47 days in, should i keep going or quit?

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by TheCarver, May 25, 2023.

  1. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    my main goal of doing this (and my health) is to have the ability to go out and approach girls but im still nervous, anxiety driven, and hesitant in doing it. with summer approaching us theres tons of hot women at my local grocery store and i get mad and beat up myself up about it because i cant do it and its too hard (and no i dont care about rejection either, been rejected a 100 times in the past) im too socially awkward which is killing it for me right now and i thought with a long streak of nofap it would go away.

    well, i finally said to myself “i had enough and that i need this” so i take cold showers daily, do pushups, head out and i started starting taking baby steps by complimenting women on their apparel (i usually comment on their shoes) i so far approached multiple women but even with that i still get hesitant, pause, walk around, but i still end up doing it.

    i wanted to get everyones thoughts on this would work or a total bust? in my own opinion since i think not. im gonna say progressive desensitization dont work because my brain is not panicking thinking im gonna apparoach with the intentions of dating that person so its still a little on edge, but its “ok” i read alot of articles suggesting it like “asking 10 strangers for directions” which is dumb and i would never do it because of this day and age where we have google maps and whatnot, but i don’t know.
  2. lostguy

    lostguy Fapstronaut

    Dont even THINK about quitting, if you want to ever attract women that is.
    Once you've been a few hundred days in you'll stop putting women on a pedestal because you wont be addicted to them anymore. Youll just go after what attracts you. That will get results.
    Stream07, Adnilgo, 500 and 1 other person like this.
  3. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    if only it were that even simple.
    Prophet Harry and GhostShell like this.
  4. GhostShell

    GhostShell Fapstronaut

    Definitely don't quit. It can take months for you to get benefits from quitting porn. You're 47 days in, so you're right around the corner from when benefits might start to come in. I've gone ~4 months before, and started to see serious benefits after around ~2 months.

    There was a guy in the 1800s who was digging for gold, and gave up less than a foot away from a gold vein, don't be that guy.
  5. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    dont have a problem with porn, just masturbating. but i guess same shit giving you that artificial pleasure.
  6. lostguy

    lostguy Fapstronaut

    itll never be simple unless you're just super attractive. but what pmo can do is trick your brain into thinking that theres a way to bypass all of that by just clicking a few buttons or thinking a few thoughts. So the less you put that in your brain, the less stressful it will be because you "have" to approach women.
    Silnik likes this.
  7. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    what never be simple? approaching? damn guess im just ugly then.
  8. lostguy

    lostguy Fapstronaut

    How do you know? You just said your a masturbation addict!
  9. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    from the looks of it, you were going by that other guys comment “let women come to you” so thats what i gathered.
  10. ArchonBlue

    ArchonBlue Fapstronaut

    If you're struggling with social anxiety, you should try therapy. Quitting porn will help you stop obsessing over/objectifying women but it's not going to cure your social anxiety. It's just a piece of the puzzle, not a panacea.
    nomo and luxtorpeda like this.
  11. ArchonBlue

    ArchonBlue Fapstronaut

    I see a lot of posts on this forum where people are exhibiting symptoms of mental illness and they think quitting porn will solve it. It will help, but if you are really struggling, quitting porn alone is not going to cut it.
    Stream07, knapsack and luxtorpeda like this.
  12. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    yeah i been to thearpy in the past, didnt do much for me. i think even my therapist gave up on me a little, cause she couldn’t really figure out what was going on. she thought that maybe i was autistic or had ADHD, i tested negative for both. it just turned out i had a low IQ (intellectual disability)

    been on several SSRIS aswell and also didnt go well for me for number one not even making a dent in my social anxiety, and 2 it just gave me bad side effects like mad me angry all the time and aggressive. got off all that crap and never looked back since.
  13. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    if i had an addiction to porn, which i don’t.
  14. Prophet Harry

    Prophet Harry Fapstronaut

    That's not a very practical advice, brother.
  15. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    1) Don't quit, any type of challenge is good for you.
    2) Approaching girls when you have anxiety is hard, congratulations for trying!
    3) I'm not an expert but maybe start a conversation with a question about something you want to talk about. The problem with saying "nice shoes" it doesn't lead to much open conversation. Most girls will say thank you and walk off if you don't have a follow-up.
    4) What do you like to do or talk about? If I approached a girl, I would say something like do you live near here? If they say yes, maybe ask them what restaurants they like to go to nearby, then ask them what types of food do they like, etc. Ask anything that's open-ended, ask any question that can't be answered with No, Yes, or Thank you.
  16. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    no, im not approaching using those lines. im just trying to practice and desensitize myself to approaching people.
  17. pmofreeliving

    pmofreeliving Fapstronaut

    You're just at the start of this journey so it's normal to feel this way. Don't quit, you've come a long way and you are starting to do positive things in your life. Doing pushups is amazing, and approaching girls is great. I would recommend to find some other hobbies in your life and keep going. The thing with anything is that the more you do it, the more comfortable you will be with whatever thing that is. If it's pmoing, the more you do, the more you will continue to do. If it's NoFap, the more you do, the more you will continue to do, and if it's talking to girls, the more you will continue to do. The other thing that is important to know is that there is literally nothing to gain from pmoing, it only drains.
    Adnilgo likes this.
  18. Kn0wbie

    Kn0wbie Fapstronaut

    Buddy - I’m 10 weeks in to this journey and started as I had a problem. I thought I’d fix myself then get on with my life.

    No. This is life changing. And you won’t know or understand till you reboot and get your brain working as it was designed to.

    When you’ve been at 90 days, you can decide to go back. You can conclude the benefits aren’t that great.

    But do it before then and you’re just giving up and settling for a life less than the one you can achieve.

    Yes - a 90 day reboot is gonna be hard. Will the girls come to you? Honestly - you’ll never know unless you do it.

    So don’t take others word for it or try to decide based on your current porn fucked brain… get serious and do this - then decide.

    What’s the worst that can happen bud? It was all a lie and you lose 90 day of wanking time?

    No - don’t give up!
    Last edited: May 27, 2023
    Stream07 and Adnilgo like this.
  19. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    dont have a problem with porn.