cure for agp.
  5. Pauley

    Pauley Fapstronaut

    You got it :)
  6. ThePowerOfMind

    ThePowerOfMind Fapstronaut

    Have you tried a reboot?

    I also have this AGP, but I’m sure this is mostly porn induced if not fully.

    i’m currently at 65 days
    assasin04 likes this.
  7. assasin04

    assasin04 Fapstronaut

    Hi man, definitely nofap works. Agp impulses are currently absent. I think it's all about pornography.
    ThePowerOfMind likes this.
  8. ThePowerOfMind

    ThePowerOfMind Fapstronaut

    That’s great to hear

    keep going strong friend
    Lassquwuquwuw likes this.