The Black pill has brainwashed me

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by StayClean&Proactive, Sep 3, 2022.

  1. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut

    The black pill has made me very worried about my life and future. It's also made me especially worried about myself in particular because I am a black man with autism. Aspergers to be more specific.

    I've seen hundreds and hundreds of videos on YouTube about black men complaining about how black women are not accepting towards men who don't fit the stereotype and how they say a lot of dehumanizing things about black women. Because of these videos, I have been more nervous to approach black women. Help me, I don't want to sell out my own race. I want to be a man and overcome this. I've also had flashbacks of times where black girls in middle school have called me ugly or have treated me differently due to my disability. Those videos have made me feel even worse about my situation, and doesn't motivate me to overcome my fears and misogyny to help me become a better person.

    My mom was very offended when I told her I would have a harder time attracting women of my race due to having autism.

    I don't want to end up like the misogynistic men on YouTube who end up becoming incels.

    The black pill is very bigoted and toxic because it does not motivate me to become a better person, but it's so easy to get hooked because they come up with a lot of convincing points in their videos since they're backed up by statistics.

    Can someone help me find ways to overcome this and help me not indulge in the programming and brainwashing these videos have put upon me?
  2. So it seems like you are already aware of the first step. It's the same one that most people serious about Nofap and addictions in general do: Remove the temptation from your life. You recognize that this black pill incel culture has not done you any good. On Youtube, there is a function attached to every video before you even click on it (Should be 3 vertical dots): Not Interested/Don't recommend channel. Any video that relates to black pill, red pill, or anything related to incel culture get it out of your feed. Anything related to sexual nature; even something as innocent as a woman working out. Anything that might trigger feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness or suicidal thoughts (Which I can attest happened to me, though before incel culture was a real thing I displayed some incel tendencies)

    Now I'm not saying go Toxic Positive, but there needs to be a balance between positive and negative energies within you. Yin to Yang etc. Being someone on the spectrum I assume you have intense, borderline obsessive interests on certain topics. Lean into those if they provide a positive meaning to your life.

    I can't say much about black culture surrounding stereotypes. Ironically, those men on youtube who are talking trash about black women only liking the stereotypical black man are themselves stereotyping an entire race and gender.

    What I can say is that you may find a black woman to love in your life who will love you for you autism and all. It takes time, but the important thing is that you work on being the best you possible and cleansing your mind of all this toxicity that has a hold on you. It will take time. A lot of time and energy and fight. Right now this is like spiderman 3 when Peter is tearing off the venom suit except this will take longer than a few minutes. You can absolutely do this!
  3. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    Stop watching that shit. You feed your brain bad info it’s going to make you feel horrible. Just cause some ball sac on a YouTube video rants and raves doesn’t make it valid, true or even applicable to your situation.

    women all want the same thing—a man who is honest, respectful, loving and protective. That’s it. Everything else is just details.

    stop worrying about those middle school cunts—the meanest people on the planet are middle schoolers. Don’t waste time on a bunch of kids’ opinions.

    Be proud of who you are. Be confident. Be genuine. That’s all you can be. You’ll have missteps and awkwardness and other hiccups, but keep on. You’ll get you a black beauty who likes you for you.
  4. Mob Barley

    Mob Barley Fapstronaut

    The blackpill content should be view as mostly entertainment. I've watched wheat waffles and thought the stats that he brings out were interesting but, in reality, looks, status and height do not make a relationship work. Don't take these negative things to heart and develop your own unbreakable self identity. I'd say since youre Black you statistically have the highest odds of getting w/ a Black woman, since people usually go for people of the same race or background. Just approaching them saying hello and some small talk is harmless, probably will not go far which is ok, I think you should just try doing that more often.

    Being called ugly is one thing but feeling and acting ugly is another. Is there nothing you can do to improve your looks or personality? Have you not seen "ugly" people who have done well in life, are treated with respect, and have gotten married? What makes you feel good about yourself? It really comes down to your own self talk and how you cope. Accepting the blackpill garbage is a horrible cope.

    You seem like you have a high level of suggestibility and openness to ideas. You should listen to hypnosis audio tracks before you go to sleep to try and reprogram you subconscious. Watch the Social Animal on Youtube- its a channel dedicated towards helping guys overcome approach anxiety. There's dozen of videos and some with guys w/ autism going to NYC approaching women trying to make conversation. Ngl some of it is cringe but you can learn a lot just from watching them. Those kinda vids motivate me and have helped me get over some approach anxiety. It wont ever go away completely but learn to accept it as part of the process.
  5. SnakeyWakey

    SnakeyWakey Fapstronaut

    I just want to share.

    I talk to everyone, everywhere.

    Saturday night at the coffee shop there were two women, one to my left and one to my right. Both lovely, one African-American. (I'm causasian)

    I talked to the first on (AA) and it went great - and she told me I was autistic, which I am not. I'm just, as many have said "like Robin Williams." Lots of energy, lots of nerve and I am more a savant, which I won't go into here. I promised to show her something she needed to know on Photoshop, after I made progress on my own work.

    I saw the woman to my left was leaving and I said "Hey, I like your shoes." She lit up and we talked, back and forth, back and forth. The first woman then said "Hey - are you stealing my friend?"

    I let her go but I wished later that I'd asked "Do you have a boyfriend?" which is, lately, what I want to know before anything else.

    I ended up chatting with the second woman til closing time, exchanging numbers, and there you have it.

    The men in this thread are right. You have to quit looking at YouTube vids. You have to go out into the world and talk to people, talk to people, talk to people.

    I saw a clerk squatting at the grocery store yesterday. Oh, my Goodness...without violating rules here, she had "buns from heaven" LOL When she straightened up, we talked for about 5 minutes about yogurt. She was smiling and just treating me great.

    I did not pursue it further. I guess I'm taking a break from asking women out unless it feels really, really right.

    Talk. Flirt. Get rejected. Keep at it. You'll hit it.

    I'm not tall, I'm ok-looking - in great shape, exercise every day, eat clean, don't drink or smoke - but personality is where it's at. In middle school I was pudgy and my mother cut my hair and I was in special classes. I don't think anyone but the jocks do well in the hell that is middle school.
  6. the_correct_wolf

    the_correct_wolf Fapstronaut

    I am also neurodivergent, gifted, ADHD, and thought I had Asperger’s for a while not so sure now. It definitely makes it harder to fit in socially, I’ve never really understood how to interact with most people. The best advice I can give there is to practice.

    As for anyone making generalisations about what black women want, pure bullshit, ignore it. Preferences like that are not shared across the entire group, women are individuals who each make choices for them selves. There are also, I assume, other qualities about you that could also appeal to a potential girlfriend. To be honest plenty of people don’t even seem to know what they’re into. I’ve seen tons of guys say they don’t like women who are overweight, or controlling, or whatever, only start dating one. I’ve also seen guys misinterpret why they’ve been rejected, judging a woman for rejecting him because he’s short when in reality she didn’t care about his height. He was an asshole and that’s why she doesn’t want to date him.

    I don’t know what the black pill thing is but I think I get the idea from context here. Sounds like some more bullshit. There’s been a lot of pseudointellectual content coming out lately, you’ve got to be real careful. It’s easy to sound smart when you’re telling people things that confirm what they already believe. I’ve got some experience with statistical analysis and, you’re not going to believe this but, that’s pretty much bullshit too. I’ve seen it used to manipulate people far more than to gain any real insight. You can usually find a way to “back up” any point you want to make without technically lying.

    Seems to me you are worrying too much about potential problems. I’m sure the odds of you dating a black woman are fair so don’t get to preoccupied with it and don’t get frustrated yet. Just work on yourself, the healthier you are the more attractive you will be as a mate.
  7. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut

    I have a white friend who has autism. He's lower functioning than I am, slightly overweight and he has all the confidence in the world, despite being delt a worst hand than me.

    He's not getting laid, but he has a lot of female friends and is doing very well socially.

    I don't know how he does it. It could be because white men aren't held to the same high standards that men of color are.

    Aspergers also makes me EXTREMELY SELF aware of the world around me and how it operates.
    They say ignorance is bliss. I'm highly self aware which is why I'm more sad than my friend is.
  8. the_correct_wolf

    the_correct_wolf Fapstronaut

    I don’t know how people succeed socially either. I don’t know how people maintain high confidence. I’m a white guy but I’m also fairly aware of how the world operates so I know the advantages I have because of it. Maybe knowing I would have had to work twice as hard to get where I am if I was black prevents me from feeling the same confidence boost from my accomplishments. Maybe being aware of the larger systems in place that perpetuate the subjugation of the masses under the ruling class by way of distraction and psychological manipulation takes the wind out of my sails. Maybe ignorance IS bliss but I can’t really say I’d rather be oblivious.
  9. Whatever_Bro

    Whatever_Bro Fapstronaut

    The blackpill and redpill do hold some truths because at the end of the day mankind is driven by the instinct to reproduce, if it wasnt true we would not be on nofap com .

    You say you want to be a man but you break at the smallest inconvenience(blackpill) and fear how others perceive you, a man will take the truth as harsh as it might be and turn it to his own advantage , to become a man you must first walk through suffering and hardship .

    Nofappers are men who realised they are addicted to PMO and are now on a journey to defeat said addiction , me being one.
    Buddhabro2.0 likes this.
  10. Don't go black pill. You can get a woman. Just smile, stand tall, say hi, and be interested in her. Posture is powerful.

    If you keep doing that, you'll get a woman. Accept that you'll be rejected a bunch of times first. Big deal. Her rejection is just her way of saying that she isn't smart enough
    to see your value.

    I can see that you know how to write. That takes brains. You can do it.

    Don't join up in a radical group that encourages this kind of murder. Those acts never solve anything. Also, the overall fear and negativity of the group works against a healthy psyche.

    Just my opinion.
    Buddhabro2.0 likes this.
  11. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut

    I asked a blackpill YouTuber for a face rating, and I ranked a 6. This means I'm average.
  12. gillesdoingkungfu

    gillesdoingkungfu Fapstronaut

    Practice SR, start medidating, start unprogramming yourself from all that crap by realising your true nature (btw being black has no bearing whatsover, you will notice this).
  13. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut

    One guy gave me a 4 for a face rating. I feel like shit. The camera lenses did distort my face and made my jawline and nose bigger than what it looks like in real life.

    I had a woman give me a face rating and she gave me a solid 5. Still awaiting on the next few ones.
  14. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut

    The highest rating I got was a 7.
  15. Mob Barley

    Mob Barley Fapstronaut

    Bro dont pay youtubers to rate you thats a scam! The only feedback you need is from people in everyday life or you can download a free app that can scan you face for symmetry
  16. You have to defeat the limiting belief you have about your genetics by defying your genetics to achieve your highest genetic potential! Use the black pill to destroy the black pill.
    Mob Barley likes this.
  17. scarecrow1

    scarecrow1 Fapstronaut

    The blackpill is the truth. Before the term was coined I guess it was referred to as the ugly truth.

    Looks are paramount and of supreme importance in dating. A big component of that is genetically endowed. Take height as an example. Women prefer tall guys and no amount of bs coping is going to change that.

    The most valuable resource on the planet are good looking, young fertile women. They have ENDLESS options being hit on in real life, tinder and Instagram. On tinder girls 99% of swipes are to the left.

    The most common and plentiful resource in the world is male thirst. Guys are simping everywhere and some clever CEOs and girls on only fans have monetized this. 99% of swipes are to the right.

    Nofap has its benefits and you should preserve at it. However if you are not at the standard that women feel are attractive the only thing that's going to happen is you will be a non religious monk. That's it
  18. that stuff is bad ive been down that rabbit hole with black pill, mgtow, confidence hustler, etc. all those things never provide solutions only complain or explain how promiscuity is good(because of how divorce screws men, etc.). The world isn't a bad place, it just unfortunately has some "lost" people in it.
  19. highinhibition

    highinhibition Fapstronaut

    bro nobody cares about your sex life, everybody says whatever he wants to feel better about himself, nobody wants to help you

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    when you are a young teenager perhaps or just for a quick flick but women are mostly interested in the long terms as it it they who must go through the pregnancy and don’t just have the option to pack up and leave, in this context the most important thing is success and ability to take care of your offsprings, in the modern world that frequently mean higher social status and earning income. You can be as old and ugly as you want if you got money you will get all the girls, after that personality and charisma possibly rank higher than looks.

    Now it is true that being taller is valued in society and not just by women, men also prefer taller men as their leader and as far as women are concerned they are generally though to be better at defending them however that is just a smokescreen, in a ritualized hand-to-hand combat like that seems on popular sports such as boxing taller guy have an undeniable advantage in reach.

    However everything modern humans like go back to our evolutionary past, if women prefer tall people that should be something instinctive as they had a better shot a surviving and thus finding a mate to procreate in the time of the hunter gatherers where combats were anything but ritualized and more akin to that of soldiers ie making the fight as unfair as possible, you look today at modern armies unlike what Hollywood will have you believe tall, big soldiers are mostly parade troops, the best soldiers both in regular and specials groups tend to be on the shorter and average spectrum, this make sense when you think about it, having a weapon largely negate any advantage in strength and big soldiers eat too much, tire too fast, are too unbalanced and present too big a target. People of average height on the other hand have an ideal weight distribution allowing them to keep up for much longer and historically height was mostly a disadvantage in the battlefield unless you were on horseback, you can see short romans legionaries beating all of their taller northern neighbors and later frankish knights dominating the battlefield but even then they did not look like some Hollywood roided green berets but only a bit taller and more stocky or lean.

    The rule after all is survival of the fittest, modern koala have the distinction of having for millions of years now evolved to be increasingly dumber to the point that they will starve before eating a leaf that is not attached to a tree and say what you want about it but they survived while others of their species died off, the same way living in modern society and being influenced by these modern trend is making humans less and less able to survive in the wild as these big guys would have a hard time there. On the other hand some species are know to develop disadvantageous traits so the fact that they can survive even then must mean that they have some other advantage worthy of being passed down.