Should I start next week, or month?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by suben380, Oct 23, 2015.

  1. suben380

    suben380 Guest

    Hey. I'm planning to give up fapping for good, but I'm not sure what date to start at. Next week or November? I was thinking I should start November but now I'm thinking of starting next week. I just don't want to wait anymore. I'm a little bit worried about can I give up fapping for good, since my longest streak was maybe 2 weeks before. But now I'm feeling much more excited and motivated to begin.
    Also I'm not sure how should I perform my final fap? Just get it over with in a minute or enjoy it for the last time?

    So in conclusion I feel a bit intimidated, I just want to stop fapping for good I don't want to do shorter streaks first. But I'm scared I'll do it wrong.
  2. suben380

    suben380 Guest

    Might even start tomorrow. I don't know is it bad to start in the middle of the month motivionally but whatever
  3. dding

    dding Fapstronaut

  4. poncho23

    poncho23 Fapstronaut

    I just joined nofap as well and am attempting to also stop fapping for good, I can understand the struggle you are in as i just went through it two days ago. In my opinion and that's all it is, i would start today. Planning to break an addiction in the future is just the addictions way of trying to convince you that you can handle it, which if you are like me you cant, that " just one last fap" will turn into 2 or 3 or more. over the next week you wait you'll find yourself trying to find excuses to not quit and in the long run it'll make the choice even harder, when i use to do that i would always end up saying " i can learn to control it" which i couldn't. I would say delete any adult content that you have and look up a program called " cold turkey" i downloaded the free version to help me with my first few days, they have a site list you can upload to it that will block adult content sites from your browser for a set amount of time, and the block can not be taken off till the time is up. As for your final fap, just don't do it. delete the content you have, block the sites you use and get away from your computer, I regretted deleting all my content as soon as i did it, after about an hour away from my laptop and some help from the nofap emergency app tho i was able to get over that feeling and realize that it was for the best. Why put off making yourself a better person for next week when you can make yourself a better person today? I hope this was helpful and i wish you the best in your efforts!
  5. GoAway

    GoAway Fapstronaut

    You shouldn't wait until November, but just start immediately. Think about it. If you start today, you will already be at day 8 or 9 on the 1st November instead of day 1 :)
    Kenzo89 and Phyzik like this.
  6. Handzfree

    Handzfree Distinguished Fapstronaut

    ... then don't, you have good advice above plus your own admission. Jump in the deep end and swim brother!!
  7. grADD student

    grADD student Fapstronaut

    Hey there!

    You had several thoughts and questions so I broke them down into answerable sections. Good luck on your journey!

    Your Question:
    My Reply:
    You need to start when you are motivated. You are excited to do this now, so get started. Who's to say what frame of mind you'll be in in two weeks or at the beginning of November. Think of how awesome it would be to begin November with nearly two weeks under your belt!

    Your Question:
    My Reply:
    How did you perform your most recent fap? That seems like it was a good way to stop.

    Your Fear:
    My Reply:
    You're doing it right. You are asking the community for help. The right way to do it is the way that works best for you. You'll find tons of tools here if you look. By tools, I mean resources, not the people. :p
    suben380 likes this.
  8. pedro0795

    pedro0795 Fapstronaut

    Dude, start it now!
  9. suben380

    suben380 Guest

    I'm a little scared about some things though. What if I get to day 1000? Then relapse? I would probably die.
    I just want to forget about fapping, and never do it again. Is it bad to count days? Is it bad to visit these forums, because they remind about the fact that fapping exists?
    This all seems so scary. But I'll do it.
  10. JoePineapples

    JoePineapples Fapstronaut

    No time like the present!
    suben380 likes this.
  11. grADD student

    grADD student Fapstronaut

    My Reply:
    My coach one time told me that the only people who overcome in a sport are those who play to win, not those who play to "not lose". There's a great proverb about a farmer who wouldn't go out to tend his field because one day their might be a lion out there that would eat him. He died of starvation. The only way that you can guarantee that you'll want to die is if you continue your present pattern.

    My Reply:
    I want to just forget about it too. The problem is that pornography is pervasive and you really can't escape it. Check your email, go to reddit, or get on facebook. Anywhere you go there's something fappable. What's worse, if you are addicted, your brain is trained to go back to pornography. It believes that it needs that fix. So if you just try to pretend it isn't there, you body/mind physiologically will remind you. So, visiting the forums is good because you're not going to forget about porn. Therefore, you need a resource that will help you fight it.

    My Reply:
    And that is why you have a greater chance of success my friend. Good luck!