How to find a girlfriend at university??

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by HardWorkOnly, May 12, 2023.

  1. HardWorkOnly

    HardWorkOnly Fapstronaut

    I dont have to say that,everyone has his problems and i just can hung out and have fun,if i have pied i will explain her that it is my fault.What i have done in the past doesnt matter nor i find my self as a disgusting addict. I am improving my life and changing and trying new stuff
    JustinX and 500 like this.
  2. Have you tried doing any of the events or challenges?
  3. HealingBodyandMind

    HealingBodyandMind Fapstronaut

    I’d recommend going to parties or going to a place that is a party like atmosphere, will be a lot easier to talk to a high quantity of girls in one night. Also, a better chance of strong romantic connection happening very quickly at a party
  4. I envy party people in all honesty, How they have the capacity to repeat things that happen in the news, celebrity drama, social media, Is beyond me. Its always been hard for me to understand or appreciate pop-culture, outside of the few specific things that I actually enjoy. I guess this is why I have always found it hard to make friends or meet women especially in this day and age. Because a lot of people in my neighborhood want to talk about things like Trump, The Royal Family, The Kardashians, or The Twitter/Metaverse. In the meantime I am over here wanting to talk about sports or home depot projects or anything that is reminiscent of a real conversation.
  5. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    If you want to live with wolves, you need to learn how to howl.
  6. Stay away from party environment. Your time is best invested in levelling up over entertaining ideas about dating and women. If I were your age, my priority would be to achieve financial independence as soon as I could. Working a job, this that won't do. Do something about it.

    Also, if I were you, I'd be concerned about the repeated failure to succeed in nofap. Young guys stand the best chance at sexual sublimation as your Testosterone levels are not as mature as of the adults.

    My mid 20's, i remember dominating all my colleagues in a cut throat corporate work environment. It was fun, and nofap played such a huge part in that.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2023
  7. HealingBodyandMind

    HealingBodyandMind Fapstronaut

    You don’t have to talk about the Kardashians or be a “party person”. There are a lot of people at parties or bars or clubs who just want to not think seriously for a little bit and try to purely have fun..
  8. You're looking for a girlfriend, not a one night stand, right? Would you apply the same reasoning to her? What if she hid deal breakers from you for months?
  9. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    Surely performing well in your studies should be a priority since you're at university, not getting a girlfriend? I've gone back to school and the last thing I need is some woman who constantly needs my attention.
  10. Here is my piece of advice: start working out 5 times a week. Take cold showers every day. Meditate for 10 minutes at least once a day. Attend all your classes and do your assignments. Dont fap no matter what. You have to keep yourself incredibly busy. Read at shool, not at home. Join any study group you can find. Preferably the social ones. Join social groups in your free time. At my uni we have bonfire evenings, movie nights and all sorts of events all the time. Try to do something social at least 3 times a week for at least 2 hours. Dont focus your attention on getting a girlfriend. Stay busy like I suggest here. This will make you happier and increase your odds tenfold.
  11. Also, people are not giving you bad advice. Cant you see how obsessed you appear? You seem obsessed with getting a girlfriend. A girlfriend wont change anything. You cant love her if you dont love yourself. If you follow all the advice given in this thread so far, you will see results. I dont know your psychologist but if he recommended you getting a girlfriend, he started in the wrong end.