150 days, no longer a sissy!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Dr.J_76ers, May 26, 2022.

  1. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    I'm no longer addicted to sissy/trans/AGP porn. I've been going hardmode for 150 days and while I still get AGP-related thoughts, they have decreased in magnitude and frequency. And I can just move on with my life. The earlier porn use resulted in a gender identity crisis, which I now no longer deal with! I'm going to go into my "life story" of my sexuality here so that others can understand they can recover from this three-headed monster too:

    Okay so when I was 14 I developed AGP and (I know it's gross) I would fap to my own body (which was feminine - I had gynecomastia). This continued for a little while but I stopped when I got access to a smartphone.

    Okay, so now this part of my story is the traditional narrative where I escalated from vanilla porn (pictures of hot girls) to regular videos to lesbian videos to transwoman videos... and eventually to traps and sissy porn. I was around 17 when I was watching sissy porn, and that just took off. I've crossdressed but my main rush was from the sissy porn.

    SO AS YOU CAN SEE, I had some sort of gender-bendy things going on before I watched porn. Some people didn't have that and just straight up escalated to sissy porn, so recovery is often a little easier.

    But if you run the whole gambit like me, it's definitely hard because these "things" (the sissy, transwoman, traps, and crossdressing) all affirm this initial affinity (often prepubescent) for the opposite sex. And they can create the gender identity crisis that defined my later teen years.

    So to resume, I was a little bit of a late bloomer and I got bigger and more manly after freshmen year (when I was 14 and 15), so that was another reason I wasn't fapping to my body anymore. But ironically, I started getting HOCD around 16 when I was watching transwoman porn. I would get anxious that I was attracted to other guys my age, especially those that were more manly and successful than me. This again added to my gender identity crisis...

    Then sissy porn and traps came along (mostly on Reddit) and I was reading sissy captions like 2 hours a day. COVID of course made it worse! I tried to stay away from sissy videos because they were just so different (they would have a pretty girl then put a penis 2 seconds later) but I soon got into them too. I also want to say that ever since I had been looking at trans porn, I had read about transitions for transwomen and the bodily changes that I read (and saw) about due to hormones on Reddit gave me a large sexual rush. But my sissy porn phase just took things to a whole 'notha level. I was checking Reddit posts on r/asktransgender everyday about people in similar situations who were doubting their gender. That endless searching took me further along this path because many of the replies were from transgender people who argued that the poster should transition to the opposite sex.

    The main thing that stopped me from doing this was that after nutting I felt little to no inclination to engage in the trans porn and content. I really started NoFap in January 2021 because I thought that if I isolated myself from the porn I could figure out my own identity by myself. And almost right away I noticed a difference in that I was feeling more comfortable in my own body. Like I was noticing that I could abide or even like certain things about being a man. Before my identity crisis, I had never thought of life in terms of "gender" or as a rivalry between the sexes. But my crisis resulted in me, at first, thinking that I was in a battle between my masculine and feminine side, and that because my sexual urges were "on" my feminine side, the best thing to do would be to become a woman. I can totally understand that many people could go through this line of thought. But as I started NoFap and engaging more in real life, I noticed that this wasn't reflected in worldly happenings. I mean sure there are social norms and stuff like that, but when you're just interacting with another person the gender stuff usually isn't very important.

    And the other thing is that my experience engaging with this porn caused suicidal ideation and negative thoughts toward myself. Obviously the HOCD spiked and that was a contributing factor, but I knew there was a serious chance I was going along the wrong path. Some claim that transwomen and men are usually happier after having transitioned to the opposite sex. That is probably true for many but for those like me where the gender-bendy stuff is mostly sexual, I think that is not.

    Anyways, I continued on my NoFap journey and during the highs I was feeling, well to put it frankly - "like a man." But after relapses, I just went down the rabbit hole of sissy porn and traps again, and I would be doubting myself more. Last October, I got a 32 day streak and that was - I've come to realize - because I had come back to brick-and-mortar school and was actually socializing. After that I had a very serious cross-dressing episode and I was putting multiple things up my butt. The level of escalation I went through was serious. After my "episodes of pleasure," I kind of had a realization that I was just dilly-dallying and making my identity crisis worse, and the best thing for me to do would be to get on a long streak and see if maybe I could figure it out during that time. After several mishaps, I got on this current streak.

    And like I said, over the course of the streak, my sissy thoughts decreased in magnitude and frequency. I was feeling like a man, but I wasn't completely certain at Day 90, so I continued onward to Day 150 (with a resolve to socialize more) and I definitely feel sure of my self now.

    I am a heterosexual, masculine man. I went through all that crap and I was still able to come out a man! Well, in actuality I went from being a boy to a man. But of course it's not over yet, I need to become more sure of myself and who I am. I need to know myself so that I can be myself. Like at one point, I thought I was Eddie Murphy, but no, I'm not that funny.

    But on a serious note, I definitely think you can recover from this addiction too. Perhaps, you can think of it as molding life to fit your needs, instead of molding to life's needs and pleasures.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2022
    JS44471, slippy, NiceGuy2611 and 39 others like this.
  2. dre.spla

    dre.spla Fapstronaut

    Reading this is scary - seeing the crazy road pmo addiction can take you. Thanks for sharing
  3. How cool is that!
    We have another overcomer!
    Fb98, Warrior__, ice9 and 12 others like this.
  4. sur1985

    sur1985 Fapstronaut

    Now I realise how dangerous watching of pornography in different varieties, it’s completely contaminate our mind and transform our thoughts. We become dirty by this horrible, ugly information.
    Good that you overcome it, the sooner the better!
    Fb98, Brain-Police, desmond3 and 6 others like this.
  5. I am really very happy for your success all the best
    ice9, desmond3, Buddhabro2.0 and 2 others like this.
  6. thrownewexception

    thrownewexception New Fapstronaut

    Damn! That's great. Happy for you. Keep on progressing!
  7. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    Ok I got to quote Urban Dictionary for this because sissy porn is a complex topic:

    "It is a sub-genre of porn where images of hot women are utilized to turn on the target audience (mainly beta submissive males) and then quickly after a frame or two is shown of an erect cock usually cumming as well as words flashing up on the screen saying "Suck cock" "Eating cum is groovy" "Wear panties" "You need to get on your knees for a man" and phrases that serve to temporarily alter the viewer's sexual tastes (this practice is known as rewiring however it is fully reversible once the viewer lays off fapping and watching this type of porn) and make them think they are actually female in a male body. Sissy porn is often seen as an escalation from watching trans porn."

    It's very sucky and it's pulling more people in.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2022
    VSguy, Hello Jake, Ajar and 1 other person like this.
  8. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    Nice! Now that you're recovered, what are your goals in relation to NoFap? Personally, I want to start dating after the summer, and continuing with NoFap will allow me to stay away from porn. One thing that occurred on this streak is me understanding that I can actually hang out with a girl and not screw up.
    Ajar and __m like this.
  9. Kierann

    Kierann Fapstronaut

    Some journey you've had friend. Congratulations! Stay alert and stay strong :)
    Dr.J_76ers likes this.
  10. This is a key observation friend. It's my understanding that actual trans people don't really get a sexual rush out of say crossdressing, it's more that it just make them feel more normal. In other words their drive towards transitioning is not born from erotic fetishishation, but rather from a wish to live more in sync with how they already feel. (And they certainly don't need a bunch of dumb brainwashing videos to convince them of that either.)

    Good job noticing the difference and listening to your own internal truth - there are various stories here on nofap of guys who got really confused, crossed a line, and ended up regretting where they ended up.
  11. iamShinra

    iamShinra Fapstronaut

    Great Job Brother! Keep moving ahead in Life
    ceyyro likes this.
  12. This post (and this site) will be called 'transphobic', but for me it's simple. As a male (not a very masculine one but 6ft with a deep voice) it's all about DNA. If we don't have a 'soul', then all we are is organic animals where the DNA wants to replicate, and the main avenue for that is sex with the other gender.
    It's a strange time where we allow children to view pornography, but also try to tell them that girls can be boys and vice versa.
    Again, NoFap is often spoken of as a very bad thing. Well, maybe we should add Twitter etc to that.
    Ajar and Kieran2121 like this.
  13. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    I definitely don't hope for it to be transphobic. Here's my understanding of the situation: there are two groups - those with AGP and those with gender dysphoria. I visualize it as you know a typical Venn diagram, with these "circles" overlapping. I definitely support people transitioning if they have dysphoria, which is usually something that manifests when a person is really young AND is not sexual. AGP is when you get sexually aroused to imagining yourself as female. So they're different groups, but they can overlap.
    I hope it doesn't seem like I'm trying to patronize you, @SirErnest, just broadening this message to ppl who don't know about this issue.
    When you add internet porn, especially sissy porn (and other gender-bending genres), you get this super-stimulus that further reinforces an identity crisis for those watching. Where I think NoFap comes in, is it allows us to separate ourselves from the porn's reinforcing nature. Doing this allowed me to understand I don't have dysphoria. If you're coming to this site for help, my guess is you don't either, it's just a matter of separating yourself from porn (and masturbation that reinforces the fantasies) in order to assess yourself objectively.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2022
    dcookie likes this.
  14. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    I agree with your post. I noticed that as well.
  15. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    This is Good account of a man saying enough is enough and going on a long streak. What activities or habits or thoughts have helped you get where you're at???
  16. Papapa425155

    Papapa425155 Fapstronaut

    Guys i need help!! Again i think i am escalating!!! I wont tell my life story but the thing is that because of porn( i know it caused this because before that i found that disgusting) i have been having gay thoughts i do get a small boner sometimes but i cant from gay porn!! I can get a better boner from lesbian porn and the straight one in general!! I keep checking whether i get aroused if someone touches my leg and all that weird stuff and it makes me so depressed i need help please!!!
  17. I'm not gonna lie. I've been down this road... I've done allot of praying to god and just reflecting on the pointless crap I've seen, even cams sucked me in... I've been free from those type of video's and cam sites for over a year now.. It's astonishing... I know now I'm more physically and mentally attracted to woman.

    We all have our back door, but this is seriously the dark side of getting trapped into P.

    I'm extremely happy for you man. It's another step forward in life. :)
    Dr.J_76ers likes this.
  18. mhnmhn2021

    mhnmhn2021 Fapstronaut

    So, what do I do when the thoughts come rushing? I mean some nights, I just can't sleep and start looking at the pics from the web and before I realize it, an hour has passed and I am in a bad shape. What do I do?
  19. whichoneyouworkin

    whichoneyouworkin Fapstronaut

    You're supposed to not be so easily led by your thoughts and impulses. Read about hypofrontality and ways to beat it.

    What you do - you stop.

    OP, I've been there and done that. I've also had encounters with trans women, not only sexual but also friendships and hookups to an extent. It's challenging to the ego, but if at the end of the day your heart decides that you're a straight, heterosexual cis man, then go for it. That's what happened to me as well. If you're here (as I am), I believe you should keep going the other way, further away from what you are not. Good luck with all the re-wiring and neuroplasticity!
  20. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    Exercise, especially running was vital to my streak. I ran 2 miles outdoors three times a week. After about a month of running, I started getting "runner's high" (it's a real thing), which emulates the high you get from PMO to an extent but without a lot of the negative consequences.

    I don't think I get the same feeling when I run indoors or on a treadmill.