Did you delete Instagram to help you quit?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by superstorm250, Dec 7, 2022.

  1. superstorm250

    superstorm250 Fapstronaut

    I don’t think this gets talked about enough and I was wondering if anyone here has done this. There’s just so many girls on Instagram that post thirst traps and many of them use Instagram to promote their OnlyFans page if they have one. Just seems like Instagram is a place where temptation is around every corner and if you’re trying to quit PMO, its probably better to stay off Instagram.
  2. from2003

    from2003 Fapstronaut

    Yes bro to be honest with you I am avodiing Instagram for like past 2 years and it help me a lot however I can't get update of what's happening on internet OK it is not important to get aware of every stupid thing internet is just for fun and destroy the future while wasting the time and bro I 100% recommend you that you also quit the or deactivate the account first of all the all have different kind of triggers and n***** which make hard a person to avoid masturbation Instagram nowadays planning to convert into tik tok rather than photo media app and bro Instagram also create depression in the mind while judging from each other and likes and comments which doesn't feel right and so many useless people are there in friends circle who never give a f*** what we do and are doing so bro I recommend you too get out of the strap as soon as possible otherwise Instagram will f*** you forever have a great day brother bye..
  3. Habbapop

    Habbapop Fapstronaut

    Deleted all social media exept Facebook. Had a Button Phone for 6 years. Now i have s smartphone.. that I can regulate how much i use.
  4. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    Two aspects of social media not only remind us of porn but actually make it physiologically equal to porn:
    1. The presentation of very accentuated body parts activates the same part of the brain as porn. Our logical, human brains understand the things you're seeing is not a human, but our primitive, "lizard" brains see legs, skin, contorted bodies, smooth body features, etc., and give you intense arousal.
    2. The novelty and endless supply of different poses, outfits, and people. Porn hooks us especially strong every time we watch a new video because it tricks our brain into thinking we've had sex with another female, furthering our genetic line. Even though there is no climax, or even physical stimulation, when using social media, the novelty paired with even small arousal completely entrances the primitive parts of our brains into developing very strong reward pathways for viewing the material. The endless novelty creates very strong, compulsive desires that affect future behavior.
    What stimuli must I avoid during my reboot (did I relapse)?

    Why is the idea of sexual variety so enticing?

    I have nothing at all against social media and use my Instagram account semi-regularly. It's also hard to blame people that are making content, even when it is passively harmful to others, when they have the chance to secure extreme financial security and social standing. However, social media's mechanisms of engagement are extremely similar to porn use, and use of social media can develop habits that lead to porn use and even strengthen addiction/prevent recovery. Definitely stay away from social media during your reboot, and if you do decide to go back, be very responsible and cognizant of how it affects you.
  5. Alcatel1312

    Alcatel1312 Fapstronaut

    First i blocked P, then i blocked Tiktok because Tiktok is P, then i blocked Instagram.

    Social media isn’t your friend unless you are 85 years old and use it to communicate with your grandchildren.
  6. oldsurfer

    oldsurfer Fapstronaut

    Yes, I had to uninstall Instagram. It was just too distracting.
    by1776.13 likes this.
  7. BCranjis

    BCranjis Fapstronaut

    I never had it, but by the sounds of it, it’s quite a trigger as your brain will desire a higher stimulus
  8. freedom is coming

    freedom is coming Fapstronaut

    I've not used Instagram for about 4 years. I remember one evening at youth group we were discussing sex, the challenge of lust and the freedom and hope Christ brings among all this. (my wife was leading the discussion with the girls) I brought up social media, because we had just been talking about removing anything that causes us to stumble and I had removed insta a few months ago. They looked shocked that insta could make us trip.

    I'm finding that I'm using social media less and less. I notice that when I do use it, it doesn't restore me but wears me down and makes me flat. This contributes to my porn problem because I'll then need to look for something to fix that imbalance. Even this evening before studying, 15 minutes on facebook just dulled my mind. I cracked on with the studying.
  9. NutMaster777

    NutMaster777 Fapstronaut

    I absolutely agree, that´s always the case because the real purpose of social media is to dull your mind. During my class time, I really only use social media when I feel overwhelmed and I want to ease my mind, but it´s always the same: even if it´s instagram reels, facebook posts or youtube shorts, I never get enough of it and only stop when I´ve lost precious hours and end up feeling worse than before.
    I have made the choice that given the situation, I will only use these social media apps on the web: there are reel shits so I can actually ease my mind and not get hooked up, I might even start just taking a nap or looking at my ceiling, the time I spend there is so not worth it...
  10. Twisting talon

    Twisting talon Fapstronaut

    Instagram had to go & it is just door opening to Only Fans pages. I don't use any social media except YouTube, where I follow car reviews & nature subjects etc. It has never led me astray. It's sad that once fun apps are now soaked with porn. I had an Instagram for years, posting family pics etc, but it's constant exposure now to bad stuff.
  11. Instagram has brought about quite a few relapses for me over the years. Same subtle demon. Harmless reels of super cute hotties with bodies. My justification, “But this isn’t porn” does its job and sooner or later I’m looking at OF content. I didn’t delete Insta but I’m trying to keep myself in check when it comes to scrolling and browsing. I definitely know there is that slippery slope and its argument that it’s only a matter of time, but I feel like I have to overcome this addiction by staring it in the face and saying No. I’m also trying to harness this mantra, “NoFap, no porn.” But, if I wasn’t where I am mentally right now, I’d have to delete it.
  12. freedom is coming

    freedom is coming Fapstronaut

    I like your mentality. I look forward to a day when I can say no to certain things. I just find saying no exhausting, so it's good for me to minimise temptations as far as possible.
  13. Twisting talon

    Twisting talon Fapstronaut

    I hope I get there too. I use to love Instagram. I have over 300 posts on there. Right now, it is too overwhelming to not see other women, they're everywhere.
  14. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    I was wondering as we all knew we need this social media for our bussiness, and who doesnt want to be a conten creator nowadays? So o wanted to try to become content creator

    But.. i really knew what these social media turning into,, addiction, loosing time and i dont want to contribute on that but on the other hand i dont see any new bussiness model who doesnt based on social media

    Any thought?
  15. freedom is coming

    freedom is coming Fapstronaut

    Over the last few years I've noticed about Pinterest, Facebook, TikTok and Instagram (when I've reinstalled it) is that your feed is very much curated by what you look at. If you spend any time engaging in one sort of thing, it will show you more. For facebook this seems to include hovering over this type of ad without actually clicking anything.

    I had an instagram account for my rabbits, and was able to use it succesfully free from people I didn't want to see. It was a good way of using my throwaway accound that I used in the height of porn addiction. But I struggle with my actual instagram account, because I spent so much time using it for things that cause me to crave worse stuff.

    So I guess my suggestion is to start from the ground up. When you sign up for your business, make a list of people you're going to follow. And maybe be intentional about when you use it. When you plan your jobs, include your instagramming, so that you know it will have an end.
  16. Warrior275

    Warrior275 Fapstronaut

    All the girls I had crushes on back in high school. After school, I would stalk one of their social media pages and jerk off to their pictures. Definitely more intoxicating than porn. I don’t do this anymore because I got rid of the names I kept. It’s better if I didn’t do it anyway knowing that they probably have a boyfriend or in a serious relationship.
  17. by1776.13

    by1776.13 Fapstronaut

    I try to do this with youtube, my recommended has been getting a lot better (mostly outdoors, cars, sports). Sometimes random trigger videos still come up but I have been pretty good at avoiding them. YT shorts (and Insta reels and tiktok) are literally the devil. So much soft-p*rn crap on those once you start scrolling. I am done with those.

    Google ads are always super triggering and I can't figure out a way to hide them. I am not tech savvy maybe some of you have the solution?
  18. Bloodstream

    Bloodstream Fapstronaut

    What I did was that I told instagram that when I looked for new posts anything with women wearing less clothes than normal was "not interesting for me" and then I never clicked it. Instragram learned and I don't get these suggestions anymore. Also I am not following any page posting anything sexual and if say a funny page does I unfollow immidiately.

    But sure, social media sucks and we would be better of just deleting everything.
    TomorrowMe and freedom is coming like this.
  19. Bloodstream

    Bloodstream Fapstronaut

    How is it womens fault that there are extremely desperate men? Yes there are alot of AW (figure it out) out there and also many trying to get you into their OF-pages etc. But then there are also just a lot of normal women, if you fap to their pictures, it's not really something they can control, can they? Don't play the victim, just avoid that shit. And never ever give compliments etc to the attention seekers.
    lowkeysonly likes this.
  20. Bloodstream

    Bloodstream Fapstronaut

    Well no.. Yes it is used for that also for rich men, ripped men.. not only women. Assholes of all sorts. But internet is a free (somewhat) place and if you try to restrict that you are heading down a very dangerous and wrong path.