Computer Help

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Throwaway Account #59254, Aug 28, 2022.

  1. I've tried several things to block pornography from my computer. I've deleted all browsers from my computer except Google Chrome, disabled Incognito Mode, turned on safesearch, installed several Chrome extensions to block pornography and also block the safesearch page to prevent me from turning it off again, and I edited my hosts file with the blocking code for around 12,000 pornographic websites by name. I have a much larger hosts file saved with 500,000+ websites mentioned by name, but I can't use it unless I disable my DNS, otherwise it will lock up my computer, prompting a factory reboot. I need to keep my DNS on because I'm using OpenDNS Family Shield.

    The issue is none of this seems to be working, I've tested it and the hosts file and OpenDNS Family Shield don't seem to work at all. If I turn everything else off and keep those two things on, they don't appear to be blocking anything. And Chrome extensions and safesearch are too easy to turn off. All I need to do to disable the extensions is right click the three dots in the top right-hand corner and go to extensions, where they can just be turned off with toggle switches. I've tried using the hosts file and even extensions themselves to block access to the extension page, but you can't block access to any chrome:// URLs.

    I am not a tech guy, I've probably learned more about computers through trying to figure out how to block pornography than any other context. I am asking if there are any ways to either block access to the Chrome extension URL (chrome://extensions) or lock the extensions in place so they can't be turned off without a password or something. I would like to know if there are any ways to password lock safesearch in place as well. I've heard you might be able to do more with access to extensions with a corporate account, but that is out of the question. Any additional solutions would be very much appreciated.

    I use Windows 10, all solutions must be free to implement, and please explain everything to me in the most simple terms as if you were explaining it to somebody who knows nothing about computers, as I am not a tech guy.

    Thank you.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2022
  2. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    The solution is simple. In my own personal opinion, it is physically and absolutely impossible to stop looking at porn if you're the only one who has the password to unlock porn on your computer. You need to get accountability. Someone else needs to be in charge of what you're allowed to look at online, as well as obviously being aware that access to ANY kind of porn or porn substitute needs to be completely prohibited.
  3. I have ways of dealing with that. I'm just looking for solutions.
  4. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    Solutions to what, exactly?
  5. Alcatel1312

    Alcatel1312 Fapstronaut

    Bro, honestly i just gave my laptop to my friend. He has had it for almost 3 months now. Best decision in my life bro…
  6. To blocking pornography on my computer
  7. I need to keep the laptop around for work. I need technical solutions that can block pornography without being easily disabled like Chrome extensions can.
  8. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    In my experience, anything can be easily disabled, and sometimes filters turn off on their own.
  9. the300clean

    the300clean Fapstronaut

    You should use Pluckeye: it blocks everything very well inside the computer.
    Pluckeye is a whitelist, meaning you need to build you own list of websites that you wish to enter. and keep it.

    You should block your passwords away from you using Pluckeye lockbox.

    You are welcome
  10. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    If you have a laptop with internet access, and you're the only one with the passwords to anything on it, I'm telling you honestly, it won't work. I've been around and seen a lot and I've never once seen or heard of anyone beating (or coming close to beating) this addiction without help from other people and a lot of accountability. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm trying to tell you the ugly truth. In my opinion, you need to either get someone else to keep the passwords for you, or you need to expect relapses. A LOT of them.
  11. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    I think you're forgetting an option: not using a filter. [​IMG]
  12. I already told you I have ways of dealing with that. Just because I'm the one making the password doesn't necessarily mean I have it memorized or have easy access to it.
  13. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    I understand what you're saying, but I don't think you're getting my point. I'm not saying that your methods of being online might not work. I'm saying they won't work. Sooner or later, you will relapse if you have the ability, ultimately, to go anywhere you want online. It doesn't matter if you've memorized the passwords or how hard it may be to go online. This is an addiction and the addict inside us will often times go to any length to get that "fix" we want so badly.
  14. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    What do you mean? Are you suggesting that a sex/porn addict go online without a filter?
  15. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    Yes. If the filter leads to relapse so often, as you seem to suggest, you should get rid of it. Or do you suggest that there is no hope of recovery for a porn addict?
  16. the300clean

    the300clean Fapstronaut

    I don't understand why you say that.

    Filter keeps you away from the problem.
    no having filter keep you close to the problem.

    the normal person would prefer anything that keeps him away from the problem of falling from the roof.

    take your house for example, if it has a roof: it probably has a fence. why ? because it keeps you away from the problem
  17. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    I'm suggesting that there is basically no hope for an addict who relies on himself to not access porn without any outside help. If the addict has the passwords to getting online unrestricted, then, in my experience, no, there's not much hope at all.

    And just to be clear, you're saying that if an addict resets quite often with a filter, then getting rid of the filter is the answer???
  18. EthosLogosPathos

    EthosLogosPathos Fapstronaut

    I too had the same problem as you, and I fixed it by using 3 blocker apps: Cold Turkey and CleanBrowsing Filter for PC and Stay Focused (permanent premium) for Android. My method is to block enough websites to deter me from ever thinking of watching porn. Thanks to the Pareto principle, I know that 20% of the porn sites I visit constitutes 80% of the porn videos I watch online (in reality, it's a lot less than that - I've blocked ~600 sites and only about 16 - 19 of those sites I visit more than 90% of the time), so I think the same more or less applies to you, my fellow abstainer. I don't have to worry about the rest; they're but deterrents, and they represent a much larger mass of porn sites to help me steer away.
    For PCs, I first activate the Adult filter on CleanBrowsing to make a preliminary block, then I activate my Cold Turkey blocking lists attached below. You should buy the full license for Cold Turkey, as it allows access to the "Applications" section. In my applications list, I block the emergency uninstaller for Cold Turkey and access to CleanBrowsing so that once I've set it, I can forget it.
    For Android, I know there are apps that are in the gray zone; that is, they have both non-NSFW and NSFW content (i.e. Reddit, DeviantArt), so I blocked them along with every porn site in my Cold Turkey blocking list. I also used CleanBrowsing's free porn filter for Android. You can check it out below:
    However, there is one critical weakness with this Android setup: If you've bought the permanent premium and set the blocks to only Lock Mode Level 1 (I don't do Level 2 because it can get very inconvenient when you need to change something), which only blocks you from editing your profiles but not the system settings app, you can go to Accessibility -> Installed Services (whatever it's called) and disable both the DNS and the blocks. I patched this by implementing a block on the settings app itself, so that when things look dicey, I can just - poof! - institute a quick block until the urge has passed.
    Here are the attachments that you'll find useful.

    Attached Files:

  19. drunkenmaster

    drunkenmaster Fapstronaut

    100% agreed
  20. drunkenmaster

    drunkenmaster Fapstronaut


    Try 208 67 222 123 & 208 67 2220 123

    it works but you can still erase it and porn will be available