I Need Help Deleting My Porn Folder

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Sondae, Dec 6, 2022.

  1. Sondae

    Sondae Fapstronaut

    I'll try to keep this one as short as possible.

    Basically, I have a vault app on my phone that has over 1,000 photos and videos worth of NSFW content. I recently deleted a folder within that app that contained about 100 photos and videos from women I personally knew, so I am at least proud of that. However, the other folder has the one thousand pieces of media. I also have a fake TikTok account that has, by my best estimation, five thousand favorited and liked videos of the same nature. I also use it to comment on girls' videos in a shamefully creepy way.

    I want to delete the folder and I want to delete the account, but I just can't bring myself to it. I actually have already deleted the vault app once, erasing a completely different set of one thousand photos and videos. Permanently losing all of those videos made me scared of deleting this new batch. I have no idea how to force myself to do it. Sure, I could just do it and regret it immediately afterwards, but I don't want that. I want to delete the folder and not have an ounce of regret. I want to be proud of it, and I don't want to make another.

    If you have any advice, feel free to leave it in the comments :)
  2. from2003

    from2003 Fapstronaut

    Just delete it and think about what this folder provided you in your life and let things happen in your life
  3. I can understand where you're standing.
    Porn is a substitute for something healthy that's missing in your life.
    Think about things like safety, meaning, goal, connection.

    I've cut out every kind of porn out of my life. It felt like I had to say goodbye to a very good friend!
    It felt like I had to mourn about it. I lost my favorite hangout places, I lost my favorite "friends" (certain porn actrices felt like good friends :confused:). Porn and phantasms were a way to fill my inner void.

    I have found things to replace all these things. That makes it easier to stay away from porn.

    You should examine yourself why you feel regret when you delete your porn stuff.
    It should help enormously if you could talk about this with somebody in your life.
  4. Sondae

    Sondae Fapstronaut

    This is a really good way of putting it. I actually thought about this reply quite a bit today. Thank you so much for the advice!
  5. FormerLeatherneck

    FormerLeatherneck Fapstronaut

    Once you have a “stash” or folder of porn, you’re a Hardcore Coomer and are getting even deeper in the rabbithole. Stop before you get worse.
  6. TakingMyLifeBackFromPorn

    TakingMyLifeBackFromPorn Fapstronaut

    Once we hit that certain point of desperation we would do anything to quit porn. That's what I did. I used to have pictures/nudes from multiple girls. The feelings I got from them were mixed, felt powerful but also gross at the same time. If something causes you to stumble cut it out. I have deleted all social media, Netflix, and pictures. I felt a bit of regret after deleting the nudes, but a couple weeks after I didn't feel chained to it anymore. My advice for you is to cut out anything that will make you relapse. I get responses like "well I need this social media for other things." funny enough that same person uses that same social media to look at porn images.
    If you put yourself in a situation that you know you can't control the outcome... stop putting yourself in that situation.
    Sondae and Last Resort Report like this.
  7. Last Resort Report

    Last Resort Report Fapstronaut

    I agree. But did you actually delete it? And did you delete ALL of it?

    If you delete(d) your stash you can be proud! And even if it's not 100% but maybe 99 or 90% you can still be proud. It's not easy to do it, but it's a necessary step in your recovery.

    You should also be aware that deleting the stash doesn't solve all your problems. The internet is full of novel content and it might happen that you build up a stash again and even without a personal collection p addiction is happily fine with all the material that are available online (for more than a lifetime).
    Of course I don't hope that happens! Just want to warn you that this might not be the end of the story. But as I said, it's an important and necessary step.
    I wish you strength!
    Sondae likes this.
  8. loneloan

    loneloan Fapstronaut

    stop thinking,go blank, do it in the few seconds your mind is in blank. rational thoght never helps..use the few seconds before your brain flashes back to do the delete.
    when you plunge into icy water this is way,gradual body inmersion will be more -not less- painful than a full on plunge in the deep part of the pool
    Sondae likes this.
  9. BrSweat

    BrSweat Fapstronaut

    Just delete it. I had a small stash of Anime Nsfw when I was young, the best pics, I didn't delete it but lost it, it hurt and still does probably bc I had good memories attached to that time period but it also hurts only when I'm deep in a relapse do I miss it.

    You just gotta delete it man, don't think twice you can't regret something that's hurting you.
    Sondae likes this.
  10. Sondae

    Sondae Fapstronaut

    Just a suggestion, but if you intend on helping people maybe you should go about it in a way that doesn't involve you calling them a "hardcore coomer" lmfao
  11. Sondae

    Sondae Fapstronaut

    I've been deleting it gradually. I'm looking for the motivation to just get it over with and do it all in one sweep. My main concern, though, is that sense of regret that would come right after.
  12. Sondae

    Sondae Fapstronaut

    That icy water plunge is actually the perfect analogy
    MindfulWarrior likes this.
  13. Sondae

    Sondae Fapstronaut

    Yeah I deleted my folder of my female friend's pictures shortly after getting a girlfriend. I don't really regret it for that reason, but I feel like I would feel a lot of regret over deleting the general folder. That point of desperation is definitely what is making me want to do it, but the fear of regret is holding me back.
  14. tonyk1982

    tonyk1982 Fapstronaut

    It took two years after I started my NF journey to completely dispose of all the porn stuff I had accumulated. Even though I had achieved a number of decent streaks during that time, and didn’t use any of that material during resets, I couldn’t throw the very last of it - my all-time favorites- away. As I sought greater clarity in overcoming my addiction I finally turned to the last vestiges of what had addicted me so intensely. I imagined if someone close to me found my porn stash, what would my life become? Absolutely horrible. For what - a stack of porn dvd’s? And with that, I threw it away. And with it went the paranoia that would sometimes overwhelm me that my stash would be discovered and my life would be ruined. And guess what? I don't miss a single bit of that stuff.

    Think about it.
    You can do this.
    Stay strong.
    Sondae and FormerLeatherneck like this.
  15. TakingMyLifeBackFromPorn

    TakingMyLifeBackFromPorn Fapstronaut

    Trust me, I was there. The feeling of that burden of having porn on your phone lifted is much more amazing than fear of regret.
    Sondae likes this.
  16. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    If it's too hard to do in one go, make little steps that are easier. Maybe do something like this:
    1. Move all the material you have into a single folder. Get everything on your phone, tablet, and computer into a single folder. Then just leave it until you've calmed down a bit, maybe a few days.
    2. Transfer the folder to a hard drive/USB. Then just the leave hard drive in your room until you've calmed down more. Put it somewhere out of sight if you want. If you think you might hook it into your computer, keep it and your computer in separate rooms so that if you're in a porn-brain haze and go to plug it in, you have some time to snap out of it.
    3. If one day you get an impulse to get rid of the USB, get it out of it's spot, gather whatever you need, and completely destroy it in some cool way, such as:
      1. throwing it into the ocean or a big lake
      2. destroying it with hammer
      3. sawing it in half
      4. burning it in a fire
    The point is just take baby steps until you dish the final blow. The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. The destruction part can be as cathartic if you want, but it would be dope as fuck if you did something like throwing it into the ocean or burning it in a fire.
  17. FormerLeatherneck

    FormerLeatherneck Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the suggestion.
  18. Sondae

    Sondae Fapstronaut

    Proud to report that the folder has been deleted as of tonight. Thank you for all of the support! :)
  19. BrSweat

    BrSweat Fapstronaut

    The most rational move, good luck brotha. Things will only get better from here on out
    Sondae likes this.
  20. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    Hell yeah!
    Sondae likes this.