A Confession

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Masquerade, Oct 30, 2015.

  1. Masquerade

    Masquerade Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone. Its been a while since i check this site because i was too busy with my life. I could go this much days of PMO free and i do enjoy all the positive things happened to me because of this. But for the past 3 days i've been looking to some hot pictures. Not much hardcore but still to sexually arousing materials sometime or the other. I never masturbated to it. I still feel fresh mentally and physically but today i realised its bad and it can trick me to the 'old me' again and i do not want it to happen.
    I never consider this a relapse because it never done anything harm to my positive aspects. My long streak still continues for a better life more.

    I really understood the meaning and important of NOFAP in our life. I really mean it guys. Keep going on your journey. God protects you all.
  2. Marz.Magician

    Marz.Magician Fapstronaut

    Same thing has happened to myself over the last few weeks. I had found the strength somehow to just say no and take a long breather to reflect. The way i see it is, its just the minds way of tricking us back to our old selves on the path of destruction, as this monster within is being perished from us not feeding it anymore.

    Im glad to hear that u refrained MO and continue your battle..
  3. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    I just wanted to note i love how people get poetical in this site. In my opinion it is a wonderful way of seeing the addiction as it really is and defeating it by knowing thyself and if we would know thyself we wouldn't harm ourselves would we? But no the mind tricks us of believing we are this... this alternate zombie version, which only wants to desecrate our body - THE TEMPLE until there's nothing left but ruin. It's all in our minds and we have the power to control it, WE HAVE THE POWER WITHIN US!
  4. volt2187

    volt2187 Guest

    Glad you realized it's bad to do and you've put a stop to it. Yesterday and this morning I had temptations to visit a few of my old sites I frequented to see the new updates (as I did EVERY DAMN DAY before deciding to put an end to this), but I told myself that I can't do it because it's gonna just lead me down that path again at some point and it's not worth it. It's hard to do but rewarding when you can have the willpower to say no.
  5. Masquerade

    Masquerade Fapstronaut

    Yes. I consider that i have watched Synthetic Porn materials. Just some sexy images and not more. And moreover When I struggled not to go back to the old me then I feel More Stronger now. Its a Good sign that I am responsible for my mind and Its not controlling me :)