How do I date if I have PIED

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by seagulls6878, Jul 12, 2022.

  1. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    Like the title says I have pied. I’m on day 7 with minor peeking and no masturbation . I’m just very lonely and tired of being alone and sad . Is it still possible for me to try and date with pied? Sometimes I just sit at home and wonder if it’s going to be like this forever . I will be 31 in a few months and I don’t know if I can go forever like this .
  2. This may not be the answer you're looking for, however:
    There are other types of intimacy other than the physical. When we're lonely it's not being caused only by a lack of sex, it's a lack of intimate connection on other levels. I know it's hard in today's world to avoid sex within the first few dates, but there are those women out there who are seeking more than getting laid, women who want a real connection like you seem to need. Become friends first, seek friendship and emotional connection. ED is a common problem among men today, regardless of the cause, so it's no shocker to women today when they encounter a man who has it. You may be able to talk with her about this and explain that you're in the process of healing, if you've made a connection with her, she'll understand. And there are still many other ways you can physically pleasure her. And in doing so, you may hasten your own healing process.
    I hope that helps.
    helloo1221 and seagulls6878 like this.
  3. At 31 you're still a young man, avoidance of porn will likely lead to your pied resolving itself.
    The way I see it, the main thing is to avoid entering a shame cycle, so when you do date, don't push sex too early, you'll avoid ED issues as you stay in recovery and she'll grow in affection for you.

    If the moment comes and the worst happens, be honest with her, she might shock you and be understanding, even walk this path with you back to full health. Your parts will work properly again, nature always resets to default eventually.
    helloo1221 and seagulls6878 like this.
  4. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    I’m not gonna lie to you guy I get down about it . I’ve been dealing with pied problems whatever I have , low libido and no sex drive since I was 20 years old . It feels like it may be forever and that really does scare me. Like you guys said it’s not really about the sex, I’m just super super lonely . I need someone , I’m angry all the time and I wish my life was different than how it is now . I think letting the pied go all these years and indulging has made it all worse .
  5. I get down too, totally get that. It sucks, no doubt, I have PIED too, and have a wife(!). You say you have low libido, but are you sure? Maybe it's healthy, but misdirected towards porn.

    PMO twists and rewires your brain, but the brain will reset, it will heal, IF given time away from all that. Last time I couldn't get it up with my wife, I apologized and made a lame joke about getting older. But 5 min later laying there I was getting hard thinking of the nasty porn I would be watching after she fell asleep. THAT'S the devastation that porn and thousands of PMO sessions can do, a naked woman in front of me, but I'm like a little boy down there, UNTIL I started looking ahead to a lewd nast porn session later that night.
  6. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    Shit that sucks man . I’m sorry your going through that shit especially married . I’m pretty sure I have low libido man . My dick won’t even get up to my favorite porn . If I jack off , it stays soft and when I cum its soft . I’m really really worried that this isn’t from porn at all . I’m worried that it’s from all the ecstasy I took when I was in high school . I woke up one morning from an edging session and realized I couldn’t get turned on much anymore and I had ED. This was when I was 20 . I did more drugs and drank till I was about 26 to cope with this . Now I’m about to be 31 , I’m clean and sober but I still have this problem . I’ve been to rehab when I was 22 and I also go to the gym and alot of gym goers are ex addicts . NONE of them have this problem that I have , their all fine . I don’t know if I screwed something up when I was in high school . My General Doctor doesn’t think the drugs have affected me . He thinks it’s from excessive porn and masturbation . Me being naked with a women will not arouse me . I still find women attractive it’s just like my emotions feel dulled . I’ve had blood tests and they can’t find anything wrong . He wants me to see a sex therapist . I’m really scared man . I’ve attempted suicide over this before and I have a large scar on my thigh where I tried to cut my femoral artery , it took 15 staples . I was 23 years old at the time. I just feel a lot of despair man. Looking at porn doesn’t arouse me anymore but if I do look at it , it will dull the pain and just make everything “ok”.
    ChrisJord likes this.
  7. Have you seen a sex therapist, as your doctor recommended?
    seagulls6878 likes this.
  8. I swear, this shit is worse than any booze or drugs on the planet, it kills you mentally and physically, then comes back for more, when we're alone and feeling low. I assume you've tried boner pills?

    I did and that didn't help with the wife either, I only tried once since a second failure WITH a boner pill in me would just be devastating, it would break me. I know what you mean about softness, I have that too, fucking porn.

    And what ndo we get from our medical community? They go on and on about "healthy" masturbation, inevitably it's a woman talking that nonsense, they just have no clue what porn does.

    I'm sorry you're in such pain, but at least this is a place you can come and just be brutally honest, no judgements since we're all in the same boat here. We've never met, but I'm glad your suicide attempt failed, you deserve a full and rich life, and you know what's holding you back, stay strong, stay healthy.
    OhWhenThe and seagulls6878 like this.
  9. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    No man I haven’t . I live alone in my 550 square foot apartment . I don’t mean to sound pitiful , every night I go to my parents house and have dinner with them . I know one day they will not be here anymore . My brother has his own life with his GF now that he will probably marry . I don’t know what I’m going to do when my parents are gone and I’m still here fucked up like this . No where to go and no one around . I hate to say this but I always remind myself that one day I’ll die and all this pain will be over with . Hate to say it but I look forward to my death .
  10. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    Thank you man . Yeah I’ve tried v1agra from the doctor . They semi worked in the beginning when I was like 25. Now they do absolutely nothing because they aren’t aphrodisiacs . I used to take the rhino pills from the gas station years ago and those did work but again stopped working . I’m dead inside and I don’t know what to do . We’re all in this same shitty boat together , like you said . We gotta see a way through it . Sadness is alwsys their for me man . I’m tearing up right now as I’m writing this to you . It’s not so much that I wanted to die . I just wanted to escape this . In my mind I was like “maybe it’ll be better where I’m going after .” I thought if I die and still think if I die I can get another chance in another life . I have the scar on my thigh to remember what I did to myself . It’s just I’m sober now and live alone and my parents are getting older and it feels like the roof is caving in again . I’m sorry what’s happening to you and your marriage with your wife . I find myself day dreaming all the time how my life would be if I were normal , or if I could restart how differently I’d do it . It’s just a thought , we only have one shot at the life we’re given . I don’t think I could ever share this stuff with people in the real world. My parents don’t even know I tried to kill myself. I told them I slashed my leg while skateboarding , I used to skate a lot back then. I did it In my house then hobbled to the neighborhood park . I didn’t want to die in my parents house . Something changed while I was walking their , I felt all dizzy and I wanted to live for some reason . I walked back home and told them I slashed my leg while trying to grind a rail . Not trying to sound depressing this shit just really gets to me , how messed up i am.
  11. Stop beating yourself up, look at it this way, you're here, you're pouring out your soul, you want to change. Even in the park that day, you walked home, you chose to live. There's light at the end of this, shit man now I'm tearing up, and I was about to do something as mundane as go out to mow my lawn!
    Do you believe God? I would never push something on someone, but I just don't believe in coincidence.
    Your writings have really affected me, my heart is thumping and it's not about me but about you and your pain right now. I'd like to find the first person to film a sex scene and and knock their fucking head off, SO much damage has been done!
    seagulls6878 likes this.
  12. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    Yeah man we’re in this together we need each other . I was about to look at pics of women on the internet but idk I was just like ya know , maybe I should see if anyone replied to my post . It’s like man my dad has multiple sclerosis and I know that they don’t live as long as someone who is healthy . I do Eveything I can to help him . I text him every morning to make sure he’s made it to work and I mean I just don’t know what I’m going to do when he’s not here . I wonder if that’s what’s going to push me over the edge again. I alwsys tell him in a joking manner ( even though I’m not really joking ) I alwsy say I’ll probably jump off the freeway once he’s gone . He goes you can’t do that because I didn’t raise you to do that and you have to keep living for me . It’s just difficult man , it’s difficult all around . For me and you and for everyone on this forum . I got bullied alot in middle school . I was always the sensitive type and I took it to heart . I started watching porn in high school cause I figured no one would want me . When girls would show interest In high school I would shrug it off as “their just being nice .” I would retreat home after high school and fap and watch porn and smoke weed until my parents came home . I thought it didn’t matter cause I was too fucked up for anyoen to like me , I was scarred from junior high . I realized later that the things the kids told me in junior high were true and most of us are fat and ugly back then lol , those are the awkward years . I did a lot of drugs In high school to cope with the social anxiety and the self loathing . Once I was 20 and I had a couple girlfriends, by that time , the PIED hit me hard and Eveything has been shits since . I believe in god man . Hell I’m angry at him , I ask him all the time why he did this to me . It’s left me bitter towards god man . The majority of my life has been chaotic . I’m really glad you feel like this is helping you and you can empathize with me . It’s hard to find that these days . Most people in the real world are glued to their phones and void of any feelings .
    Warrior4Freedom and ChrisJord like this.
  13. Shit, I'll be honest and confess I can't even imagine having this access to porn when I was young, I'd be in the same boat you were. When I was 18ish it was literally dirty magazines, I remember the first time I saw a pussy was in my friend's dad's Penthouse magazine. But even then my blood started pumping like a madman. I graduated to stealing my older sister's dirty underwear to use, then VHS tapes the room in the back behind the curtain lol. Porn and shame have always been there, but the insane free and available porn now is what brought me to addiction level. Physical and mental damage have been the result.
    I'm sorry about your dad's MS, but he's right that you do need to live for him, sounds corny but it's true. If his MS is managed well he might live as long as anyone.
    God gave us free will, we choose to sin, we choose porn, a thought that blew my mind (fucking crying again now) is - what if everytime I jerked off, everytime I secretly hoped my wife wouldn't want sex because I couldn't, what if all those times, God was watching and my choices made him cry? What if he were to me as a father and he knew every lustful thought and deed I did, what if he was watching me destroy myself and he was bawling, asking why?
    He created us to be in His image, yet we turn our backs and seek out porn?? Yes, we do just that.
    I can only relate this all to my battle with alcohol, no matter how many times I prayed for relief, it didn't work, I had the desire to stop but not the means?mthe change happenednwhen I found other who understood my struggle, my addiction - other alcoholics
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2022
    seagulls6878 likes this.
  14. That principle is the same here, you can speak to all of us knowing we understand like nobody else possibly can.
    On a more practical level, understand that as you refrain for PMO, the dopalevels in your brain will decrease hadn't en eventually level back up to normal.nmcheck out Your brain on Porn" there are clips on YouTube, your brain has been artificially jacked up on dopamine from porn, withdraw is real and the valley is low, but it gets better. Your brain can reset, heal itself. We've done a lot of damage to our minds and bodies, but we can heal, we can be normal again, it will take time.
    You can find real love, a wife, kids, it's all waiting still, just stay strong and stay engaged here. I'm praying for you, seriously am.
    seagulls6878 likes this.
  15. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    I had a really big problem with alcohol too man . I went to Rehab and AA when I was 22. I’ve been on and off antidepressants since high school and like I said I did a bunch of other street drugs . I mean hell man I was drunk as a skunk when I ran that knife into my thigh . The alcohol made it, along with my antidepressants, not care and stick that knife in my leg . See I was suicidal for a long time . The Alcohol , antidepressants and family being mad at me for being a drunk gave me the drive to try and end it right their . At times I’m in denial that porn can actually cause all of this suffering. Then I log onto here and talk to guys who are exactly like me . Guys that are going through the same exact thing . It’s day 7 for me today with no porn or M or O. I’m not gonna lie I’ve been fantasizing but that’s all. I want 90 days I want to see what that feels like . The first time I fapped I was 13 to a pic of a girl in a bikini in my dads mens health magazine . Looking back till now . I’ve pretty much done it everyday since then. Someone with a normal brain may be like ok that’s cool I’ll do it once a week , but not people like us. Like you said it’s the hardest drug to beat . I’ve seen your brain on porn and I see myself in those clips and in those words. .I’ve had two medical doctors that believe that what I’m going through is porn and masturbation induced . My doctor said he’s seen people recover from it . Sometimes I feel like a little “b****“ for crying but I can’t help it man , shit is painful and tears me up . Especially seeing people my age with families and kids of their own and knowing that I can’t have that . It’s very heart wrenching , that's what drives me back to porn to kill the pain . Keep
    Going for your wife man . I try to think About Eveyone and Eveything when I want to relapse. Thank you for telling me your prayer for me and I will do the same for you . Sometimes all I say is “please god help me “. That’s all I say , I think maybe god lives in us at times . Good deeds people do and things like that . We all need each other and we need to stay tight knit and express how we feel if we are truly going to beat this man .
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2022
  16. Amen! I started thinking nasty thoughts last night too, my hand even started moving down there by instinct, but this site and the discussions going on here made me pause just long enough to talk to God, to ask him to drive these thoughts from me, to help me stay strong. And it worked, at least for last night. The MRI scans of a cocaine addict next to a porn addict was a gut punch to me, there was NO fucking difference! Holy shit, here I am an upstanding guy who pays his bills, has a good job, a wife and family, etc...And my brain scan would look like a cocaine addict? What does this mean long term? Will this increase my chances of being a damn dementia patient sooner rather than later? I have one brain, did I screw it up permanently? I'm told the brain can heal, but how confident am I on that? Serious and heavy questions, all stemming from fucking porn.

    We were lied to, about everything to do with porn. Even today the sexual "experts" will tell young men how masturbation is normal, nothing to feel bad about, etc...they might give a small caution about excessive porn use, but they just don't understand what porn does. It's poison, evil, and for young men it's the most powerful drug there is, the best option for young men is to stay away from it, never look at it, just never. But young men don't get that message, or if they do they can laugh it off as being some old codger screaming at the wind since the "experts" say a little is ok. That's like saying a "little" meth is ok. So they use porn since they've been given "permission" to watch porn and jerk off, but just a "little", drugs don't work that way and neither does porn, it pulls you in, makes you it's slave . Then by the time they get older and they see the damage done physically and mentally, it's too late. Just like you and me, they're now dependent on porn to cum, and like a fish on a line they're hooked, just like you and me were. I feel terrible for young guys these days.

    I don't think they could ever put the porn genie back in the bottle, but it's wrecking relationships around the world, we need to at least start telling the truth, but it's such a taboo subject nobody talks about it. Porn has led to insane sexual behavior, what we see on screen we want in real life. I've "donated" to women (I think 3 but honestly can't remember even) to let me sniff and lick their ass, because that was my fetish, and I asked them to play on their phones and "ignore" me, because that was a fetish too. That's sick, twisted behavior, there's literally NOTHING normal or even safe about that, but there's also no doubt it wouldn't have happened without porn. And when I was doing that, I barely even looked at their pussy, I was so desensitized that I needed more extreme interaction. A man who won't even look at a woman's pussy but instead focuses on her asshole is not a normal healthy man with a normal healthy sexual appetite. I was, and still am, broken.

    Hook-up culture has been devastating for men and women both, quick sex replacing romance and marriage is a recipe for depression and loneliness. We're seeing it all play out, it's just so sad. Young men treating young woman as sluts, and young women acting like sluts, debasing themselves and doing the most vile sex acts at a super young age, all to attract young men who are desensitized to normal dating and romance, it all stems from porn. Porn comes straight from the pits of hell I swear.

    Stopping alcohol was the hardest thing I ever did, but it feels like a cake-walk compared to quitting porn. At least for whiskey I had to actually GO to the store and buy it. For porn, all I have to do is look at my phone, which is always with us btw, and it's free and anonymous. But we can do this, others have before us, the path is laid out in front of us. We can get our minds and our dicks healthy again, back to base reality, reset it all. This website is a God-send, I'm so grateful it's here. This website and daily prayer are an early start on a long journey back to health.
  17. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    I saw the mri scans of the cocaine and porn addict Brain. I, like yourself also have fetishes and I’ve also paid sex workers to carry out that fetish . It’s been years and years of paying these women and it’s just made me go deeper and deeper into the deep dark hole. Most of them were surprised how young I was , it made me feel even weirder . I guess what makes it difficult too man is that I’ve been single for years and years . I have the money to pay for this shit . This is how it got for me though . Hiring a sex worker isn’t cheap , you get the pre high where you go and see her . You imagine it’s gonna be better than it really is. Once it’s over , at least for me . I feel really depressed and pitiful and I think about what I could have done with that money I just spent . It’s a waste of money and it’s only hurting you more . That fetish isn’t my particular fetish but I understand how it is . We just have to be strong man so we can live a life of normalcy . Porn was created to destroy the soul , which it has done . Like you said stopping alcohol was nothing compared to this. Porn is like trying to quit smoking cigs while you have a pack in your pocket at all times . Like you said others have done it and so can we . We have a good support here , just gotta reach out . It’s funny how hookers call it a “donation” lol they use all that terminology to make it sound better . Like no I’m paying you for a sex act lol. Honestly I think a lot of those hookers are just as lost as us . It’s a waste of money too man . We have to rise above that shit .
    Long Range likes this.
  18. No doubt about the women, in as sad shape as we are, but their drugs are pretty much drugs, not porn. But our addiction has us giving them money, which then feeds their drug addiction, which has them renting out their bodies to broken men like us to use. It's just a circle of misery and suffering for all involved, nobody wins and everybody loses. But I had the same terrible feelings after seeing them you did, driving home with tears in my eyes, disgusted at what I'd just done, how had I let this happen? And praying for forgiveness and a fresh start, and all that time feeling utterly alone, isolated, even wondering if I deserved to live, I was such a pervert, would anyone even miss me if they knew what I had just done? I can't say I was ever suicidal, but I had gotten to a place where I thought I understood how I could be, definitely a dark place.

    But that's when the devil comes at you, when you're ashamed, defeated, broken, and alone. Only now, I'm not alone. I have a place I can come to, to unburden, to help others.

    That's a perfect analogy about quitting smoking with smokes in your pocket, going to make it just a wee bit harder eh?!
  19. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    I still have escorts that text me and ask me how I’m doing and all that. Their pretend to care and then the conversation always turns too, when are you gonna come see me again . Aka “when are you gonna come pay me again “. I was getting high end ones off the internet man . Sex workers is just porn in real life . It honestly makes Pied worse man. People don’t understand why I’m single all the time and I don’t want to tell them obviously . The addiction kills everything , even my music sounds dull to me . Idk if you have experienced that or not . See man years ago , And I mean years ago. I would see a sex worker and I couldn’t wait to do it again . Now Im so depressed and my emotions are so dull I just feel bad after it’s over . Plus I can’t get it up or keep it up. I get sad cause I got Pied when I was 20. I wasted my best years on fapping, drugs and sex workers . I can’t get them back man . That’s why I did what I did when I was 23, I couldn’t see a way out. Sucks living alone in isolation too man. It’s crazy how I’ve talked to so many people on here and theirs so many similarities between us all . It’s like when I went to rehab I told my parents I said I’m not like these people . My parents go you are exactly like these people .
    ajstath likes this.
  20. Perfectly stated.
    seagulls6878 and ChrisJord like this.