Cold approach at grocery store what to talk about

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by nfpexperiment, May 1, 2022.

  1. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut


    I have been thinking, what to talk about when cold approach at grocery store ?

    Greet first, good afternoon/evening
    What are you doing, are you looking for, are you buying.
    What is ur Name ?
    What is your Work ?
    Where is your husband ?

    What else is there to talk about ? Seems there is not much to talk about, thing is you dont want to be impolite by asking to personal question, she doesnt know you, you are stranger, why should she trust you etc.

    So I have been trying to make conversation scripts for different scenarios for example, mall, street, gym, train station, same company, wet market, she works somewhere at shop etc.

    If she also ask question back the conversation can keep going, some do, some dont.

    Last edited: May 1, 2022
  2. First tell her why you’re talking to her. You can say something like « hey, you’re lovely I just wanted to say hi :) »

    Seems like a good start to me. Talking to someone without explaining why you’re here can be weird especially in this kind of environment where the girl can’t escape so easily

    then get out of your head. When you’re talking to your family you’re not thinking in advance what to talk about. Same here
  3. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    Not so sure about giving compliment about her looks so fast, ok you have become the expert, I should listen to you, Ok if she doesnot respond well, well take the rejection as a man and move on, I suppose.
    Surge95 likes this.
  4. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

  5. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    I've tried this a couple times at the grocery store:

    Pick out an item she has in her shopping cart, and say to her "Excuse me, is that ....... good?"

    "Excuse me, is that kind of almond milk good?"

    "Excuse me, is that kind of trail mix good? I have been looking for a good snack to bring with me when going for a hike."

    Then start talking about her food or drink item. From there you can talk about other stuff, and then ask for her number.

    Or if she seems really weirded out or like she wants to leave, you can say to her "Okay, cool. Thanks for the info. Have a nice day"
    Surge95 and JoeinUSA like this.
  6. Giving compliment is the best way to let her know that you like her. it’s just about being honest. Of course it requires courage. But In the end, it's much easier to tell a girl that you like her, than to look for boring topics of conversation. That don't bring anything to the table and that you don't even want to talk about deep inside.
    Talking about the food… it’s just boring, you don’t want that.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2022
    jcl1990 likes this.
  7. I will never understand why guys think giving compliment about looks is negative. I almost always approach women by saying I find them pretty. Simply because that’s what I think. That’s it. And it works.

    keep it simple
    Surge95 and jcl1990 like this.
  8. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    So just pure, honest conversation is the best way to go you have found?
    Spirituss likes this.
  9. Showing yourself to a woman as you are, without trying to be someone else. This is what works for me and what I have learned after 4 years of approaching women.

    And of course, honesty and vulnerability are part of what makes you pure.
    Purity is what makes the moment incredible. Even if it's done in an awkward way, if you feel like shit deep down, a woman will appreciate your honesty. It takes courage to tell someone you think she's pretty.

    Approaching someone is easy, but expressing how you feel is more difficult, and at the same time, you get to know yourself a lot by doing that. And you connect with others much more easily. Because Your thoughts and words are aligned. Even if those thoughts are sometimes fear, and doubts. You are just yourself
  10. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    Alright, cool. It’s actually relieving in a way to read this. Not to have to think about some sort of planned conversation topic when making an approach
    Spirituss likes this.
  11. It’s liberating
    jcl1990 likes this.
  12. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    Although being direct is definitely better than talking about almond milk, I would be worried that being so to-the-point might be seen as some kind of harassment given how this world is going.
  13. Harassment is persisting when a woman tells you no. It's very different from going to talk to a woman with the intention of getting to know her, telling her the truth.

    I am not saying that an indirect conversation should be totally suppressed. And that you should tell women you like them every time.
    Just, you won't get the creativity every time. Because it's scary to approach a woman you like. So if you're looking for the perfect way to approach her, you're just not going to do anything. Or it will be weird, not authentic.

    Sometimes all you want to say is that you think she's pretty. And that's totally okay.
    looking for the best way to make it happen is called ruminating.
    There is no best way
    Surge95 and OhWhenThe like this.
  14. Read again : there is no best way.

    And when you realize that, you start to live.
    Nobody knows what he's talking about, even the coaches.

    Maybe freedom isn't about looking for answers, but about stopping trying to figure it all out.
    Everything becomes simpler, more authentic. And with fewer rules
  15. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    Yes, but does it (compliments about looks, etc.) have to be the first thing out of your mouth - the first impression? It may be different in a place where singles are looking to meet up specifically. Otherwise, it can seem rather creepy to a woman (a pickup line) - like her immediately knowing what you may be after, some sort of relationship or more even (she doesn't know yet you're not a perv), before she even had a chance to register your existence; she may feel you're already on the make. True, it could readily work on a gal that's needy and codependent for attention, but that's also a relationship that may not ultimately work anyway.
  16. The girls I slept with that I approached on the street, almost all of them I gave a physical compliment. Like, "I thought you were pretty, I wanted to come say hi."

    If you associate the compliment with a form of expectation on the other person and dependency, of course it will be.
    But if complimenting for you is assuming your desire for a woman you like and allowing you to express it honestly, it will be too.

    I have a buddy who has the same vision as you, he never has relationships because women don't know if he wants to be friends with them or more. So nothing happens.

    It's all about perception. This thing of it can be scary for a woman to say a compliment, you are already in "what does she think of me" and not: "what do I think of her". I'm not saying it's necessarily bad. It's good to have empathy and to try to understand women. But you'll never be free if you think this way. It’s putting so many limits on yourself to not allow yourself so say what you think. Yet, it’s liberating.

    There's nothing wrong with giving a physical compliment. I talk to four different women. 3 out of 4 I told them they were beautiful when I came to talk to them.

    It's not about whether it works or not.
    If you think about what works instead of what can make you happy and at peace with yourself, you are already in restriction.

    It's about freedom.
  17. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    I am saying you can give polite compliments later in the conversation not at the beginning of conversation and if possible if you know you will see her again another day you can give compliment another day.
  18. Yeah you can do that too
  19. InvisibleControl

    InvisibleControl Fapstronaut

  20. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    I understand ur buddy, some women when they know you want more than friendship, some kinda feel uncomfortabel and then avoid you, but it is a risk you gotta take, if you loose her friendship because of this, so be it.
    Surge95 likes this.