35 and Older Accountability Group

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by artifact, Nov 24, 2018.

  1. ChangePMO

    ChangePMO Fapstronaut

    If y'all need an accountability partner I'm up... I'm on discord
  2. Stelvio

    Stelvio Fapstronaut

    Day 5 checking in.
    Starting to feel human again.
    Rokus and Steveal3aneef1 like this.
  3. Steveal3aneef1

    Steveal3aneef1 Fapstronaut

    i've been there brother , it sucks , maybe you can try writing down 10 reasons why you stopped PMO, for me I have over 80 reasons list I check between now and then
    JJ_Kino and Rokus like this.
  4. Steveal3aneef1

    Steveal3aneef1 Fapstronaut

    wow i thought I'm the only one who has this mentality
  5. ChangePMO

    ChangePMO Fapstronaut

    If you can have self control then yes.
  6. Checking in from the bottom of the ranking. (*sigh*) Another weekend and I'm not going to make any big promises, just going to take it a moment at a time and keep doing "the next right thing" as they say in the 12-step groups. Love the impressive streaks you guys have going here.
    NICEDUDE and Rokus like this.
  7. @goingforit - Congratulations on your 90 days today!! Great job knocking out those milestones. You are now a member of the prestigious 90 Day Hall of Achievement :emoji_trophy: :emoji_lifter::emoji_juggling::emoji_violin:
    NICEDUDE, Rokus and JJ_Kino like this.
  8. @JediLife , @sayyad.cyrus007haxan , and @BenC - you have been added to the waiting list. You will be notified when we have an opening in the group. (Watch your alerts.)

    @JL341 , @NewMe1000 , and @andreas-michel - we currently have an opening for one of you. The first one to reply to this comment will be added to the member ranking. The other two will be next in line for membership.
    JJ_Kino likes this.
  9. JJ_Kino

    JJ_Kino Fapstronaut

    Thanks man, I'll give it a try!
  10. Steveal3aneef1

    Steveal3aneef1 Fapstronaut

    tomorrow will be my first day at work, I honestly feel anxious and stressed, I don't know why. I also feel low confidence and self-esteem ,maybe because of my social anxiety after spending 1 year and half at home, anyone can relate to that ?
  11. goingforit

    goingforit Fapstronaut

    Thanks! I really appreciate the work that you put into this group. It's been the key difference for me this year.

    Have you read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance"? He goes into a ramble on "gumption traps." For instance, you need to take a housing off your motorcycle, just take out four screws, pop on the new one and it's a quick job. Then the first screw strips out and now you're looking at hours. That's a gumption trap. It demotivates you and could stop you from finishing. Then he goes into strategies around it. Always plan on more time than it takes, etc. It made me think of the ways we try to learn how our own brain works and develop personal strategies to defeat it. I've thought about that before but not in that level of detail of what is the problem, and how do I specifically work around this particular issue for the way my mind works.

    Steveal wrote about making a list of reasons not to fap and reading it when ready to go. Great tip for avoiding the trap. I need to do that myself this week.
    artifact likes this.
  12. Stelvio

    Stelvio Fapstronaut

    I can't relate to it but I can tell you that that you will be fine and you can handle it.
    artifact likes this.
  13. Bernard O.

    Bernard O. Fapstronaut

  14. Stelvio

    Stelvio Fapstronaut

    Day 7 checking in.
    goingforit and artifact like this.
  15. recovery hammock

    recovery hammock Fapstronaut

    I'm sad to say that I had a relapse over the course of a couple of days. Today I've cleaned out some locally-stored porn and I'm setting up some additional barriers to give me a pause before relapsing again. I can't say that I'm very excited about starting over but I do still believe that I'm better off learning to live in reality and that my personal relationships would benefit from sobriety. So, restarting today.

    Thanks for being here.
  16. marksaysay

    marksaysay Fapstronaut

    Day 199. One of the biggest changes as a result of full on semen retention is I waste so much less time with unproductive activities. I read in Jim Kwik's book, Limitless, "There are no neutral actions. Everything we do either pushes us towards or away from our goals."

    That statement alone really put things in a perspective I'd never seen before!
    goingforit and artifact like this.
  17. Made it to 34 days but I relapsed yesterday....oh well time to get back on the horse and try again! Proud of my 34 days
    artifact and goingforit like this.
  18. JJ_Kino

    JJ_Kino Fapstronaut

    Reset, I lasted 5 days this time.

    Blah I've been at this for a few years now. Will I make it? Sad times.
    NICEDUDE, artifact and goingforit like this.
  19. goingforit

    goingforit Fapstronaut

    I can relate to stressing on the first day of a new job. I think I try to make a good first impression when everyone knows you are not going to be very good for a while. I haven't started a new job for a while, but the last time I did, I made an idiot of myself:) I think the key is to ask a lot of questions and fully admit you are learning. I'll see if I take my own advice if I ever start a new job again.

    Hang in there! You have a leg up on everyone with the work you've done. And, everything can be re-learned including socialization. It's been a rough year for that and we're all a little awkward.
    Steveal3aneef1 likes this.
  20. goingforit

    goingforit Fapstronaut

    5 days is more than most people can do once. Keep chipping away.