I have never had sex (and I'm 22)

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Ain'tLikeThatNow, Sep 17, 2015.

  1. I never get far with girls a lot due to a lot of issues I have with my child hood (see link below for my journal for more details), but the three times I have had the opportunity to have sex, I just could not due to PIED. Additionally, these were the only few times I have been in these situations because as a virgin with PIED, it's next to impossible to want to keep trying with girls.

    I just started my NoFap so I don't expect to be ready anytime soon to finally have sex, but tbh, I am extremely anxious on really ever trying again to the point I am not even looking forward to it. Any other guys here have felt like this that successfully started having sex again? What did you do right?
  2. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    I was intimate three times with the girl that took my virginity (which was only three years ago, so I was 22 as you are now), did not ejaculate and the second time we wanted to have sex I couldn't even penetrate her due to PIED. I really didn't know what was going on back then. Few months later I had a relationship where I finally ejaculated five months in, after we had sex dozens of times and after I finally realized the connection with PMO. In my next relationship my girlfriend was able to make me ejaculate every time, but in some cases it took her a whole lot of work. Now that I quit PMO I am sure that PIED won't be an issue anymore in my next relationship.

    You have made some bad experiences, but that does not mean it will always be that way. Quit PMO. If you still have problems the next time tell her about it, in case it is meant to be more than a one night stand. Relax, don't take it all too seriously. If you quit PMO it will all go back to the way it should be.
  3. Spidey2Dope

    Spidey2Dope Fapstronaut

    Just like what lurch said try not to worry. I always had troubles when I first tried to be intimate with girls. I'm sure a little had to do with performance anxiety but a big thing that probably did it to me looking back was all the PMO I did too. I finally had a successful intimate time with my girlfriend who I am with now. But the first two attempts didn't go so well because of PIED. I layed off of PMO and the third time was the charm. Then I was stupid and went back to PMO and the last two times I couldn't O. So just relax, no PMO and you should be fine. Just a little tip try doing a little foreplay before hand to try to relax the nerves and let things happen naturally. Your story reminded me of me so much. I thought it would never happen. The hardest thing to do is relax but once I learned to go with the flow and I abstained from not fapping I found things to get a lot better
    Ain'tLikeThatNow likes this.
  4. Thanks
    Thanks guys. I guess I'm just concerned cause it was such a mess I couldn't and I don't doubt that was one of the reasons it didn't work out which blew like hell. But how should I approach this with the next girl? She obviously has to be hella understanding I'm assuming.
  5. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    If you quit PMO you might not even have any problems next time.

    Other than that, if the girl likes you she won't have any problems if things are a little bit awkward the first times you have sex with each other. But that's normal, you need to learn what your partner likes and your partner needs to learn what you like, and how you both express it. After a while the energy will flow between you and you will feel excited, yes, but not nervous anymore. Don't define your ego by how you perform in bed.
    Deleted Account and Spidey2Dope like this.
  6. Foxtrot12

    Foxtrot12 Fapstronaut

    Hey man,
    Thanks for being honest! Such a brave thing to do.

    I agree with those that PIED may not be an issue once PMO is less of one.

    Other than that, all I can say is don't be ruled by your fear or anxiety! Don't rule out a fully satisfying relationship because of prior bad experience mate!

    My 2 cents anyway :)
    Ain'tLikeThatNow likes this.
  7. Ernest

    Ernest Fapstronaut

    i guess everyone is on a different boat then me. My whole reason to be pmo is because i want to wait till marriage.... if that ever happens... but in the mean time i don't want this to control me, and i definitely am not thinking about sex if i get to have a girlfriend...
  8. Foxtrot12

    Foxtrot12 Fapstronaut

    Is that a religious conviction Ernest?

    Lots of people here have a similar conviction... I didn't have sex before marriage but that was largely because of performance anxiety... But I covered that up by pretending to be pious :))))
    Control is important... But also surrender... Not to the urges, but to the Divine Yes. When we say Yes to God, for me at least, I get to participate in His life and Ministry... But sometimes I wanna say yes to urges, to 'the flesh' etc etc... And must surrender to His Yes instead of my small yes. Again, just my point from a view :)
  9. Ernest

    Ernest Fapstronaut

    Yes it is a religious conviction. I honestly don't understand how people feel ashame and guilty for watching porn and masturbating... yet having sex with a woman you're not even married to seems ok. I've seen that a lot on here, and i understand some people are not "religious" but i still don't get that. Like wouldn't you feel the same shame and guilt knowing you just had sex with someone who is not even your espoused? It doesn't make sense... it's like you are trying to free your self from one thing that leads you to feel unworthy and then you give in to another that in the end is not a solution to the first problem. call me crazy, but if it means i'll never have sex because i will never find the "right" woman so be it. like i said we are all on different pages here.... by the way i'm still a virgin at age 27... big woop...
  10. I get what you mean, but I don't think I need a ring to respect a women. I don't want to sound abrasive: I think having religion can be a great thing!

    I struggled with that thought today that I hope my obsession with porn doesn't turn into an obsession with women, but I think the missing ingredient is communication and intimacy.

    Like, I can't get intimate with porn: it has no ears. Same with random hook ups: they don't want to hear it (I know.) I had one girl basically shut me up cause I wanted to talk about dating her shortly before I pied.

    My 2 cents is this: no I may not have a wealth of experiance, but I know how cold and lonely porn is as well as hook ups. My goal isn't to just lose porn to get into a different addiction: I just want the intimacy and communication that regular sex brings which I know has harmed me trying to exchange that security on porn sites.

    I don't think its bad to wait, but I don't see how it can hurt either if you honor the girls you get with (respect, listening, etc.)
    Spidey2Dope and Foxtrot12 like this.
  11. Hey guys so I have a new problem. I already relapsed, but I think the NoFap mentality is starting to help me attract girls. But I don't know how to preserve our friendships until my junk and my brain get rewired. Let alone the fact I'm a virgin (their older.)

    My instinct is telling me it's pretty much hopeless unless I meet an understanding girl who wants to work with my issues, but that sounds way to unlikely. :/
  12. Ernest

    Ernest Fapstronaut

    Marriage reinforces that commitment between a man and a woman. Most people want nothing to do with marriage because of the commitment part... So it's like two people that are cohabiting and having sex without marriage and on top of that using contraceptives have no real commitment and it is not love. I recently read a thread where the person stated he realised sex was not love... love is cooking for the other, love is getting up at 3am to sooth a crying baby and allow the other to sleep... sex itself is not love.... love is giving and seeks the best for the other... I read some theology of the body by pope John Paul the second where it says the man in his nature gives of himself to the woman, she lovingly receives him... All I can tell you is that if you truly want to honor a young lady you have to be ready to love her for the rest of her life...and that's were marriage comes in...
  13. Ernest

    Ernest Fapstronaut

    You can get back up... Being a virgin shouldn't be a problem to the girl of your dreams, if she has a problem with that, then that's a red flag... don't get discouraged... you are putting all this negativity in your mind... try to accept you and love yourself... be confident, I know how... well just think of all the good things in your life, your talents, gifts, goals... etc....
  14. Foxtrot12

    Foxtrot12 Fapstronaut

    That's just your opinion Ernest... And to be honest I would avoid fairly strong judgement calls like 'that's not love' referencing cohabitating and using contraceptives. I'm not saying stop believing what you do... But
    I think this place encourages honesty and that's great... But just be careful how you word things mate! Soften it a little... Cause otherwise you come off as really putting down a bunch of relationships :)
    Ernest and Ain'tLikeThatNow like this.
  15. I hear what your saying dude. I support your reasons for nofap, brother, and I appreciate you supporting me as well.

    All the same, yeah your right about this girl. If she has a beef with that then it's probably a red flag, but I know in a way not having sex for me could be a red flag for her (for instance, she mentioned porn addiction and her fear that it turns people into child pornography viewers.) It's not so much that I THINK this girl is the girl of my dreams, it's that I recognize I'm not in a place where I can really pursue her because I know I need time to heal first and I don't want her to lose interest before that.

    That being said, your right. I may not have too much going for me (kinda out of shape on top of everything, but I did just sign up for the gym in honor of nofap), but I do live outside of my parents house, trying to get through college, and I have good grades. But I fear if the rolse were reversed, maybe I wouldn't be so understanding. So, I think the problem as you say is right: it's all in my head (literally.) I probably wouldn't want a guy like me so why would I expect girls to?
    Foxtrot12 likes this.
  16. Foxtrot12

    Foxtrot12 Fapstronaut

    Hey mate, if you know that getting into bed with a girl now won't help your goals of becoming the kind of porn and fap free partner you want to be, then you gotta abstain!
    But some guys still have sex I here and do a no porn or no porn/no MO thing...
    Think about your goals mate! What's the best way to achieve them? What's the reward for achieving them?

    How long was ur NoFap streak before lapse? Because if it wasn't long then maybe it's just natural swag attracting the girls :)))
  17. Well
    Well, to be honest, I can't have sex. Period. I have some boner pills, but I rather not use them for my first real time cause I don't want to find out the second time that I still can't have sex, then I have to explain the pills and etc (it's a clusterfuck, amirite??)

    So, technically, this isn't just about quitting porn. It's about being able to get hard again as well, so my problem with this girl liking me (not sure if hot and cold girl, just yet) is that I am just not able to hold down a relationship even if I wanted to.

    That being said, you are right. If it's for my future, then it's best I don't even think about sex right now, but I'm more concerned about it being a deal breaker by trying to avoid it.

    Also, the longest I been able to go was two weeks before joining NoFap. I want to agree with you, but I swear, when I fap, I fap myself oblivious to girls. Abstaining helps me focus on the little things which we all know is what girls appreciate the most!

    Any more thoughts man? I'm dying here haha.
  18. Ernest

    Ernest Fapstronaut

    You are beating yourself up (no pun intended)... why would you expect girls to like you??? You have to work on yourself first, self esteem... believe me I do too... I'm joining the gym as well... But I'm working out early morning... u know that's were the discipline should begin... don't put yourself down too much cuz others aren't even thinking half of what u think about your self
    Foxtrot12 likes this.
  19. Well, it isn't so much that I'm worried if they do. The problem is that I meet these really cute girls and they do like me, but my fap makes me fall short. Not just in my head, but also in my life (my car is a train wreck for instance because I am too depressed to clean it.) My question is just how can I keep girls interested until I am better, if at all possible.

    THAT being said, I agree with you, discipline has to come first before anything else. I just want to know how to maintain things until I get there.
  20. Foxtrot12

    Foxtrot12 Fapstronaut

    Have you got an accountability partner?