Going on a 50 day streak

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Blackshut, Feb 4, 2023.

  1. JoeBimbo

    JoeBimbo Fapstronaut

    Funny. I experience the biggest urges half way the second/third week. You need to have a routine in place. How do you structure your day? Do you mind your Social Media/Youtube usage? Do you eat healthy? Do you go to bed on time? Do you workout/meditate?
    This all matters!
  2. JoeBimbo

    JoeBimbo Fapstronaut

    By the way, I do not accept any wiggle room from the PMO demon. I'm in war with PMO and it needs to know its place
  3. JoeBimbo

    JoeBimbo Fapstronaut

    Day 59

    Woke up with morning wood and it didn’t go away. It felt my dick was on fire. I don’t know what triggered it, but it didn’t cause any urges in me. I took a couple of breaths and had to make effort for it to go away.

    Went to mindfulness course yesterday and had plenty of opportunity to meditate. The rest of the day was spent sitting in the garden and enjoying the weather. I haven't taken my ADHD meds for a week as I felt more peaceful with myself, but my GF asked me to start yesterday again. The meds work great and I feel more vigor. I especially am more able to take my GF along in my process.

    Went out for a run, took a long walk and did my dumbbell workout. Didn’t do the push ups.

    Watched half an hour of Netflix. Was underwhelmed by Fubar, so I tried watching Black Knight. That’s a really cool TV show.

    I did 4 sessions and spent 45 minutes meditating. 2 of the 4 sessions were at the mindfulness course and the other sessions were done at home.

    Your Brain On Porn/Study:
    I read about triggers. You can avoid trigger pathways for months, but the pathways will always again be activated when do the activity that triggered it. E.g.: when instagram is your trigger to do PMO, that pathway will be activated when you access Instagram again. Even if you haven’t accessed it for months. So beware!

    I bought a new book that is recommended in a different thread. The book is called Dopamine Nation and touches upon the overconsumption of Dopamine in our society. It also speaks about how we become a slave to our senses, because we actively chase more and more highs.

    I feel great. Slept well and started my routine on time. Woke up at 5:30 and fell back asleep.
  4. JoeBimbo

    JoeBimbo Fapstronaut

    Day 60

    The counter hit 60, but it still feels like yesterday when my GF found P on ny telephone and wanted to leave me. From that moment onward, I decided to change my life. Not for my GF, but because I couldn’t live seeing myself like this.

    Fapping had become a way to relieve stress and tension, a drug when I was sad, angry or just bored. PMO was always around the corner and, unknowingly, recruited me for his band of slaves.

    The past 60 days feel like a journey in which I had to make the first steps in battling a 23 year old addiction. And I realize it will maybe take another 23 years to densensitise everything, but I endeavor to get my life back.

    Went for a walk and did my dumbbell workout. Did 20 push ups. Intend to move my workout to the afternoon.

    Watched a bit of Netflix, but was busy with other things. That said, I must actively prevent myself from finding different channels on which I consume televised content. For example, when my Netflix time is up, I'm not supposed to go to Amazon Prime or to Udemy.

    I did 2 sessions and spent 25 minutes meditating.

    Your Brain On Porn/Study:
    In YBOP, the author speaks of Sensitized pathways of addicts. He speaks of pathways that if ‘fire together, they wire together’. E.g.: if you watch really disturbing shit, it will make you aroused. Or if you’re sad and you fap your sadness away, you're used to always grab the pee pee when the going gets tough. According to a study in the book where they compared this addiction to the pathways of alcohol abuse, it might take up to 20+ years to desensitize these pathways. So give yourself time.

    Slept late, as I had to bring my GF back home. However, I feel great and finished my routine.
    fortissimoBlues likes this.
  5. fortissimoBlues

    fortissimoBlues Fapstronaut

    So you consider educational videos on Udemy bad as well?
    JoeBimbo likes this.
  6. JoeBimbo

    JoeBimbo Fapstronaut

    No, not at all. It's more useful to watch Udemy than to watch Netflix, because you can actively practise your skills.

    But what happens is that my interests tend to move to Udemy when my Netflix time is over. That's not the idea. I can't have my cake and eat it too. That's more what I'm trying to say.
  7. Johny Br0

    Johny Br0 New Fapstronaut

    Day 0 let's do it
    JoeBimbo likes this.
  8. JoeBimbo

    JoeBimbo Fapstronaut

    Day 61

    Had a sex dream and it was hella weird. Not arousing, but just weird. The images that I dreamed were P images and I guess after 60+ days, the P comes out. I felt dirty when I woke up, but nothing else.

    Had some long talks with my GF to speak things through. I have been so fixated with building my company that I'm not anticipating triggers, as I've ascribed local hairdressers for my company. Or to considering to work with Social Media for a potential customer. Those doors need to stay shut, as they can lead to triggers. My GF sees that, but I didn’t. I finally, with her help and patience, come to see this.

    Moved my workout to the afternoon. Did a rigorous dumbbell workout, but no pushups. Took a long walk in the evening.

    Watched an hour of Netflix. I do that before 17:00. My evening is reserved for important things.

    I only had time for 5 minutes of meditation without jeopardizing my bedtime.

    Your Brain On Porn/Study:
    In the beginning of my journey, my GF sent me a post of a lady who described how it felt to lose your SO to porn. The lady also gradually descended to a deep depression because she felt that she couldn’t satisfy her SO anymore. That post woke me up to the horrors of PMO and I'm grateful that that could reach me.

    Slept a bit later and changed my evening routine to still manage to go to bed on time. Feel rested, but woke up at 3 AM. Don’t know why, but had a hard time falling asleep. At 4 AM I fell back asleep.
  9. JoeBimbo

    JoeBimbo Fapstronaut

    Day 62

    Had a busy day with some intense talks, but I finished something that I liked. So I was happy. No urges. Morning wood this morning, but no problem not touching it. I had dreams again, but this time not sexual. I never remember my dreams, my since a few days ago they stick.

    Did my dumbbell workout and finished it off with 26 push ups. Took a long walk in the evening.

    Didn’t even manage to watch an hour of Netflix. Don’t miss it.

    Meditated for 25 minutes. Tried a guided loving kindness meditation for the first time, but didn’t like it at all. Not for me at the moment.

    Your Brain On Porn/Study:
    I learned that a reboot will induce withdrawal symptoms. These withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, depression, tiredness, insomnia, irritability, aches and mood swings. I sometimes feel a bit down at times, but I now know it is a withdrawal symptoms. It’s not me, as it is the vestiges of the PMO addiction leaving the body.

    Slept a bit later as I was still busy baking desserts. I feel rested. Could finish my evening routine, but everything was a bit later.
  10. Tan Korrey

    Tan Korrey Fapstronaut

    Well written my friend!! And well done!
    JoeBimbo likes this.
  11. Tan Korrey

    Tan Korrey Fapstronaut

    Day 4
    Feeling like I am in control, need to face the night that my girlfriend works, those are the hardest. Other than that hoping to finish the first PM-free week successfully.
    JoeBimbo likes this.
  12. JiuJitsuGuy

    JiuJitsuGuy Fapstronaut

    Good for you, but if you don't be careful, you will start relapsing more and more and eventually getting back to the old habits.

    My personal best was about 135 days. Then I started relapsing like once every 3 weeks, then every 15 days, then every 7 days... then 3 days.. than BAM.. could not stop anymore.
    I'm on my 3rd day today. It's soo hard
    Tan Korrey and JoeBimbo like this.
  13. JoeBimbo

    JoeBimbo Fapstronaut

    Day 63

    Was busy yesterday, but stopped early. Had the chance to rewind a bit and prepare food before I would pick up my lovely GF. Dinner was lovely and the desserts were a success. I really liked learning this elaborate new recipe.

    My GF and I became intimate, but didn’t have sex. I brought her back home very late.

    Did my dumbbell workout. No walk yesterday.

    Watched 20 minutes of Netlix and 15 minutes of a documentary on another platform.

    Meditated for 5 minutes. Not much time to fit meditation in. Intend to get more minutes in today.

    Your Brain On Porn/Study:
    Read in Your Brain On Porn the reason why a cold turkey reboot is needed. When you intermittently use PMO, the compulsion to do it gets stronger. That's why consistent abstinence makes the reboot much easier

    Slept a late as I brought my GF home. I feel tired and dreamt again
  14. JoeBimbo

    JoeBimbo Fapstronaut

    Your post shows me that it is vital to find ways to keep the streak. And that relapse only will lead to relapse, right?
  15. Tan Korrey

    Tan Korrey Fapstronaut

    Day 5
    All good mi amigos
    JoeBimbo likes this.
  16. JoeBimbo

    JoeBimbo Fapstronaut

    Day 64

    Visited my parents yesterday and spent big part of the day there. No chance to have urges or to do my job. Came back around dinner and started to cook right away. Tried out a new recipe and really loved it.

    Didn’t do my workout, as I didn’t manage to do it in the afternoon. Doing it in the evening will disrupt my routine. Took a long walk and got my steps in.

    Watched 30 minutes of a documentary on Netlix about Martial Arts. Pretty cool

    Meditated for 25 minutes. Felt calm and peaceful after finishing.

    Your Brain On Porn/Study:
    Started in Dopamine Nation. Turns out the book and the writer really focus on porn addiction, but pull it broader to an overload of dopamine to the system.

    Read in YBOP and they say that rebooting doesn’t guarantee that a person who has had P problems can safely return to P in the future. Many guys learn this the hard way and think they can go back to their old routines now their pee pee is saluting them again. In case you had the hope you can one day return to P, I suggest you to get this out of your head. This will not help you in recovery.

    Slept on time and feel rested.
    KyloFinn and IceFire2023 like this.
  17. JoeBimbo

    JoeBimbo Fapstronaut

    Day 65

    Had a workday yesterday and was busy with all sorts of things. Was speaking things through with my GF and went to bed far too late.

    Did my work out in the afternoon. Took a long walk in the evening.

    Watched 30 minutes of Fubar on Netflix. It was okay.

    Managed to get 30 minutes of meditation in. 3 sessions

    Your Brain On Porn/Study:
    Read a lot in Dopamine Nation and a lot on NoFap. The writer in Dopamine Nation spoke of a trial they did on rats where they injected them with cocaine after they performed desirable behavior. On this coke high, the rats started to run around in their cages. 1 year later, that’s an eternity in a rat life, they still performed the same behavior after not having that high for a whole year. The brain was forever changed. When we are overcoming our addiction, know that it has changed your brain. It needs to change back

    Slept late and feel tired, but I'll be okay.
    Tan Korrey likes this.
  18. Tan Korrey

    Tan Korrey Fapstronaut

    Day 7
    Good progress, waiting for my first-night-alone challenge.
    JoeBimbo likes this.
  19. JoeBimbo

    JoeBimbo Fapstronaut

    Good progress! Resist the temptation and find something else to do until you fall asleep
  20. BKSN

    BKSN Fapstronaut

    Challenge accepted
    JoeBimbo likes this.