you can be free too

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by youcanbefree, Jun 18, 2022.

  1. youcanbefree

    youcanbefree New Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone!

    I will share with you my struggles with adult films, will try to give a lot of tips and maybe you will find something useful for yourself.

    I want to just say that English is not my first language so i am sorry if there are some mistakes.

    Ok, so i will begin that every person is different and every journey is different. That is very important because as far as I can see in Internet everything is put in one basket and I think that it shouldn't be. Of course there are many general themes like dopamine, but still there are many that in every person is different like behavior, baselines of your neurochemistry and so on.

    I truly believe that changes in our body chemistry can be very impactful for this shitty addiction.

    Few things that you can do right now:

    • meditation is one of the best things that you can do right now; it will help you with thoughts, anxiety, you will start to learn how to think or actually how not to think about women... and many more ( I use Waking up app, the best I think for knowledge and mediations )
    • very good quality of sleep ( later I will tell you a good source of knowledge )
    • 80% healthy diet ( mostly vegetables, less meat, 2x per week fish, more -> good source of knowledge ) 20% what you want
    • " dopamine detox " - please consider to cut down as much social media as you can ( see what I do -> top down ); [on Facebook is absolutely nothing interesting ( i keep only messenger ), Instagram I post few times a year a good quality picture and immediately I delete an App, the main thing is to keep your head clean from external dopamine hits, switch off notifications or switch the sound off]
    • take supplement: vit. B1, B6, Omega 3 ( EPA 2-4g... see Huberman lab), magnesium
    • workout! but smart ( see Huberman lab again ) and stretch
    • and the last one... educate yourself, be open to different opinions and "connect dots". First understand than change.

    Few things to realize:

    • you will fail at some point in your nofap journey... and that's good because fails are for improvement, always, but that doesn't mean that it's not worth to have a long streak
    • nofap is not a challenge for short period of time, it's not even a challlenge per se... it should be a way of your new life
    • frustration is a great state to change ( it is a great state for neuroplasticity ), it is your opportunity to change
    • it is an addiction and it is a serious one, so don't think that you do it because you control it or something... you don't.
    • I will be hard, but it's worth to try an try and try

    Other things to consider:

    • you could think that if more things you put to your head it will be better but actually try to delete things in your head first and then add important stuff
    • everywhere now there is sentence "take care of yourself" it means actually something different that you might think... it means take care of simple, basic things like sleep or nutrition. Don't complicate your life more than it is.
    • read books ( its much better than comments on social media or news ( i dont watch news at all) )
    • I had frustration that this addiction controlled my life and i hated it, so i decided to change it. Take control of your life, why would you let this addiction to control you? there is no good reason.
    • you can create a list of 100 days to cross every time when you go to sleep ( it helped me a lot)
    • in waking up app there is a lesson called "Just begin again", i listen to it few times a week

    What I do:

    • I follow Huberman protocols ( which are amazing )
    • i drink AG1 and go to see sun
    • I do IF so I don't eat in the morning
    • I workout around 11 with empty stomach ( if I am hungry i eat and workout afternoon)
    • protein shake after workout from very good source
    • I drink yerba mate ( see again Huberman lab)
    • and so on ( see Huberman )
    • good sleep; blue blocker 1h before sleep, stretching for 1h before bed, meditation 10min. before bed ( i like ), I don't drink alcohol ( I drink very rarely ), magnesium

    I want to add also that dopamine is a molecule of motivation, drive and pursuit. It's not a pleasure molecule. When you want something dopamine drives you to this thing...

    For now dopamine drives you to bad habits but you can fortunately change this. [Try, when you do a bad habit, to do immediately a good one ( see Huberman lab about habits)]

    Now some free thoughts:

    I am not really into this forum because I don't really want to belong to the concept of nofap or adult films. If you will watch videos and read comments maybe it will help you short term but you should change mindset about this life with adult films.
    Please remember that nofap will be long term. Unfortunately adult films, social media and in general our times teaches us to take these dopamine hits and receive rewards as fast as you can ( dopamine don't care about you ).

    I am sure that there are more things that I could add but for now I don't recall them. If I see that this text will help someone I will try to do a better one another time.
    Sorry if its a little bit messy.

    Please leave a comment below if you want.

    I was addicted for 15 years, now at age 27 I am more free then ever before.

    I hope you will be free as well.

    Holding my thumb for you all.


    Good source of knowledge:

    • absolutely the best is Andrew Huberman ( please follow his podcast or youtube, you can find a recipe for good life )
    • his colleague Anna Lembke
    • for diet and fitness on Youtube good is also Magnus Method ( now I almost don't watch him because i limit my youtube usage)

    it is only written for educational purposes only!
    you are responsible for yourself in any way
  2. BearfootJack

    BearfootJack Fapstronaut

    Big ask but would you mind making a list of 'Huberman protocols'? I know you mentioned some. I've listened to a couple of his podcasts and they are great, but the fact is that like all other popular content creators, he has a ton of stuff to sort through. It's both hard to know where to start, and hard to find the time. The age of 2-4 hour podcasts is great for depth, but my free time isn't infinite, even with no PMO.

    Appreciate it if so. Thanks for sharing brother.
  3. youcanbefree

    youcanbefree New Fapstronaut

    Sure, check only episode 28 and also some people sometimes summarize every protocols in the comments.
    You can also go to Hubermans' website where he has a monthly newsletter with some of his protocols and you can download them.

    This is from the one of his comments section:

    MORNING -Wake up at the same time every day, record wake time (2 hrs before was temperature minimum)
    -Walk outside for 10-60 minutes (leads to focused alertness)
    -Drink 32 oz water with 0.5 tsp salt -Delay coffee until 90-120 minutes after waking
    -Delay food until ~12pm
    -Work ritual: 90-minute deep work period starting 4 hrs after waking (keep computer at eye-level, play white noise)
    -1 hr workout (cycles of 3 days of lifting, 2 days of cardio then 3 days of cardio, 2 days of lifting)

    AFTERNOON -Lower-carb lunch (mostly meat and vegetables, add bread/rice/oatmeal if you exercised). Try to not eat much past 80% full. Get omega 3s.
    -Walk 5-30 minutes after lunch.
    -Some form of relaxation practice.
    -Another 90-minute deep work session.
    -Walk 10-30 minutes around 4-5pm

    EVENING -Eat high-starchy carb dinner with some protein to improve sleep
    -Take a hot shower/20 minute sauna before sleep
    -Go to sleep at the same time every day in a dark, cool room
    Long Range and MasturTainer like this.
  4. jos_neko_kopa

    jos_neko_kopa Fapstronaut

    Congratulations on your feat, I am always happy to read that someone has escaped from slavery. Just one thing, if I understood well because English is not my strong point so I may have misinterpreted:

    You say that people will fall at some point, that is, that it will happen again, isn't it smarter that the attempt is not doomed immediately. On each of my travels, I told myself that it is important to endure as long as possible, because instead we do not say "I will do my best and I am convinced that my last session is also the last". Because no one runs away from addiction to get addicted again later.
    Kieran2121 likes this.
  5. Kierann

    Kierann Fapstronaut

    Very informative post indeed. Thanks for sharing and congratulations on your progress. :)
  6. youcanbefree

    youcanbefree New Fapstronaut

    I mean for me it is easier to accept from the beginning that it is possible that I will fail at some point but I will do anyway everything to have the longest streak ( now I know that after 100 days I will write on my list another 100 days and so on ).
    It is also very important to say to myself that I like when I am not doing any of these bad dirty stuff. Your dopamine will be release for it and not for the adult films. You need to change the pathway of releasing dopamine to the good habits from the bad one.
    At some point the dopamine receptors are restored and you just don't want to watch it, you will think different. The main thing is to keep the failing point as far from each other as possible.
    I am not against masturbation in the future but I hate adult films and I will never even consider to watch it ever again.
    Of course everything what I have written suits me... everyone is different so you can do what suits you;)
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2022
    jos_neko_kopa likes this.
  7. Joseph Campbell

    Joseph Campbell Fapstronaut

    Huberman lab is the shit! Kudos to you for figuring out the structure you need to thrive.