I need to stop edging

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by HardWorkOnly, Mar 15, 2022.

  1. HardWorkOnly

    HardWorkOnly Fapstronaut

    Hello guys yesterday i relapsed,if you edge a lot it is guaranteed to relapse + you do more damage than the relapse alone. My problem weeks ago was that i masturbated a lot,i fixed this by staying all day outside(most of the time at my university) and studying,my new problem now is that when i come home from university in the evening or night a have a couple hours of alone time(i live alone) thats when i start to edge and i cant stop myself,can you recommend me something?
    MsteiN likes this.
  2. Random Alex

    Random Alex Fapstronaut

    Edging already IS relapsing.
    I would argue even PEEKING is.

    The sooner you understand this, the sooner you will stop this shit.
    Nathan4 likes this.
  3. HardWorkOnly

    HardWorkOnly Fapstronaut

    Yes i know but masturbating a couple of minutes without porn is an improvement, instead of watching porn 4 times a day
  4. Coub

    Coub Fapstronaut

    If you live alone, you've to build strong enough blocking system(blocking software + system to prevent you from easy uninstalling). Once you'll believe that there's no option to use P then you will start your true journey. You don't have to start from hardcore mode. You can firstly limit amount of MO to certain number and then start the hardcore way if that's what can help in your case.
    Jay.Rhone34 likes this.
  5. Hey there...I hear ur frustration. Free time alone is a major challenge for me too.
    I have been working a twelve step SA program with a sponsor and participating in live Zoom meetings.The fellowship provides ongoing support and accountability. I surrender lust daily one day at a time. Today is day 57.
  6. Peiskos

    Peiskos Fapstronaut

    Edging is a relapse 100% especially if you suffer from PIED.

    In your couple of hours of alone time, do something else instead! it's really that simple. Pick up a book, make it a goal to read it in a week with those couple hours a day. Go for a walk, literally anything that doesn't involve a screen in front of your face. It's about will power and actually wanting to change.
    Nathan4 and Jay.Rhone34 like this.
  7. Jay.Rhone34

    Jay.Rhone34 Fapstronaut

    I’m sorry that happened, next time you feel like edging close your eyes and do a few breathing exercises , clear your head
    Nathan4 likes this.
  8. wisdom.seeker

    wisdom.seeker Fapstronaut

    Empty mind is the devil's workshop.
    I'm trying to fill my day with meaningful works like SPORTS, BUILDING A STRONG BODY, ORGANIZING MY HOUSE etc.
    It works better than struggling with your thoughts.
    Find something to do BEYOND STUDYING that is meaningful to you.

    I watch a brazilian guy from youtube who works with drug addicts and he says something like that: you don't need
    to think about avoiding drugs all the time, you just need to feel that the drug is not necessary in your life.
    lampt7392, MsteiN and Jay.Rhone34 like this.
  9. MsteiN

    MsteiN Fapstronaut

    Meditation is good!
    Is essential to you feel good when alone with yourself, this way you will feel good at any moment and be clearly free of the addiction
  10. So here is a question, is edging only associated with porn? Its also bad to start to masturbate a little without p but just with an erection right? This is new territory for me so I want to make sure I've got it right. I'm PMO and at this point I believe any form of masturbation would be considered a relapse for the reboot.
  11. Leon12

    Leon12 Fapstronaut

    I have been there and I know how you feel. It feels like you've been deprived for so long and that you need content.

    But see that's because you were never genuine about quitting porn in the first place. You must especially not think that you're making a sacrifice by starting the NOFAP challenge, see it's not a number's game. It's about fixing your mindset. Unless you really learn how the mechanisms of the addiction works you will have a very rough time quitting.

    They say success leave clues and it's accurate even in this instance. I have been able to stop PMO'ing for over a year now and I have learned a lot from my countless fails. The most important things that I have learned are :

    It's not a number's game because if you believe that you're deprived, you can relapse even on day 1000 clean nofap streak
    Don't sneak a peek as that is what got us here anyway, it's because of that little sneak peek 10 years ago that I found my and cruised all the porn in the world. So no, do not fall to the same trap again "Insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting different outcomes" You can't find happiness where you lost it.

    No facebook, no attractive models on Instagram, you have to put a border between you and all of that until you figure yourself out and get enough conscience to act masterfully, otherwise you'll get tricked most of the time. You need to become self aware that what you look at conditions how you feel and act. So start looking at great stuff.

    Don't put your mouth inside the lion's mouth and expect a hug, you'll get bitten eventually and that's only natural. So if you're deranged about the fact that you get aroused to porn it shouldn't be, because you're a man for god's sake and you're naturally inclined to have an erection when your eyes come across an attractive individual. So don't play with fire and complain about oh "why am I burned", it's obvious isn't it.

    Don't test yourself the wrong way, but rather outsmart your mind. Do not open a porn browser and say " Damnit why can't I stop looking" willpower will always fail you, because you can't expect to resist a plate when you're hungry and you should especially not tease yourself. So be smart about it instead of setting yourself up to fail.

    Avoid temptation like the plague, and if you want more of this, I have more brother and you can find it on my site. I even have an ebook guide on how to stop PMO'ing on My site.

    Check my avatar if you want the URL.
    Nathan4 likes this.