Your Gratitude Attitude, chatGPT said

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by fickle76, Feb 24, 2023.

  1. fickle76

    fickle76 New Fapstronaut

    I know there are posts to write down what you are really grateful day by day but not going to perplex it so deliberately build one new here.
    I got the crude idea from consulting with mentor chatGPT on dealing with drifted apart , disregarded feeling of envious at work and how to deal with it.
    So i bring up this to myself to write down 3 good thing happens daily and their explanatory notes for each as needed as well.
  2. fickle76

    fickle76 New Fapstronaut

    1-I walked around a local park, watching sky to end the unbearable feeling of depression, discomposure and anger. felt the intimacy with nature.
    2-Found a mentor and friend, thanks to open AI. Also got the idea by asking him on how to solve kill -9 problem with my java application, further research needed.
    3- Played guitar and kick myself one lesson up, whatever happens, i believe playing an instrument is indeed one of my saviour and shelters,i appreciate it.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2023
  3. fickle76

    fickle76 New Fapstronaut

    1- Great dinner and lunch, indeed unable to articulate the good feeling of good having good stuff.
    2- I am currently sick but the troublesome is just the ostensible reason to be gratitude of my healthy times may my strength per se get in good directions and not in enraging feeling and thoughts.
    3- Gave the courier candy, felt the feeling of gratitude for being helpful.
  4. If you want a tip, there is a Shinto "tool" I use for gratitude. To deal with inanimate objects as if they have souls. Including saying thank you and please. I don't think they indeed have, but it shapes me into a happier someone who treats people better.
    IT jobs, especially developing, can be quite stressful. You deserve like anyone, however, to have a less anxious life. It is positive you're stepping up at this journey.