Testicular eczema: Going crazy

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by available_username, Mar 25, 2023.

  1. available_username

    available_username Fapstronaut

    Hi guys,

    Been just a week since I went Nofap, but that's a discussion for another topic: My issue is intense testicular itching, caused by eczema.
    Afraid that this might cause a relapse, and also due to the new found energy by starting my Nofap streak, I am now completely and utterly fed up with this itching. As typical for testicular eczema, the ithcing comes in waves: One moment there is nothing, the next minute there is an absolutely, horribly intense itching, and scratching this produces one of the most orgasmic pleasures.. Briefly, needlessly to say.

    It is clear that this whole cyle is very similar for what we all are here for, and like Nofap, I want to go Noscratch on this. Trust me: Nofap is so much easier than this shit, but that's because this is an actual medical condition which creates pulses of nearly literally unwithstandable urges to scratch.

    What are your remedies against it? I am so fed up..
  2. Rakan.jr

    Rakan.jr Fapstronaut

    Use Bioderma skin care cream, after using this product my eczema has disappeared after 4 applications approximately.
  3. waynebruce

    waynebruce Fapstronaut

    This is gonna sound weird and maybe over-sharing here but..I had this trouble and tried bunch of eczema type cream and hydrocortisone and nothing helped. I finally tried a diaper rash cream Desitin I think and I just use that once in awhile. And works. Probably should see dermatologist though
    available_username likes this.
  4. available_username

    available_username Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys, Ill take a look.
    Meanwhile, I had read that dairy consumption might worsen it, since 3 daya I dont consume any. Even though there is still some itching, it is much better manageable. Still, it is too early to say it definitely helps, so I will abstain for atleast a week.

    I had already tried some creama but only worsened it. What did help though were oils, like argan oil or coconut. Still, just a temporary relief.