Sexual Transmutation

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by sohardrn, Dec 23, 2022.

  1. sohardrn

    sohardrn Fapstronaut

    I really want to get better at using my sexual energy as creative energy, or in some other avenue of my life.

    Any tips, stories, or advice?
    SRC1985 and N0D0ubt like this.
  2. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Real creativity comes from imagination, inspiration, and intuition. How can we access those qualities? By transmutation, meditation, and bringing our attention back to the present moment continuously in our daily life.
    Adnilgo, sohardrn, N0D0ubt and 2 others like this.
  3. N0D0ubt

    N0D0ubt Fapstronaut

    My successes have been in mentally equating productive actions as orgasms. Ok, sounds strange but the idea is that a small action is like the friction of penetration and the result of the action is a mini-orgasm with the people involved. The celebration of a job completed is a group climax, so to speak. A larger action that takes days, weeks, months or years can be equated to a huge, momentous, group climax that brings betterment, peace, joy, pleasure and purpose to the emote group. It is a creative, orgasmic group climax. What can be better?! These mental orgasms are replacements for the physical orgasms from MO which shortcut the creative process. A physical orgasm with a loved partner that supports a loving relationship is fine and actually supports the larger creative cause but PMO or just MO short-circuits the river of energy that supports more productive actions in the world and to people in your life.
  4. sohardrn

    sohardrn Fapstronaut

    @N0D0ubt Okay, this post looks deranged. However, it’s a great analogy and a good way to reframe things.

    I’ll try to adopt this mentality.
  5. Spirali

    Spirali Fapstronaut

    I’ve been wondering about this topic lately and found this thread. Have you found anything useful?

    The way I imagine it, it’s like trying to impress a girl you have a crush on. Your brain is tricked into thinking if you do all these successful things, you will get the girl - so you push yourself and access all this motivation and drive to achieve your goals.
  6. sohardrn

    sohardrn Fapstronaut

    That’s a good beginners understanding.

    Your brain has a desire to relieve stress, feel good, and satisfy your horniness. So, there was one time you found porn and jacked off, it rewarded you by satisfying all your cravings. As a result, you now begin to associate the cue of horniness or stress, with the action of jacking off. Because inherently, your brain knows it’ll reward you with satisfying that craving.

    Zoom out. Everytime you jackoff you spend a good amount of time, you satisfy this craving, and the whole action takes a lot of energy out of you. Imagine if you spend that time and energy to satisfy your cravings another way? That’s sexual transmutation.

    Meditation is the same in it takes energy to enter that headspace and confront your own fears or clear your mind. Takes some time. From 5 minutes to sometimes 30 minutes. Some people spend over an hour. And it satisfies the craving of relieving your stress and anxiety.

    The same lines can be drawn with Meditation, Exercise, Journaling, etc. You’re not “tricking” your brain like you said before, you’re just training it to spend the energy you give to sex and masturbation to something else for the same, similar, or better rewards.

    If you want to learn more about thay Habit Loop, it’s in one of the first few chapters of Atomic Habits by James Clear. Here’s an article so you don’t have to buy the whole book to understand it.

    Absolutely crazy how powerful this stuff is. I began reading this book very recently, and even comparing where I was at one week ago to today is insane.

    I’m happier, more fulfilled, more productive, and I don’t feel like shit anymore. Best of luck.
    Spirali likes this.
  7. hantyumi

    hantyumi Fapstronaut

    What comes after semen retention? Is semen retention even enough? Is sadanas the next logical step to incorporate on this path? What do you think?
    Spirali likes this.
  8. Spirali

    Spirali Fapstronaut

    I understand that semen retention and a dopamine detox alone are very powerful, but power from sexual transmutation is different. Sexual transmutation is a spark that ignites within you from the attraction of a woman. Semen retention and a dopamine detox alone aren’t enough to create that spark, but are a good foundation for it.

    I guess what I want to know is how to use it properly, and how to activate it in a healthy way. I’ve heard of people edging to P to activate it, but obviously that is destructive and does more harm than good.
    hantyumi likes this.
  9. Spiritual Immunity

    Spiritual Immunity Fapstronaut

    That isn’t sexual transmutation at all.. that’s trying to show off like a child in hopes you get noticed by the opposite sex. Most of the guys doing that are doing it while completely depleted of their sexual energy from wanking off, and you’re going to call that sexual transmutation? Not even close to the same thing.
    Warrior4Freedom and hantyumi like this.
  10. Magic Bullets

    Magic Bullets Fapstronaut

  11. PeterGrip

    PeterGrip Fapstronaut

    My own experience on the matter recently is that the sexual energy people speak of transmuting does not have to manifest itself in a sexual manner for the transformation to happen. In fact, if it's already manifested, it's probably too late it use it for other things.

    When I believe I have tapped into this, is when I'm free of sexual desires, yet awake. That is when I have felt a void inside me, and I have felt the desire to fill it. The desire is a blank slate and is quite easily manipulated.

    I was in that state for about 2 days earlier in my streak, and it was quite wonderful. My fantasizing has been eating me up lately and I'm not feeling it any more.

    Just to be clear, my view is completely sedentary, and I believe you are simply harnessing a natural process that excessive O/MO/PMO (or whatever) has corrupted. Sometimes, that energy should go towards actions of sexual nature, but calling it sexual transmutation is just grasping the issue backwards.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2023
  12. My take on this (what works/worked for me):

    1. First realise the challenge is to find a way to take that energy/life force (aka E/LF) that makes me want to relentlessly pursue pointless sexual gratification, and use it productively. Note the reason this is pointless is largely down to the constraints of 21st century life. Sexual gratification of itself clearly isnt pointless. It is often pointless in a typical life (e.g. porn is clearly pointless, grown men Ming is pretty pointless - although this is debateable).

    2. Before I could commute that E/LF I had to earn to control it. You cannot use something unless you can control it. This is reality. Like if I want to ride a bike up a hill, I have to learn to ride the bike first? So this is the hard bit. It takes about 1-2 years for a PMO addict to maybe learn this through nothing but self discipline and lifestyle improvement. I went the whole of 2019 with PMOing once. Honest truth. I could never have commuted the E/LF without this.

    3. Then, really and only then, I could conceptually visulalise the E/LF. For me it took the form of a mental image of a great stallion that had been chained up in the dungeon of my addicted mind. I mentally broke the chains but then I could control the stallion. Again, you cannot ride the stallion if you cannot control it. You cannot unchain the stallion (maybe it is even dangerous to unchain the stallion) if you cannot control it? Maybe we constrain ourselves sexually through PMO abuse because subconciously we 'know' we are not in control of it?

    4. Finally we can use it. How we use it, how we transmute, is going to be a personal thing. It depends what you want to do with all that energy & life force that is now in your hands to control. But this is the easiest part (ironically).

    My 2c worth.
    SRC1985 likes this.
  13. Spiritual Immunity

    Spiritual Immunity Fapstronaut

    That’s not debatable. It’s worse than just pointless.
    That’s a good analogy, I like it.
    Son of Arathorn likes this.
  14. Spiritual Immunity

    Spiritual Immunity Fapstronaut

    Sexual transmutation doesn’t have anything to do with anyone else but yourself. So then how could you possibly apply it to a situation involving other people (women).
    That’s the most basic form of attention seeking. It doesn’t just happen in the presence of women either, which means it’s not exclusively involved with sexuality.
    I’m failing to see how lifting weights with more intensity than before has anything to do with courage, assertiveness, confidence, and bravery. How about actually going up to her and interacting with her, instead of trying to show boat for a woman you may never see again. Missing an opportunity like the rest of the pussified depleted men in the gym, who you for some reason call brave and assertive.
    No you’re just improperly applying sexual transmutation to things that don’t involve it.
    Sexual transmutation is solely about re-directing the desire for sex. If you don’t sexually transmutate, knowingly or not, you relapse. Either sexual energy is expressed through the sexual act, or it’s not. If it’s not, it simply becomes energy that can then be used to fuel non sexual pursuits in life. It doesn’t even require anything special to do either. It all comes down to where your mind is. If your mind is on sex and seeking sexual pleasure and fantasizing, then your fate will be determined. If your mind is steadfast on retaining your sexual energy and never letting go of it, then so it will be. The mind is what directs sexual energy, and thus transmutates.
  15. Spiritual Immunity

    Spiritual Immunity Fapstronaut

    That’s called courting. It’s not sexual transmutation.
    You are misrepresenting what’s actually happening. Men will lift with more intensity when around other men too. It’s got nothing to do with “arousal in sexual energy.”
    Yeah, it’s not, “brah.”
    scenario 2 except it’s the head boss who’s showed up unexpectedly. Same thing happens. Is it because you want to fuck your boss and he’s peaked your sexual energy? No. Anyways, what your describing is completely different then what sexual transmutation is. You’re corrupting and bastardizing it actually. Wanting to appear a certain way in front of women or any other person of perceived value is not sexual transmutation. Come up with a new term for it, cause that definitely ain’t it. Perhaps you could call it “putting on act.” Cause that’s about all it is.
    Wouldn’t in a million years. You’re an Andrew Tate fan boy. Says it all really.
  16. I agree porn is completely pointless and damaging (of course, I wouldn't be here otherwise). I was being a little 'diplomatic' as I have somewhat annoyed people in the past on this forum by claiming Ming is also pointless. There are medical studies that, for example, regular O in men helps prevent prostate cancer. Personally, I am skeptical. Many people (including scientists/medics) claim alcohol in small doses is beneficial - but this is wishful thinking. I suspect the same is true about Oing. There is an anthropological argument that Ming in adolescence is important to, rather crudely, get the reproductive system 'fireing on all cylinders'. I can just about see that.

    I was so convinced that Oing was completely unneccesary for a healthy prostate that, after a 2 years PMO free streak (2018-2020) I had my prostate tested/examined by a medic. It was perfectly healthy. This doesnt mean much of course, but it reassured me somewhat.

    I do think the debate in this thread is really interesting. Thanks all for the point raised. I am a firm believer on the power of sexual transmutation from personal experience. It can be life changing in the truist sense.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2023
    hantyumi likes this.
  17. Spiritual Immunity

    Spiritual Immunity Fapstronaut

    That’s because most people on this forum are surface level logicians. For some reason they have the ability to acknowledge that porn is bad, but their beloved masturbation could never be bad absent of porn. It’s as you said, wishful thinking, clouded in delusion. It serves mostly as proof that they’ve had very little experience with abstaining from it. Otherwise they would feel it for themselves. Although even then it’s easy to fool yourself if you’ve already adopted a belief system behind it.

    As for the prostate cancer myth, it’s laughable at best. A simple flaw in the logic is asking the question, so all the men that have gotten prostate cancer throughout the years simply weren’t ejaculating enough? I think we all know there’s not shortage of that. It shows foul play actually. That they’ve attempted to weaponize “science” in order to keep us in line and behaving in ways that they would like us to for whatever reason. The same goes for that ridiculous suggestion about adolescence. The body is infinitely more intelligent than our conscious thinking. It does not need to be fooled around with in order to be ready for reproduction. It does that all on its own.
    congrats on a great streak, and respect for taking it into your own hands. There are very few healthy men on this planet that will ever go 2 years without an orgasm, so the fact that you did and still came out with a healthy prostate is a good piece of evidence. If nothing else, for your own reassurance. I think you’ll find even that doctors do not conclusively agree on that myth, even if they do think masturbation is “healthy.”
    Son of Arathorn likes this.
  18. Spiritual Immunity

    Spiritual Immunity Fapstronaut

    I’ve been working out since I was 13 years old and was a college athlete if that helps your imagination. I don’t need to reveal myself because I’m not here trying to promote my garbage YouTube channel like you are.
  19. EmperorLaStrang

    EmperorLaStrang Fapstronaut

    Huge doubt here.

    I think he's scared... Sadly.
  20. I've been working out since before I was conceived and have lived on a diet of nothing but pure protein chicken nuggets and unpasteurized llama milk for the last 48 years. I also won Triple Platinum in the weightlifting at the 2032 Olympics (my mastery of my body extends to my mastery of temporal mechanics).