What church are you from?

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

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  1. Stommy

    Stommy Fapstronaut

    The forum is Christian. We all have the Lord Jesus as our Way, but what church are you from?

    I am a Catholic of the Latin rite.

    And you?
    CPilot likes this.
  2. Stommy

    Stommy Fapstronaut

    simple curiosity. I didn't want to create controversy or division. Please delete the thread if you want ...
    excuse me.
  3. Nope, all good! Intent matters, though, so I was just curious, too.

    I have been part of a local network of "simple churches" for a few years now. Terrific folks.
  4. Stommy

    Stommy Fapstronaut

    What do you mean when you say local network of simple churches?
    I ask you because I do not know that reality and also I am a great lover of the history and sociology of religions. In particular the various Christian denominations.
  5. Oldmeback

    Oldmeback Fapstronaut

    I was raised Lutheran, but the last several years I have been going to a non-denominational church. I’m a big believer in sticking to what the Bible says. My church seems to follow that well and apply the teachings to today’s life.
    Last edited: May 4, 2022
  6. Oldmeback

    Oldmeback Fapstronaut

    This sounds similar to my church. Our pastors aren’t professionally trained, but have a good knowledge of the Bible. I enjoy the non-structured environment, I think it lets people follow where God is calling them.
  7. https://simplechurchalliance.com/
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  8. I'm part of a local church network, they are protestant, but apart from that, it's unclear what they believe. It's called equmenia which is a merge of baptists, methodists, and another Swedish church. What this means doctrinally is unclear.
  9. I have good memories of the traditional protestant church. Unfortunately they are quite liberal these days with their interpretation of the gospel and with their interpretation of biblical norms and values in particular.
    oretna and SwedishViking like this.
  10. Yes, that's sad. It's the same here in Sweden. It's like the current culture is trying to get interpreted into the bible, to fit today's evil world. You think you'd find Christians at church, but then you find out they support abortion, fornication, homosexuality and other sins. Many go to church, but get their doctrine from Satan. I think we all have to do something about this, with help from God of course.
    oretna and ChasteGuy like this.
  11. I was raised Latin Catholic but I am Baptist now.
  12. F14

    F14 Fapstronaut

    I was raised Lutheran Missouri Synod, got married moved ended up at a non-denominational church for a while. Having kids and going through Covid made me long for solid biblically based theology and doctrine so my wife and I made a difficult decision to move to a confessional, liturgical Lutheran church. I absolutely love it and appreciate it so much more now.
    CPilot and Tao Jones like this.
  13. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    I am Roman Catholic Christian. I love the graces our church affords me through Holy Mass and the Sacraments and I appreciate the extensive training and wisdom of our priests. My career required me to travel internationally and domestically and I missed my family on every single trip. However, when I stepped into the local Catholic church for Sunday mass, I was not lonely. I was at home even if I didn't understand much of the local language.

    I know our church has suffered from some corrupt priests and I deeply regret the harm they have caused. I am sure God will judge them harshly. However, I would also like people to know that I attended 12 years of Catholic school (both in California and the deep southern US), I was an altar boy, I was a member of two Catholic boy scout troops and I played on a Catholic basketball team. Never, during all of those years did an adult, religious or lay person, approach me in an inappropriate manner.
    F14 and Tao Jones like this.
  14. I’m a member of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church which Christ founded and whom He gave the keys of His authority to St Peter; As there is no salvation outside of Him there is no salvation outside His Church.

    Some here think no church has it all correct, but such persons deceive themselves since to claim that no church has the fullness of truth is simply the person attributing to themselves the mark of the fullness of truth; For how can they claim that there isn’t One Church with the fullness of Truth if they have not attributed to themselves the authority to determine it so?

    The irony is those who deny the authority of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, the Papal office, and its infallibility, simply seek not to get rid of the Papacy but to usurp it by making themselves Pope. Yes, they believe only their interpretation, their feelings, and their reasons are “lead by the Spirit”. Look at the fruits of all of these false popes; Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, and on and on to the present day. Thousands of Protestant Churches which don’t know agree on anything in unity other than their hatred for Christs Catholic Church. Much like the demons who hate each other but find a common unity only in hating Christ.

    Sadly, this group is based on a false ecumenism, motivated by human respect, which if not rejected will lead a lot of souls to damnation.

    While I’m sure this will get deleted, in charity I just wanted to post that you have been warned. The person who deletes this will need many prayers as they will have much to answer for on the day of Judgment. As we all will.
  15. While your view on things outside of your home church environment is a bit hazy, I think -- and comparing your brothers and sisters in Christ to demons who hate Christ is unhelpfully inflammatory -- I receive your words in love, as I am sure was your intent. In charity, I will leave your post up as a fair warning to all of us outside the Catholic church.

    But we do not argue theology in this forum. Any further posts in that line will be removed. Thank you for your understanding.
    Auggie likes this.
  16. Thank you as it was my intent. To clarify, I don’t view individual Protestants or those outside the Church as demons, I view the theologies of their churches as being demonic; regardless, it was a poor choice of words and for that I do apologize.
  17. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    First and foremost, let all Christians be guided by these words:

    Matthew 22; 36 - 40
    “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.” RSV-CE

    Speaking as a Catholic who loves his faith and owes so much to what it has given me, I can see that when I let my love for my faith lead me away from the first or the second of these two commandments, I am in the wrong place. Certainly that must be true for all of us.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2023
  18. But what is a true example of this? I don’t know about you, but I personally would like to be warned if I’m on the wrong path, especially if such a path has eternal consequences. Which of my brethren then expresses true charity towards me? Is it the individual who, despite the uncomfortable nature of the task, tries to instruct me because they believe in their heart that I’m on the wrong path, or is it the individual who stays silent, against their conscience, and allows me to continue down the wrong path because they don’t want to hurt my feelings or the feelings of others? Which one of those truly care about me and are expressing charity?

    Me personally, I will say I view any non-Catholic who tells me I’m on the path to hell for following the Catholic Church as being truly charitable towards me than the non-Catholic who, against their conscience, remains silent out of fear of hurting my feelings or the feelings of others.
  19. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    As you infer, a false prophet is an aberration to God and a detriment to man and I agree that includes those who simply tell people what they want to hear.

    However, this forum exists to help people find freedom from an insidious and addictive sin through the grace of God. There are other sites and means to debate one's choice of church. Let us not divert the focus here in this way. I am shutting down this thread for that reason.
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