Redpill Lies

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Kingscar, Jan 7, 2023.


    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    Major American cities average about 2 millions inhabitants whereas the Minangkabau make up around 6 millions ppl in Indonesia, and if they live in a patriarchal society due to their host country so to does the black community in the US.

    Plus first you talk about the black community in the US being matriarchal, this being the main cause of their problems but then you go around and say that the west is also matriarchal, the region of the world with the highest gdp per capita and hdi?

    If blacks were indeed matriarchals then sub-Saharan Africa would be the region of the world today where women have the most rights and standard of living instead they are still fighting to have the same rights as western women, it is also the west that always pushing for more women rights there either directly on the governmental level or just with organizations sponsored by them. Sub-sahara Africa is actually the region where you can find the lowest divorce rate in the world, it is neatly divided between christians and muslims not a few practicing the sharia law to various degrees. Saying that palestinians are matriarchal make no sense when you consider that sharia is part of their legislation.

    As for your little snide about black’s achievements in the US, they are actually only behind whites who themselves are behind asians, the high crime rate occurs only among the lower class, for the middle and upper class they are no more likely than whites to commit crimes.

    And there are more factors at plays than just single moms = bad, single household family is never a good thing but male on average earn more than women this is also true for single dad who have a higher income than women many of whom live below the poverty level. As you are I presume an american you should be aware that one of your former president was himself a product of a single mom household, yet as she had a good income level he did not lack in anything.

    This is not only in the west though I question this statistic, in developed asians countries which tend to be very patriarchal they have the lowest fertility rate in the world, the west is not too far behind them only immigration offset this somewhat. Both of their population have been ageing for a while now.
    she-dernatinus likes this.
  2. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    This is what you're going to get if you debate with a redpilled bro who has his mind saturated by alt-right bullshit, you'll be bombarded with nebulous ideas that have no shred of logic in them. If you're interested you can watch the Youtube serie the alt-right playbook, a very instructive piece of content that shows exactly how these kinds of individuals operate and reason.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2023
  3. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    American woman ?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2023
  4. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    You're just clowning yourself at this point, keep going. There's nothing I like more than an entertaining clown.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2023
    toziko likes this.
  5. BlackPilledMonk68

    BlackPilledMonk68 Fapstronaut

    How do you think I've been feeling? Lol

    So what? Bone marrow babies, Surrogacy, For the kid?

    SNAP benefits....... Wahmanist welfare programs for ur living?

    You know single mortherdom is pretty intense for the first couple years raising an infant. Are you gonna bother ur family too to help u raise ur kid if u even get ome ?

    I'm always curious of wahmanist long term game.

    Talk to me honey
  6. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    yeah, keep going. That's all you've got at this point ? if you slam these neurons in together you might come up with something better.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2023
  7. All right @BlackPilledMonk68 You’ve showed your case, you have the right to think what you think but mind your manners man.
    she-dernatinus likes this.
  8. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Looks like he's in nofap prison now.
  9. He violated the rules… consequences
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2023
  10. I know he is suspended but when/if he comes back I'd like to point out to him that a lot of people on this site are not in America and some live in countries where women are treated like second class citizens or property. (Not saying his assessment of US women is correct either)

    I'd guess the situation in the US with black crime is a socio-economic one with disadvantaged people turning to crime. Looking at other countries that have a socio-economically disadvantaged class of people, colour of skin changes, including to white, depending on which country you look at.
  11. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    It's true that western women don't suffer the same level of oppression women in other parts of the world do, but it doesn't mean that misogyny doesn't exist in western society, and that western women don't deal with sexism and prejudice. Sexism and machismo are still alive and well in western societies, despite the fact that women in the west aren't treated as badly as women in other parts of the world.

    Because that's what the manosphere sold him. OP made this thread about the lies spread by red pill communities, here we have a concrete example showing ones of the most prevasive fallacies in red-pill communities, and the manosphere as a whole. It's not unusual to see them bringing issues that have little to do with feminism and see them attributing those problematics to feminism anyways , so they can paint feminists and women's rights activists in a bad light.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2023
    toziko likes this.
  12. Not saying Western women don't have their problems, they certainly do.

    I don't think things are going to get any better for young women or young men. Too many people getting brainwashed on the internet listening to people tell them their problems are because of x.
  13. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    I know you didn't, but a lot of people do. And that reply wasn't specifically addressed to you, but more of a clarification of a very inaccurate talking point.

    It ultimately comes down to who can effectively defend their position and advocate for rational and compassionate objectives rather than seeking to maintain dominance.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2023
  14. Some of the shite young people watch now is shocking to me. Boys and girls are idolising materialistic narcissists.

    And I only learned about that Tate guy after he got cancelled. How he managed to gather such a big following is a mystery to me. Only thing I can think of is that boys are rebelling against woke culture.

    Everything works in cycles. Things become liberal anything goes back to conservative where women and gays are oppressed and then back to liberal again in a matter of a few decades.
  15. Well, unfortunately, I can't see that happening. The type of people pushing narratives in public spaces are the type to push for dominance.

    It wasn't that long ago you could watch a debate between two completely different ideas with no one shouting the other down or making irrational comments or tantrums. The art of rational debate is dead.
    The seeker likes this.
  16. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    In my view, the appeal that certain men have towards figures like Tate is a reaction to the increasing pushback against misogyny and machismo in society. As women became more vocal in their opposition to these harmful ideologies and worked to challenge traditional gender power dynamics, many men may feel a growing desire to hear that they, as men, are entitled to power and dominance over women.

    It's not about rejecting the concept of "wokeness" broadly speaking, but rather a specific quest for validation for the idea that having control and superiority over women is their inherent right. This idea is even more troubling as it implies that women are crazy for even questioning this narrative or resisting it. It's nothing more than a backlash against the progress that has been made in the fight for gender equality in the last 30 years. The manosphere is filled with the idea that it's time to put women "back where they belong".
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2023
  17. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    You can be assertive without pushing for dominance. These are two distinct features. The suffragettes in the UK engaged in pretty disturbing behaviour and committed acts of violence, but their ultimate goal wasn't domination.
  18. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    I agree with that point, culture is plastic and not a linear progression. And one of the goals of modern feminism is to prevent the loss of any acquired progress that was made by previous generations of feminists.
  19. Can't say I know much about the "manosphere" so won't comment on that. I do know a lot of the "identify politics " types push the idea of collective guilt which annoys a lot of people.

    I am aware the of the difference between being assertive and dominant. To me, stopping people from entering into a debate at a college for instance, would constitute dominanting a public space. Pushing views you don't agree into echo chambers instead of debating them is not a good idea in my opinion.
    The seeker likes this.
  20. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Much of the public discourse happens online, because internet and social media changed everything.

    Everybody plays identity politics, both the left and the right, anyone who says their side doesn't play identity politics is full of it. I don't know about the concept of collective guilt, but I'm pretty sure it's one of the straw-man arguments used by right-wing pundits to conflate their opponents' positions.

    One example I remember is the manosphere and internet misogynists spreading the idea that 'feminists want men to feel collective guilt'; which is an idiotic over-simplification of the point feminists talk about in general. But it remains intentional, by over-simplifiying and deriding what feminists actually advocate for, they create an argument that's easy to repeat and remember. One that will serve the purpose of demonizing the opponent for something they don't even intend to say.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2023