35 and Older Accountability Group

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by artifact, Nov 24, 2018.

  1. Streak goes on, feeling strong and motivated!
    artifact, flyswat and x_Nocturnalis_x like this.
  2. Daily meditation is good, even few minutes everyday is very positive
    artifact, flyswat and born3 like this.
  3. Been struggling with getting a streak going. Lately it has been all about a work event that is now over. I was very anxious about it, I work from home so I had to physically travel a few hours away for a 2 day event. I felt totally inadequate beforehand, both in terms of work preparations, and also as a parent/husband - the fact that I was abandoning my wife and kids for 2 days.

    Now it's over, and I'm back at home, but I still feel inadequate and I have been procrastinating at work by giving in to PMO. I read somewhere that procrastination can be seen as a coping mechanism for fears that you haven't addressed. I'm afraid of being "found out" at work as someone who actually doesn't deserve a job. I'm hoping that writing this will get me back on track!
  4. koalaone

    koalaone Fapstronaut

    Checking in - going stable again and filtering everything that comes in my eyes and my ears and trying to evict any unwanted thoughts out of the mind as quickly as possible. Its working better again and I am keeping busy on another project that's of high importance to me for many reasons.
    I enjoy reading the other posts and keep encouraging you guys to keep fighting :)
    born3, flyswat and Low Tide High Tide like this.
  5. flyswat

    flyswat Fapstronaut

    Wanttosucceed likes this.
  6. flyswat

    flyswat Fapstronaut

    Keep checking in brother and fighting the good fight.
  7. BookNerd42

    BookNerd42 Fapstronaut

    Checking in, feeling optimistic, day 3
    artifact and flyswat like this.

    NICEDUDE Fapstronaut

    Checking in...
    Easter represents new life and new beginnings.
    Let's celebrate the Holy week fervently!
  9. 87Diamond

    87Diamond Fapstronaut

    Check Day Zero
    Slipped this morning unconsciously a sneak attack out of my control, ill need to find find a way to deal with it.

    Men's real value only gets created through work.

    Men's value is determine by what we can bring into and provide and only way to create real value is through work thats how you raise a man value. Look you can lose everything, girlfriend, wife, family, house, car whatever... but the truth in being able to get sweet revenge to raise your value is only by doing better which comes in the form of work.

    We are not the same species as women we don’t express our feelings and emotion to women because the truth women is seeking out a strong provider to survive they are not attracted to types of behavior even if they're saying otherwise but they know something deep down within them isn’t right, thats just the way it is since the dawn of time.

    Its okay for them to know but not an in all-depth of every movement. All she needs to understand is your working on it, if you truly care just know i love you and ill be there when you need me.

    I'd rather suggest seeking out to other men for advice.

    If you're always worried about life , your job, your sustainability, your family, and so on in return create anxiety and eventually will lead to stress and other problems of life. This worry wholesome problem needs to stop this is not a depression but a Symptom of definition meaning you need to change.

    The family may say you're different but the true reality is you're bettering yourself for everybody and in the end they'll love you more and respect you more.

    This change addition
    - Make Workout, Training and Exercise a lifestyle for the rest of your life.

    - Diet, the food you eat is important because it impact the way you feel... my suggestion cut the Dairy and Process food out. This is not to say consume less food no consume more Nutritious Food.

    - Meditation, find calmness. i get it you're busy but if you keep running the machine @100 something will eventually go wrong maybe after a long project just chill for a second my man.

    You'll be more productively efficient in being the best to solve problems coming your way.

    Just a few things i want to point @

    If you believe in god than you also have trust in him too.
    You could be struggling @edge but he could be saying hold on i need to move a few pieces i believe this will be good for you but i just can't do it right now i need more time can you be patience.
    The shit don't work if the Devil is within your temptation of cheating and screwing something over to get what you want in exchange of a bad situation, you sold out god trust within you to be patience.

    You can't say you believe in god and not trust him too.

    I been here too long just bs .........

    Financial stability
    learn to take other people money by selling something to them in form of your knowledge, your products ect..

    Value that you provide to the world
    Our job is to be the best we can be everyday

    You owe it to your fellow brother/men who's trying to be the best everyday period

    The first step is to stop watching porn you do this by jerking off instead the idea of not watching porn is the first step and after jerking off so much you'll realize how stupid it is which is not easy to do.

    wish everyone the best
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2023
    artifact and x_Nocturnalis_x like this.
  10. JJ_Kino

    JJ_Kino Fapstronaut

    Checking in.

    Feeling the urges, monk mode hard AF but feeling good about it.

    Staying sharp, staying focused.

    Happy Easter everyone, God bless.
    artifact, Alex_Al, born3 and 3 others like this.
  11. livinginhell

    livinginhell Fapstronaut

  12. born3

    born3 Fapstronaut

    Checking in. 90 days!
  13. Bernard O.

    Bernard O. Fapstronaut

    This week has been a struggle. I will overcome
    flyswat, JJ_Kino, born3 and 2 others like this.
  14. Checking in....can feel some anxiety around which is making me want to edge but I'm resisting and want to continue this streak and stay on top of things
  15. Alex_Al

    Alex_Al Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Check in ✔️
    100 days...
  16. koalaone

    koalaone Fapstronaut

    Checking in - going better.
    Still bouncing the eyes, filtering what I watch and listen to and trying to evict intruder thoughts before they take hold - the ship is stabilizing :)
    I know if I don't bounce the eyes, filter and evict every day - it will start the disaster process again.
    Alex_Al and born3 like this.
  17. born3

    born3 Fapstronaut

  18. artifact

    artifact Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    @born3 - Congrats on your 90 days! You have joined the 90 Day Hall of Achievement! :emoji_trophy: Way to go! :emoji_juggling::emoji_lifter::emoji_guitar::cool:
    flyswat, Alex_Al, koalaone and 3 others like this.
  19. born3

    born3 Fapstronaut

    Thanks :D
    Alex_Al likes this.
  20. checking in, feeling strong and wanting to continue
    artifact, flyswat and NICEDUDE like this.