What to do when feeling lonely?????

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by L.LAWLIET, Jun 14, 2023.


    L.LAWLIET Fapstronaut

    Guys before some days I've started feeling lonely. I want to ask you guys what to do when feeling lonely.

    L.LAWLIET Fapstronaut

    OK BRO
    eduar.2000 likes this.
  3. depeche69

    depeche69 Fapstronaut

  4. You will feel lonely on your reboot because dopamine is low. That is good.

    Stay on your grind and work towards success.

    L.LAWLIET Fapstronaut

    Ok bro
  6. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    I call my dad. He's the one person I can count on to answer the phone when I call 99% of the time.
    Atibhu, fusion47, GP93 and 3 others like this.
  7. Leanmaxxing

    Leanmaxxing Fapstronaut

    It’s my default feeling so it doesn’t bother me anymore but I used to smoke weed alot to cope.
    fusion47 and Mara43 like this.
  8. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    I like the app Meetup.com, tons of free activities in your local area to do with others. I like to hike, pickleball, events, and you will not have to do any of this alone.
  9. Too_horny_MF

    Too_horny_MF Fapstronaut

    Increase yo T levels and you'll be good
  10. I look for company of family, or try to contact a friend to talk (can be "real" or "virtual")
    Prayer also helps
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2023
    GP93, Ank07 and Sam78 like this.

    L.LAWLIET Fapstronaut

    Mara43 likes this.
  12. Loneliness.

    The world doesn't care. "Laugh and the world laughs with you,
    cry and you cry alone."

    So if you feel lonely, BE ALONE more.
    You don't know who you are yet.
    fusion47, Ank07, Roady and 4 others like this.

    L.LAWLIET Fapstronaut

  14. Lemon aid

    Lemon aid Fapstronaut

    Don't resist it, enjoy it. And when someone comes you won't be lonely anymore, enjoy that too.
    Wolves of Wisdom likes this.
  15. You don't have to be lonely even if nobody comes!
  16. DiegoSR

    DiegoSR Fapstronaut

    I usually go for a walk in the nature... trekking or even a simple run of 5km. That's enought for me.
    Just stay strong man
    fusion47, GP93, Ghost101 and 2 others like this.
  17. Onceagain2.0

    Onceagain2.0 Fapstronaut

    i never really felt lonely over the past 10 years until i realised i was a rocket ship crashing through orbit holding it together . later realised wtf was going on now i still dont particularly feel lonely more a life wasted by confusion and grief

    loneliness is not good for you so i dont entertain it and so i dont get lonely
    fusion47 likes this.
  18. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    Just wander around in the crowds instead of staying at home alone, gym, visit public events, I suppose. You can wander like a lone ranger, believe no one gives a fuck if u are wandering alone.
    Sam78, fusion47 and Ghost101 like this.
  19. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    Focus on your carreer goals, learn a new skill, join a hobby group.
    Sam78 and LOSEmyselftoSAVEmyself like this.
  20. Personally, now that you mention it, I think thispretty much sums up why I was stuck in the rut of PMO for so long in the first place, or wasted time trying to impress people who never truly cared.

    In the end, I was just lonely.

    Not too long ago on Rumble, I saw a video of a transgender men who was crying about how invisible he felt. Before transitioning, he was able to meet new people in a bathroom/locker room and easily get numbers and connect. However, as a man, he was shocked at how invisible he became in the eyes of most people, and left him in tears.

    I hate to pour salt on the wound, but that's just what most men are forced to live with everyday (makes you rethink movies like Taxi Driver or Fight Club, doesn't it)? Most men realize that part of their existence is to battle loneliness; in fact, imagine how much that loneliness would be if we didn't have sites like this.

    Before NoFap,I would lose myself on video sharing sites like Rumble or YouTube, and binge content I now no longer care about. Furthermore, I would play videogames well into the night, even as late as 2 a.m. Nowadays, I try to cope with book reading, but my brain is still rewiring, so it's hard to stay interested in something as mundane as a book.

    There are a lot chest beaters on this forum (with ironically low NoFap streaks) who insist men should "go hard mode" or "aim for a 90-day streak" (when they haven't done so themselves), but let's be 100% honest with ourselves for a minute. Most guys watch porn because they don't have access to a loving partner, who they can work with to satisfy each other's primal urges. That's the ultimate cure for NoFap, but most men will never get that chance in their lives (heck, most NoFap forums outright bar male users from courting female ones, which proves my point. In fact, if the female users were honest, they would admit that the reason they don't want courtship from male uers is because they subconsciously know that attractive men don't need porn, but less than stellar guys do.There! I said it).

    That's the one good thing about porn: it understands male needs, the lack ofaffection most men receive, the loneliness that rises as a result, and they market their product to them to give temporary (but highly addictive) relief. From a business standpoint, this is genius, but from a consumer standpoint, this leaves us hooked on something that serves as a mere opiod that puts a proverbial band-aid on the problem. Since porn is so addictive, degenerate and socially repudiated, most men have to keep their usage of it as a secret.

    Meanwhile, what used to be a "porn user" or "hardcore gamer" problem is now a problem worldwide. Many people are now addicted to the digital space because it's an escape from the grugdery of the real one, complete with instant gratification, endless dopamine hits, and inifinite options from competitors. So yeah, we're all lonely in this world my friend; instant gratification is the precurssor of boredom.

    You asked what to do when feeling lonely? The truth is, I have no idea. Ever since giving up porn and masturbation, I don't feel that I've gained anything, but instead that I've lost a coping mechanism. This is why I gave up my second longest streak (even without any triggers) back in 2018; I just felt lonely. I hadn't built any strong friendships at the time, nor did I belong to any community. I have those two things now, but most of my friends are twice my age and have whole families to take care of; with my changing schedule, it's hard to go and see them. Most people my age meanwhile are lost in the digital world, and I can't relate to them because we're too different.

    So to answer your question: I don't know what to do. I just browse NoFap after work (just like today) because there aren't that many people to talk to in the real world. With the motivation to improve ourselves highly tied to communities and external validation (see Maslows heirarchy of needs), I feel my incentive to hit the gym and self-improve is nothing short of borrowed time.

    Please try to feel better friend.
    fusion47, Ghost101, pete379 and 3 others like this.