Worried about the future after nofap - PE/ED/flatline

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by strugglinginlife, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. Hi all,

    This is my first ever nofap post. If I’m honest, I’m terrified of what will happen.

    In January this year (2014) I managed to abstain from all PMO for almost a whole month. I slipped in early February for a weekend, then had another 2 weeks of clean time, followed by another weekend slip. So basically a clean January and a messy February.

    Last week I had sex with a girl that I fancied and what happened terrified me. I lasted only around a minute before finishing. We tried again later and I struggled to maintain an erection and we had to give up. This has never happened to me before. Sex was always something that I was good at… although, if I’m honest, I was starting to suffer from DE and often found it hard to finish.

    I feel like nofap and total abstinence is what I need to do – more on my addiction in a sec – but I am genuinely scared of what the effects will be in the bedroom afterwards. I’m embarrassed to say that being good in bed made me feel good – but sadly it’s true.

    Re. my addiction: I’m 100% a porn addict. I’m 34, single, have never had a proper relationship (just lots of random encounters), and all my friends are married. My porn viewing has escalated from vanilla stuff to now including all sorts of horrible and degrading fetishes (with me being the one being degraded) which I’m very embarrassed about. But I can’t stop.

    I’ve been going to SAA for almost a year and a half now. Last year I got 11 months clean time from porn but was still allowing myself to masturbate twice per week. After a huge relapse in month 12 I decided that the masturbation would need to go too (as it was allowing me to basically play porn movies in my head)

    As I’m single it’s basically hard mode for me.

    I’m quite scared about the future. Will nofap (which seems the best option) ruin my ability to have good sex? What if nofap causes PE and ED but fixes DE (fixing one thing but breaking two others)? Will I ever beat this? Will I ever meet an understanding girl?

    Any help or advice you can give me would really be appreciated.

  2. aaron92

    aaron92 Fapstronaut

  3. NoFapAsian

    NoFapAsian Fapstronaut

    Buddy. You seem very successful with women, based on what you're saying about random encounters. Women are attracted to you and you have no problem getting sex. So why are you watching porn? It's ridiculous. It's like saying that you can play professional tennis but you prefer playing it on the computer. Please just stop masturbation. It wastes energy, time, motivation, concentration, and sexual desire. Just don't touch your penis and all of these things will come back slowly. The earlier you start nofap the better chance you have of recovering. Don't let it take over your life. Good luck buddy.
  4. SlavenoMore

    SlavenoMore Fapstronaut

    Man, that was good!

    strugglinginlife, sometimes I think our brain tricks us in questioning ourselves during NO PMO. I think it is safe to say that NO PMO will never make your life worse. Your chemical balance will be what it should be in first place, so keep on the fight!