(POLL) What Is Your Religion?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by VeganCannibal, Sep 13, 2015.

What is Your Religion?

  1. Agnostic or Atheist

  2. Christian

  3. Jewish

  4. Muslim

  5. Buddhist

  6. Hindu

  7. Pagan/Wiccan/Witch

  8. Scientologist

  9. Other (sorry if I missed yours!)

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. VeganCannibal

    VeganCannibal Fapstronaut

    This has probably been done before...

    I'm not religious myself, but I'm currently studying Buddhism (and thinking of maybe making that part of my life path). I know a lot of people on here are religious, and it made me curious what the breakdown is.
  2. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Is witchcraft a religion? Who knew! :eek:
    Caveat Emptor likes this.
  3. VeganCannibal

    VeganCannibal Fapstronaut

    It can be! Most of the religious Witches I know use Paganism or Wicca as the term for their religion, but some don't.
    Caveat Emptor likes this.
  4. I think that I identify the most with Deism but voted agnostic because I'm not exactly sure or have solidified beliefs yet. I feel like there is a higher power, whether it be a conscious God, or ... existence (I wanted to say "the universe itself", but there could be multiple universes), but I don't believe that humans have the capacity to actually know what is going on yet, at least until we advance further in research and uncover some mysteries of existence.

    But I'm totally cool with everybody. Friends with religious people and collaborate with them frequently. We're all in this together.
  5. THeRagE

    THeRagE Fapstronaut

    I'm currently looking into several different religions. I believe that there is a god out there but who what and how I interpret god is in question. I was raised since a child in the Methodist church. I'm also looking into different dominions of churches for example Baptist, Lutheran, Catholic, Presbyterian, Mormon, etc. etc.
  6. theDoctorSmith

    theDoctorSmith Fapstronaut

    I was born Hindu. I don't practice any religion. But I do pray to god when I'm in trouble. "God, save me this one time and I'll be the best human in the world." ;)
  7. I like the fact that we're all getting along with each other in here. :)
    Eric'sBlue and Brasileiro like this.
  8. Its not a religion but I am agnostic atheist.
  9. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    I selected "agnostic or atheist". While I identify with neither, this comes closest.
    To be honest, the word "god" has ceased to make any sense for me at all. But of course I do respect other people's beliefs, especially those who are truly devoted to their religion in an overly materialistic society.
  10. Brasileiro

    Brasileiro Fapstronaut

    I was raised as a Witness of Jehovah, but now i'm thinking myself as a agnostic. I've been reading about buddhism, though. Really nice :)
  11. axy_david

    axy_david Fapstronaut

    that's a religion
  12. mikeyd

    mikeyd Fapstronaut

    I am LDS, even though we are Christians, i voted as "other"
  13. VeganCannibal

    VeganCannibal Fapstronaut

    I know it isn't a religion, but I didn't want to leave it out. Probably could have reworded the question, but it would have just been tedious to do so.
  14. No its not, Atheism is not a belief system nor is it a religion,please do your reserach before you make that statement.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. BushidoWarrior

    BushidoWarrior Fapstronaut

    Any Jedi-identifying fapstronauts in the house?
  16. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    The funny thing is that the closest thing to god we know of is the sun, without it all life on this planet would not exist, it hovers over us all the time, it has immense power and energy. The reality is that people often like to use god as a mad lib of sorts, like if they don't know something they just immediately assume it's god's work, I guess the moment they figured out what the sun actually was everyone was like "nah" and went with a transcendental being with no real purpose but to just be there for them when things got rough.

    I'm not even really bashing religion with that statement, I just wish people appreciated nature more, people would rather believe something that they themselves do not understand than care for the land beneath their feet, it's tragic in every sense of the word.

    As for what I voted for I think its pretty clear that I'm an atheist, I was pretty much agnostic for a good portion of my life (have to give credit to my family for not pushing me to believe in Christ or anything else for that matter) but after many years of depression and suicidal thoughts I ended up just throwing any sense of a deity out the window, believing that there is always something better if I were to perish or that my struggles were put in place by an almighty being made me want to give up on life for so long, when I came to the realization that I just rot in the ground it (ironically) made me much more willing to live. I know a lot of you probably didn't need to hear that but I figured to just say what you believe isn't as insightful as to actually say WHY you believe it in the first place.
    The 1000 Water Fists likes this.
  17. axy_david

    axy_david Fapstronaut

    I see it as a religion,
    Wikipedia's definition is:
    "A religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence."
    I do believe that atheism passes all of the aforementioned points, thus making it a religion.
  18. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    atheism is the lack of belief, by your same logic being an independent means you are still part of a political party, which is just silly.
  19. axy_david

    axy_david Fapstronaut

    You are part of your own independent political party.
    I see Atheism not as having a lack of belief, but the belief that God or any kind of spiritualism doesn't exist.
    And it's a belief because you can't really prove anything, it's just your mere perception of the world around you.
    bandanana likes this.
  20. @axy_david I know people like you wouldnt understand, atheism is NOT a religion it is a lack of belief,it is a lack of belief in a god or gods.We dont have a belief system.To make my point further take a look at this video which clearly explains my point
    melancholy king likes this.