How to never have urges. 1000 + days no PMO

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Deleted Account, Jun 18, 2022.

  1. Current streak:
    -like 1000 + days no PMO.
    -200 days SR I had to ejaculate(medical reasons) because I had a vasectomy otherwise it'll be 1000 + days SR

    How to never have urges?
    The answer is: that is not the point.

    It's like asking how to lift weights and not feeling sore. Many here base their progress in how they feel, I could tell you there's no one weight training in which I felt good I'm almost all the time in pain and tired because I train hard.

    That means I'm training bad? Of course not because the point of training is to go hard and in order to do that you need to be in a mental state that simply is unbothered by the painful feeling.

    After a while PMO urges diminish and can even be absent for some time, the stronger the urge you beat the stronger you become.

    But there are days in which you can be tired, sick, low energy, lazy, lacking awareness, the temptation is too strong or a mix of all these and an urge appear and it doesn't mean you lost progress what matters is how you respond to it if your mind is strong enough to beat it.

    And usually you can be 10 day or 1000 day streak it doesn't matter, the urge is uncomfortable to both streak holders just like is uncomfortable to lift heavy weights if you are training 1 year amateur or 10 years and you are a pro.

    I like urges
    Because it's the tool that forces me to be strong, without it how can my mind become stronger?

    How to endure and beat an urge?
    Just like anything difficult you have in your life, you fight and fight using all you got sometimes you will lose but keep fighting. It's worth it.

    - Don't see urges, temptation as a curse they are a blessing to make you stronger.
    - Don't aim to never have urges, aim to be strong enough you can beat them.
  2. Risingstar98

    Risingstar98 Fapstronaut

    After a very long time i read an inspiring and motivating post. You are a true warrior brother. Congratulations for 1000+ days achievement. This is a huge achievement.
  3. Thanx bro
    Koli Pratham likes this.
  4. iamShinra

    iamShinra Fapstronaut

    Asgardian36 and Tilopa like this.
  5. iamShinra

    iamShinra Fapstronaut

    Is it necessary to Ejaculate after Vasectomy?
    Also like how to Ejaculate? Sex or MO?

    Just Curious as an 18 yr Old hahah :rolleyes:
  6. Yes in order to Ejaculate viable sperm

    either way is valid
    Koli Pratham likes this.
  7. Thanx
    Koli Pratham likes this.
  8. Kierann

    Kierann Fapstronaut

    Great post. Thanks for sharing :)
    Tilopa likes this.
  9. You're welcome. Thanks for reading
  10. Impossible. What's that? I don't have that word in my dictionary
    victorschaffer66 likes this.
  11. Some one just asked me about how to deal with urges

    But the bottom line is, when those urges come, what will we do? How will we react

    The urge is just like any other feeling, just like any other thought it means nothing by itself. One has to realice the emptiness of feelings good or bad and simply do not dwell on them, they will pass.

    I think understanding what emotions, thoughts and feelings are is essential to overcome an urge.

    Using reason to dissect our own emotions so we understand them and meditation helps quite a bit.
  12. Chubby

    Chubby Fapstronaut

    Wow! I have never thought of urges like that, you gave me new perspective. Thanks.
    Tilopa likes this.

    IMDONEMATE New Fapstronaut

    I think what they mean by asking how to never have urge is they mean to avoid the urge or the trigger like sexy photo and all that
    iamShinra likes this.
  14. 218 SR, no PMO

    The urge is gone

    I had an urge like one week ago. An urge usually appears every 3 months if I don't have sex during that time.

    I always find my way to deal with it by having sex, this time I solved it by simply acknowledging the urge, enduring it.

    Surprisingly it passed away I don't feel an urge to have sex and much less PMO never crossed my mind and I must say it's quite a liberating experience. Even do I can have sex with my girlfriend or with other girl I don't feel any need to do so.

    Cultivating an accomplishment in beating an urge completely I think is something any man or rebooter has to experience.

    Now the next time I have an urge I remember this mental state I have right now how strong, free I feel. No needing porn or girls, being above sex is one of the best experiences I could ever ask.
  15. JLD

    JLD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Congratulations for reaching a point where urges are gone!

    I think that West societies in which we live put a lot of emphasis on sex. Porn is easily accessible, TV shows-movies-music industries feature lots of sexy girls, dressed in a sexual way. Even the women that we can see on the streets while walking or driving around highlight their curves, their bodies, etc.

    All of this bring the guys to be more excited sexually speaking and therefore the risk of wanting sex/masturbation increases.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2022
    Mr.Tony, Freeddom_Taker and iamShinra like this.
  16. iamShinra

    iamShinra Fapstronaut

  17. Someonefrom1981

    Someonefrom1981 Fapstronaut

    Waw, strong stuff, i will hold on to this.. thx..
  18. regaininglife

    regaininglife Fapstronaut

    Beautifully said. From a demon to a guardian angel. Thank you for taking the time to share this absolute wisdom.
    100 Days likes this.
  19. Is that way healthy ? And How can we avoid being sexual ?