Why Do I Find Femboy Porn So Hot ?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Massimo2002, Jan 31, 2023.

  1. Massimo2002

    Massimo2002 Fapstronaut

    I Just Jerked Off To A Femboy Or Crossdresser And Now I Feel Terrible. Maybe I Like To Abuse Myself For Pleasure.
    9999ss likes this.
  2. Massimo2002

    Massimo2002 Fapstronaut

    Thanks I Will Keep Trying But It's So Hard Sometimes.
  3. loneloan

    loneloan Fapstronaut

    Residual memory ,maybe? Male warrior-conquerors used to take slave-boys for un-natural deeds way back then(or maybe not SO back then ie;US and UK marines raping local kids in afghanistan\iraq etc).
    this doesnt mean you are an ancient conqueror,no...it just means the "mental being" is there and should be fought. Try to imagine what the "fem"boy looks like if he stops shaving? us men are...hairy ,you know. armpits, shoulders etc, femboys are like that too,they just shave minutely
  4. OLLIE_100

    OLLIE_100 Fapstronaut

    It’s the feeling of shame and guilt that makes you relapse and feel these things, you are not a bad person for watching these things but if you continue to do it in the long run your mental state and wellbeing will get worse so stop now, right now today so you can begin to feel better about yourself again. Keep your head up bro things will get better for you.
    Massimo2002 likes this.
  5. Massimo2002

    Massimo2002 Fapstronaut

    Thanks But It's Not Easy Because I Am Addicted To Femboy/transwoman Porn. But I Know That It Would Help To Clar My Brain.
  6. OLLIE_100

    OLLIE_100 Fapstronaut

    Nothing good in life comes easy but that’s the beauty of it, if you really want to change your life and these negative feelings then it is best to commit to Nofap as it can really change your life for the better.
    Son_Of_GodSource and Massimo2002 like this.
  7. mdz

    mdz Fapstronaut

    Your taste escalated into Femboy/Transwoman porn. That is quite common for porn addicts. After a long time of sobriety these fetishes and tastes will weaken. A good sign is when they dont appear in your dreams so often anymore.

    Same femboy thing happened to me. Now after some years I feel not even an ounce of attraction to them anymore.
    Son_Of_GodSource and Massimo2002 like this.
  8. Massimo2002

    Massimo2002 Fapstronaut

  9. lowkeysonly

    lowkeysonly Fapstronaut

    Read your brain on porn if you want a scientific explanation. It's common for porn users do escalate into things that previously did not turn them on. It's basically your addict brain needing more and more dopamine fixes.
  10. JiuJitsuGuy

    JiuJitsuGuy Fapstronaut

    I think you are asking the wrong question. You should ask: "How can I get rid of these unnatural fetishes, fantasies and stop porn addiction that is running my life?"
  11. penisman1984

    penisman1984 Fapstronaut

    Why? Escalation. If you watch a man and a woman have okay normal vanilla sex for a couple of times, it'll start to get boring. Eventually you'll escalate to shit you wouldn't even like. It's common in addictions that isn't porn. Drug users have to escalate to harder drugs and dosages. Alcoholics can't get drunk off a couple of beers so they start drinking liquor.

    I am a straight dude that is also struggling with escalating to femboy and crossdressing porn. I didn't like that before and I know transwomen in my life who I am not attracted to. I've even read several anecdotes of gay dudes escalating to pictures of women and then being ashamed.

    You aren't alone. Porn escalation is a horrible thing. Stop watching porn for a year or two and your sexuality will revert back to it's natural state.
    JiuJitsuGuy and Mr.Tony like this.
  12. JiuJitsuGuy

    JiuJitsuGuy Fapstronaut

    As it was mentioned above "Porn escalation is a horrible thing"... I agree. For all my life until I was 21, I was never interested in transwomen and gay porn. ... but when I got access to high-speed internet... regular porn got boring.. then I started seeing all porn categories, until one day I started watching transwomen porn that eventually lead me to gay porn. But every time I watched these, I felt so ashamed and guilty. But over time, it got normal.

    Until recently I was still watching transwomen porn, but not gay..(I realized it's not my thing), although, for some time, I was questioning my own sexuality.

    With pornography, we just end up exploring what is out there because we just care about dopamine. We end up consuming whatever shit is produced and published. Once we can find these niches, we lose ourselves in it, consume it, and then feel like shit again. Over and over and over.

    We get so drunk with it that we don't know what we used to be and what we used to feel. We only remember the dopamine high, the constant shit feeling after, and the urges to get more. To get more, we go hunting again for the next horrible video with a more shocking content, and it goes on and on. The more shocking it gets, the more numb you will get. That's why regular relationships don't work for porn addicts.

    There's only one way to get better. STOP watching porn forever. Whenever you watch it again, the cycle comes back, there's no way to beat the cycle unless you stop.