Nice to be here

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Freein23, Jan 13, 2023.

  1. Freein23

    Freein23 Fapstronaut

    Hi All

    59 year old and fighting PA for many years, last year I went 100 days free! This year I want to go the entire year. Blessings to all and here's to being free in '23!
    Gooser, M_H, Kontrollat58 and 6 others like this.

  2. Love your positivity sir
    You are so strong
    I happily welcome you here
    M_H likes this.
  3. Freein23

    Freein23 Fapstronaut

    Thank you congrats on 51 days keep it up! I'm on day 15 (when I get through today )
    M_H and Jefe Rojo like this.
  4. Welcome @Freein23! 100 days is great! What do you plan to do differently so that you’ll go even further? Best of luck to you!
    M_H likes this.
  5. Robindale

    Robindale Fapstronaut

    Welcome and congratulations on what you accomplished last year and best wishes for an even better year this year and ultimately overcoming this. At our ages, it’s never too late!
    Gooser, M_H and littlecomet like this.
  6. Freein23

    Freein23 Fapstronaut

    Hi Jefe
    I tend to slip when I have a few drinks and even the next day I find it hard to resist as I think the alcohol is still in my system, so this time around I am going to cut down on it and be very mindful of how it affects my resolve. Also, one of the big wins for me last year was installing the Freedom app in my phone and severely limiting access to any websites and apps, Twitter was always a problem for me, so not being able to access it was a major help. At the start of this year I also blocked content in my iphone using a passcode and put the number on a sheet of paper and left it in the very back of my shed under a bunch of tools out in the back garden. I could retrieve it but it's going to take a lot of effort , so that has worked well too.
    Jefe Rojo, M_H and littlecomet like this.
  7. Freein23

    Freein23 Fapstronaut

    Thanks Robindale, let's show these young guys how it's done
    M_H likes this.

  8. Good to be here with you! Congrats on 100 days!
    M_H likes this.
  9. Freein23

    Freein23 Fapstronaut

    Thanks, 500+ days is amazing, congrats! I have found that keeping a journal has been a massive help, I could not have gone 100 days without it last year. I should also point out that I started to read the forums in the Nofap community about one week starting my 110 days so much thanks to all of you.
    Jefe Rojo, M_H and RobbyGo36 like this.
  10. Freein23

    Freein23 Fapstronaut

    Hi all, still staying strong. I did look at Twitter again but did not act out. I then took the step of deactivating my account. I have to wait 30 days for this to happen and the problem in the past is that it's easy to reactivate again. Anyone have any advice on this, I use blocking apps with some success, but any help in this area would be great.
    Gooser, Jefe Rojo and M_H like this.
  11. Freein23

    Freein23 Fapstronaut

    Bit of a struggle last night, but made it through. Don't know why, but I just seem to be struggling this last week, much more so than last year. I think January has always been a tougher month for me, work tends to be slower and I have more time on my hands. Was reading an article from James Clear who wrote Atomic Habits. He says to focus more on your daily habits rather than on your goals. He says : "What we really need to change are the systems that cause those results" I think that's true, out habits are what will inevitably make the change.
    Jefe Rojo, M_H and Kontrollat58 like this.
  12. Robindale

    Robindale Fapstronaut

    Sounds like some good advice from the article. Maybe focusing more on the small steps helps keep the bigger issues in line. And maybe it's like the "don't sweat the small stuff; everything is small stuff" kind of mantra. Still struggle daily, some mild, some not so mild, and begin to wonder if this will ever go away or recede enough into the background as to not confront you every day?
    M_H and Kontrollat58 like this.
  13. Freein23

    Freein23 Fapstronaut

    Yes I wonder about that too. I guess it's such a deeply ingrained habit that won't go away easily. When I rebooted last year after 100 days, I was amazed at how hard it was to get back on track again. It was almost like my mind had said 'you've had your 100 days, now let's have some fun' That's why I'm going to focus more on the process this year. Keep up the good work brother.
    Jefe Rojo and M_H like this.
  14. EBM6

    EBM6 Fapstronaut

    Hello. I'm 58 and encouraged to know others around my age are also trying to kick the habit.
    I'm on day 17 and woke up in the middle of the night, couldn't go back to sleep, and first thought in my head was to masturbate as a sleeping aid. Instead I'm here reading the forums and thanks to posts in this thread I feel like I'm not alone in this struggle.
    Wishing you all good luck in your respective challenges!
    again, Jefe Rojo and M_H like this.
  15. I am keen to learn lol All the best
  16. How are you doing bro??
  17. Robindale

    Robindale Fapstronaut

    You aren’t alone in this struggle, and PMO and the shame surrounding it wants to keep us isolated. That’s how it retains control. Reaching out to others and connecting, understanding that you can’t do this alone. We are wired for real human connection and good you came in here and have experienced some of that digitally. Hope you have a therapist, support group, accountability partner, and/or some trusted friend playing that role for you. It is so important to be able to voice this issue to another human being in an environment of support and non-judgement. Helps make it lose its power over you and helps healing. Best wishes.
    Kontrollat58 likes this.
  18. Freein23

    Freein23 Fapstronaut

    I can't stress enough how important it was for me to keep a journal. I miss some days but always come back to it. I just helps so much in keeping your thoughts coherent and being able to reference similar issues that come up. I'm not in a support group, I'm kind of shy about things like that, but think it would be a huge help. Congrats on 17 days and counting..... stay strong!
    Kontrollat58 likes this.
  19. EBM6

    EBM6 Fapstronaut

    I'm not in any support group either, and also not comfortable talking about it. Is like revealing a part of me that not even friends and family know.
    I'm considering seeing a therapist though.
  20. Freein23

    Freein23 Fapstronaut

    That's not a bad idea, I've never tried a therapist. I did try a hypnotist by phone using my airpods. I had two sessions with him and after the second session I managed to quit for about 30 days, but then went back to my old habits again.