I should just quit NoFap

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Deleted Account, Jan 14, 2023.

  1. I am a total loser. I reset my counter today, again.

    It's SSA that draws me back to p*rn. The same as every other time I've posted a thread. I cannot put time together. No will power at all.
    oretna likes this.

  2. This is exactly how I feel right at the moment. None the less retaining my will power has declined, but I'm still on here for hope and recovery.
  3. Gabriel Knight

    Gabriel Knight Fapstronaut

    There are days we all fell like this, it is not because of this only, but in other aspects of our lives. Retreat, recount your goals and odds, and get back in action.
    10 days is actually pretty respectful streak. That's like 3 reboots per month, it is a good stuff, some people can't keep up 1 day, that don't practice NoFap philosophy.
  4. letter

    letter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Never stop trying.

    Even as you fail, build yourself up, little bit by little bit.
    AresMars, black_coyote, M_H and 4 others like this.
  5. oretna

    oretna Fapstronaut

    Glad you are not quitting nofap. It’s pmo you will quit.
    Think about a child learning to walk. How many times it falls? Thousands. In the end it will walk.
  6. Lenard Fosterman

    Lenard Fosterman Fapstronaut

    Well what if you stopped being pathetic? You may take a step back and ask yourself what failure actually means to you and why you seem to need it?
    Some people keep failing to be seen failing. Or they try to desparately confirm their own negative self-perception of being a total loser.
    M_H and Serious Semen Retention like this.
  7. It's not SSA. It's the believe that you need porn, it's the believe that without porn (and orgasms in general), your life is just half full.

    Society has brainwashed us from the beginning to think like that. If you look around, you will see that sex is everywhere. So of course we will start to believe that we need sex and porn.

    Just step out of the matrix and look at porn for what it really is: Two apes from the hominoid family having sex together. It's no better than a national geographic documentary.

    Go check out my newest threads. What you need is to remove the brainwashing
  8. Thanks
  9. KevinesKay

    KevinesKay Fapstronaut

    I have no will power at all either. In fact, willpower will probably not work.

    Allen Carr defines a willpower method as any method that requires a sacrifice.

    Willpower - Delaying gratification for the purpose of obtaining a greater reward.

    Willpower never worked for me. It sounds like it's not working for a lot of people on here.

    For me, I had to stop thinking that I was making a sacrifice by quitting porn.

    I also stopped thinking that I could do it on my own. Especially since quitting porn also involved quitting all P-subs. That includes all lust and fantasy. So I needed help, a lot of it. Support groups, forums, and God.
    Z34L0T, I Hate PMO, M_H and 1 other person like this.
  10. That's my method, too! I'm glad someone here found this method also

    Once you remove the brainwashing that quitting PMO is a sacrifice, you're free

    I do that by realizing that we only feel the need for PMO because society has brainwashed us, and that PMO does not contribute to your life in any kind of way. Also, as I said, I try to look at things through an objective lens. A porn movie is just two hominoid apes copulating for example. Breasts are nothing special, once you remove the skin it's just a bunch of fat, muscles and blood. Certain fetishes have nothing intrinsically sexually in it. And last but not least, masturbation makes just as much sense as fingering your butthole: it's nasty, it stinks, and it's kind of primitive and pointless regarding the big picture
    black_coyote and oretna like this.
  11. black_coyote

    black_coyote Fapstronaut

    Given where you are right now, your best shot is continuing the fight. Keep working on the strategies. Find out the cue which led to the relapse and work towards handling it. Keep hustling. That's the only way forward
    The Pennsylvanian likes this.
  12. Augustine_

    Augustine_ Fapstronaut

    Regarding quitting porn at any cost - what I've done that's worked is a digital detox. Downgrading/locking down phones and locking down the computer.

    Regarding regaining self-esteem, I do daily affirmations. They're phrased in terms of already being where I want to be. "e.g. I am loving, confident, energetic and productive".

    Hope that helps.
  13. PeacocksTale

    PeacocksTale Fapstronaut

    A few things: one, yes. Take the pressure off yourself and dont try to compulsively quit PMO. It creates fear and puts your overall in a worse place.

    Each failure can be a stepping stone to your success as long as you learn from it. Look back and try to understand why you did what you did. I recommend my method: a FAP journal.

    F: Frequency
    • When was the last time you fapped in relation to this one. How many hours, days, or weeks ago was it. If there was two sessions back to back, then estimate the time between ejaculations
    A: Ask why?
    • What was the trigger or the motivation to get you to the point that you fapped?
    • Some common triggers include: bored, lonely, to help focus, low energy, high energy, hungry, stressed, angry
    P- prevention
    • This may be a bit early but I want to get you in the process of thinking "how can I prevent this from happening in the future?". There is no wrong answer here.
      • Eg: was bored in the morning, reached over to phone and before you know it I was PMO-ing. Next time I'll put my phone outside my bedroom. Even if it doesn’t work it changes the way your mind thinks and that's good.
    Try that and report back
    Lenard Fosterman likes this.
  14. Lenard Fosterman

    Lenard Fosterman Fapstronaut

    Excellent and comprehensive tool, and I fully agree with the mindset that you've introduced it with!
  15. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    What’s SSA social security administrator? Or that SAA powerless cult of predators?
  16. SigmaMan

    SigmaMan Fapstronaut

    At first I thought maybe sub-Saharan African (ancestry dot kom DNA group), but that doesn’t really make sense in this context. He must mean same sex attraction. Definitely not social security or sex anonymous. Hope this helps!