Worse and worse ( warning explicit topic)

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by JakeBear, Nov 22, 2022.

  1. JakeBear

    JakeBear Fapstronaut

    Hello, My name is Jake and I am currently 16 and have been fapping since 11-12. In a few hours I will have finally reached the goal of 90 days NoFap.

    Unfortunately most of these days of NoFap I have been pretty miserable because I can’t forgive myself for what I fapped to in the past and it seems to be getting worse the more I remember.
    Most of the day I am Feeling guilty and down and I tried to forgive myself but I think to myself again that the topics I fapped to were to extreme and that I’m like a pedo or rapist and shouldn’t be forgiven.

    I already talked about some of the stuff I fapped to in my former post but I will like to add more to that stuff and more what I fap to which is causing me guilt, sorry if I go into to much detail about what I done.

    I was reading other post on NoFap about people who fapped to similar stuff to me and then I saw this post from someone who found cp and fap to it by a discord sever that they found , then I remember that I joined discord severs that were for porn multiple times in the past and from memory it was just about celebrities, weird kink and maybe hentai, but then I think what if it wasn’t just that stuff and what if there was illegal content there and I just don’t remember that it was there like cp or real rape and what if I fapped to that stuff.

    The other thing is I fapped to so many people I know in real life and people around my age online, like people I know at school (teacher/classmate or others) cousins and my Aunty (which I know is horrible and I also was going to steal clothing items of theirs and do weird and bad stuff to it but I didn’t cause someone else was at the house at the time and now I feel so much guilt for that to because if somebody wasn’t there I think I would’ve done it), magazine clothing items models which I also think was my age or 1 or 2 year younger when I fap to it but because it was a awhile ago I don’t really remember all it and I think what if it was someone way younger then me which makes me feel like a pedo, same with celebrities/famous people that were my age or possibly younger, I also have had so much weird fantasies and weird fetish about the people I just mentioned like bondage, urine and fece ‍♂️, spit, doing and bad weird shit with their clothing, rape ( I know is horrible) and many other weird and bad stuff I don’t really remember which will probably come back to my memory and haunt me later .

    The last topics are all the weird fetishes I fapped to urine, scat, spit/saliva, foot, bondage, incest, gore, furry, animation of human and animal, rape, and others i don’t remember right now but if you name it I probably fapped to it, I also fapped to so many cartoon, video game or anime characters and lots were underage for example nezuko from demon slayer which makes me feel like a pedo more, then probably the worse is loli and loli rape which is illegal In my country and started the thought that I am a pedo in the first place.

    Everything I’ve said here causes me extreme guilt and sadness everyday, whenever I see a rape or pedo case on the news or social media it makes me really sad because I feel like am a pedo or rapist to and it’s what I think about most of the day and makes me believe I don’t deserve happiness, forgiveness, love or anything really because pedophiles and rapists don’t deserve anything and I sadly I keep labelling myself as them because of what I fapped to. Apart from the clothing thing I mentioned earlier I have never actually thought about acting on any of fantasies in real life and I have never acted on them even when I thought of doing it like the clothing item or taking normal/sexual pictures of people without them knowing which thankfully I never did but I fear I would’ve if I continued fapping. I’m afraid I may have some kind of ocd because of this but I do not want to self diagnose.

    This is the end of this thread I thank you lots for reading all this and I apologise if it was to long or if I repeated myself a lot or went into to much detail/information about what I fapped to I just needed to get it of my chest and this post made me feel a little better. If anyone has any feedback/help/solution please comment but if you don’t thank you for reading all and good luck with your NoFap streak .
    emkata, jonibk, livinginhell and 3 others like this.
  2. You took a huge step just by being vulnerable online here, and sharing with us your story and what you've gone through. That is no small thing. The fact that you have feelings of sadness and guilt over the past is a good sign. You still have your conscience! Imagine if you did not. Then there would be absolutely 0 chance of changing. But the fact that you do shows that there is hope! I hope you are able to find the help you need, whether it be on this community or in person.

    Fill your head with good things. This addiction makes us think there is only one thing that we need, porn/sexual pleasure.
    It gives us tunnel vision, so that we block out all other things. You likely already know this.
    Part of the journey is broadening our vision to fight this lie. We broaden our vision to include the actual good things that are offered to us in this life. They are out there. The things worth chasing and of true value take effort to seek out.
    Porn is the opposite. Easy to get = worthless.

    "The opposite of addiction is not sobriety, but connection"
    You are demonstrating this by being open on this forum. That is not nothing. You sound like you have really good self awareness too.
    God bless you on your journey. He has not given up on you either. If you want to chat about how God sees you, feel free to DM me.
    As long as you can breathe , there is hope :)

    p.s. 90 days is awesome!!
  3. Pauley

    Pauley Fapstronaut

    Congrats on the 90 days!!!

    Cmon man stop blaming yourself this much. They uploaded all this crazy shit in the first place. Young people are curious and go on adventures. Everybody did that. Also I really can feel the teenage emotions in your post :D They are always a bit extreme - which is normal.

    The best thing is that you realize all this shit at an age as young as yours. This is absolutely awesome. Porn has as much to do with reality as action movies, horror movies and so on.
  4. livinginhell

    livinginhell Fapstronaut

    First of all, congrats for making it upto 90 days. Very few can do this and you are truly a fighter.

    Don't think much about your past because you are a new man now, just never look back and keep building good habits. I would like to add that I had indulged myself in the cloth thing you mentioned and you should thank yourself and your circumstances thousand times that you didn't do it.
    Vicit_fidem and JakeBear like this.
  5. JakeBear

    JakeBear Fapstronaut

    Sorry for the late reply guys but thank you Vicit_fidem, Pauley and livinginhell for your responses these they have made me feel a lot better now and eased the guilt, and thanks for taking time out your day to respond to me and I wish you guys well, thank you all
    jonibk, Pauley and Vicit_fidem like this.
  6. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

    well if i start harassing you then i'm the pedophile.

    anyhow all you just mentioned is a hard subjects... it seems hard to acknowledge ones sexual curiosity, that exists, i still struggle with that in public.

    why did you think you did something you can't be forgiven for?
    JakeBear likes this.
  7. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    As has 99.9% of 16-year-old boys throughout the history of the universe.
  8. holyjourney

    holyjourney Fapstronaut

    congrats for 90 days, you are still in way early stage and relatively easy for you to give up
    just 1 advice: time heals everything, keep your streak up and if you have so much time to think about your past then it means you are not keeping yourself busy enough
    that is one of the core rule of recovery. do not let your mind wander. keep it busy and your brain will forget all those bad stuff
    JakeBear and NickRivers like this.
  9. jonibk

    jonibk Fapstronaut

    Hey, Jake! This is actually kinda similar to what I was going through until today, when I read the replies of people on my post. I had the same fear of remembering about the things I fapped to, and that they would haunt me in the future. This is a lot like OCD and I recommend you to read some of the replies they gave in my post, at least they really helped me understand how dumb it really is. We're all going to make it! Also, having this self awareness is really awesome! You're on a very good path on improving yourself, just don't demand so much from yourself.

    You watched this kind of porn because of the addiction. The addiction makes the frontal lobe (the part of your brain responsible for logic) less active, enabling your brain to the idea of letting yourself watch even more harmful porn. Add to that the hability of your dopaminergic system to get accostumated to the high levels of dopamine you were introduced to and wanting more to actually being able to give your brain pleasure again, and you have the right recipe for a true addiction.

    You already got over it. It's all a matter understanding how these things happened and getting the right mindset. Understanding that makes it way easier to know that these things are temporary. Also I recommend you on searching about Stoicism. It's a branch of philosophy of which the main idea consists of caring about only the things you control, in this case your mind, and I truly believe it can be a powerful weapon on this NoFap subject.

    I wish you ALL the best, man. You're young, you have a very well developed self awareness already at that age and with that you have everything to keep being the wonderful person you are and only keep growing from that. Don't demand much from yourself, ease your mind, everybody makes mistakes, just keep going and everything will be fine. Search about psychoanalysis, it's great to understand how our brain works with addictions and etc.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2022
    JakeBear and Vicit_fidem like this.
  10. JakeBear

    JakeBear Fapstronaut

    I think because what I fapped to was to extreme and sometimes I think of me fapping to them topics is as equal as someone doing them terrible crime. Like when I see pedo,assault or rape case on news I sometimes compare myself to them and think what I did is equally bad and I’m just like them. I know is stupid and not true but some how my mind sometimes convinces me that it is true and I’m like them, Which is why I think I can’t be forgiven because people who commit them crimes shouldn’t get forgiven.
    silex_jedi likes this.
  11. JakeBear

    JakeBear Fapstronaut

    Thank you for comment and advice I’ll start keeping myself more busy thank you.
  12. JakeBear

    JakeBear Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the comment man, I read your post earlier and I was thinking how similar the rituals thing was to me and what was happening to me before this current streak with wanting it to be the perfect and nothing messed up and the comments on there was good advice to, I’ll research into stoicism and psychoanalysis and thank you for the advice and kind words I wish you all best to .
    jonibk and silex_jedi like this.
  13. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

    yeah there's something healthy about that... it's easy to be judgmental about "evil doers" it's something else to think you could be one of them... i was thinking about that in the bus earlier about how lately my sexual frustration... how... i was thinking about how i could be a potential rapist and that scared me.
    maybe you're scared too?
    ...somebody has probably something to answer i don't know how i would answer that to myself. but at least it's good that you took time identify a problem :).
    JakeBear likes this.
  14. jonibk

    jonibk Fapstronaut

    This is also linked to OCD. OCD makes you focus on one problem and, because you'd hate to be like that, it makes you have more frequent thoughts about it, because you're thinking about it anyway. It's just a loop and it can be stopped by understanding how it all works in our brains, also using ERP techniques helps!

    I can't insert links but I'll write down some articles I've read about this that explain how it all works:

    How to take the power back from intrusive thought OCD by adaa org

    Changing or Delaying OCD rituals by anxietycanada com

    And I've found some more specific things about this post's topic as well:

    What is Pedophile OCD by verywellmind com

    How can OCD make you doubt your reality by psychcentral com

    Information about this topic is just never too much I guess hahah
    JakeBear and silex_jedi like this.
  15. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

  16. jonibk

    jonibk Fapstronaut

    It stands for Exposure and Response Prevention. Below there's an example of ERP found on one of the articles I've mentioned above, more specifically at "Changing or Delaying OCD rituals" by anxietycanada com:

    • Interacting with your OCD keeps it hanging around. Although it is hard to ignore OCD given its wide and persistent presence in your life, you do not have to interact with it. Interacting with it occurs when you do the rituals it tells you to do, or you avoid the activities and aspects of your life that it insists are dangerous. Stop interacting with OCD and start engaging with the life you want to live.
    JakeBear and silex_jedi like this.

  17. I'd say the worst I had developed was Futa Hentai when I was your age when I was 16... I have no idea why or if it was over active hormones seeing womanly parts and getting more aroused. I knew to myself I did not have a clear attraction to the other sex as well. It's weird that you mention that you are on 90 days. In my senior year I recovered greatly and had the time of my life for a few months until my first girlfriend broke up with me. It hurt like the dickens.

    I wouldn't feel bad if your on 90 days.. It's in the past brother. I think you are not ocd.. I believe it's just trauma from the damage Porn has done. I myself still wonder why I looked at this crap back in my days, but I was extremely lonely, had little friends, I had about two friends I would hang out with every single weekend and that was it until I started recovering. My social standards were awkward, acne was horrible.

    I believe you should listen to healing frequencies and they've helped me allot in the past and in the present. There's one I found on Youtube that is helpful calm and relaxing.

    This one is very calming and gentle. I highly suggest for you to take a listen at least 30mn a day.. You can focus on your breath and just let your thoughts go.
    JakeBear likes this.
  18. JohnCollins0

    JohnCollins0 Fapstronaut

    I think that you need to forgive yourself and move forwards mate. Many of us here started with fairly vanilla porn and escalated to much darker subjects - I did for sure, including some of the stuff you mention. Its the nature of the dopamine response - you need something new and novel just to get the same reaction (excitement) as before, and so have to go looking for new/darker/horrible fetishes just to get off. The porn industry knows this and feeds us with whatever our brains can dream up as the next fetish. Once you understand this you will realize that you can heal and have a 'normal' sexual response to 'normal' sexual stimulation.

    I think you need to try to stop labeling yourself. You are young, and have plenty of time to sort this out. Start today, stay away from porn and the fetishes that you list. Work on improving other areas of your life, focus on each day being clean and making little gains across the board, including by not fapping/not fapping to any of the stuff that you mention.

    Absolutely - what 16 year old lad hasn't fapped thinking about his teacher/auntie/class mate etc. Nothing wrong here dude.

    Be kind to yourself brother, we are all here for similar reasons, and most of us have followed the same/similar stuff you mention down the porn rabbit hole. You aren't different to anyone else here. Being here means that you have realized that you need to stop. So stop, read peoples stories, follow advice, be clean, grow as a person and watch your fetishes fall away. You have the power to change it, so crack on.

    Best of luck mate
  19. JohnCollins0

    JohnCollins0 Fapstronaut

    oh and Jack, 90 days, that's awesome, well done.
    JakeBear likes this.
  20. JakeBear

    JakeBear Fapstronaut

    Thank you : ) Im listening to it now
    Mr. Monk likes this.