Buying phone for son. How to block porn on it?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Long Range, Dec 10, 2021.

  1. Long Range

    Long Range Fapstronaut

    My son is 11 and I'm going to be buying him an android phone for him as a Christmas present. I'm quite concerned that he will be exposed to porn on it and that he might eventually develop PMO problems. I would like to be able to block porn on the phone and possibly monitor his activities on his phone.

    Does anyone have advice or suggestions on how to best go about blocking porn on his phone and monitoring his activity on his new phone?

    Many thanks.
    Al123 likes this.
  2. SergioCon

    SergioCon Fapstronaut

    0. i don't know if you can nowadays completly avoid exposing kids to porn,
    but you can play the odds to delimit it nontheless,
    1. best is to lead by example, be porn free yourself, only then chastise others
    2. advice from one french philosopher was
    to keep a boy very very bussy all day long,
    till the bedtime, when they are just too tired
    too think of any more expenditure of engergy.
    4. dedicate some quality time to your kid
    5. show them this video:

    you could teach a kid about sexual transmutation,
    and the feminine nature,

    the fact it you can do a lot of things tips and tricks
    and it can all still lead to an utter failure...

    i don't have kids, but i imagine the way i would approch that subject
    would be that i would spent much time living celibate myself,
    and then from that standpoint i can honestly make arguments
    in praise of such lifestyle and its many benefits,
    also would i be a father, i would try to adjust the enviroment to be more condusive
    to mental clarity and limit such factors noise, cars,
    pollution etc i would also simply design the electric
    system so that would be runnig only at certain hours
    lets say: 4am till 9pm, also kids and dogs need egnough space to
    run around and explore - cities are stifling to all creatures and plants;
    In other words i would pursue a quality life - and from that base its
    easier start working out other more neuanced and specific problems.
    SlimTeleGuy and Long Range like this.
  3. Just use the opendns in the phone he won't find it since he is just 11 year old.
    Hope this helps, the instructions are almost same even for iOS
    if that doesn't work just use and, in the primary and secondary dns gateway.
    Also there are good parental control softwares like Kaspersky safe kids or Qustodio which may help you.
    You can DM me if you need help.:)
    V∧DΞR, Long Range and SergioCon like this.
  4. the300clean

    the300clean Fapstronaut

    The best way to filter Android phone is using the software of Google: Family link app
    Long Range and smh_fam like this.
  5. smh_fam

    smh_fam Fapstronaut

    This. It's free and will do everything you need.
    V∧DΞR and Long Range like this.
  6. Long Range

    Long Range Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice on this, I'll give Google Family link a try. My son has his phone now but we make him leave it outside of bedroom in the hall to charge at night time when he is sleeping, and this is when we are able to check his browser history.

    I'm also planning on talking to him about the dangers of porn sometime soon, as I'm quite worried that he might start to watch it.
    SergioCon likes this.
  7. True One Shot

    True One Shot Fapstronaut

    Nah don't gotta let him gain the experience Instead inform him on the dangers of porn but don't indoctrinate him into the idea that its bad
  8. Long Range

    Long Range Fapstronaut

    Why wouldn't I 'indoctrinate' him into the idea that porn is bad? That's exactly what I intend to do. My experience is that my son listens to me and follows my advice.
  9. Killyourlust

    Killyourlust Fapstronaut

    Hello brother , you can buy any Android phone and install family link by google. You can block websites , he will need to ask your permission before downloading a new app and there are many other features which gives you complete control over your child's phone . It's completely safe and I have been using since 9 months . You can watch a YouTube video on how setup family link . The app is free no need to pay for it.
    Long Range likes this.
  10. in wifi settings under dns add dns. or better use root
    Long Range likes this.
  11. Killyourlust

    Killyourlust Fapstronaut

    One more thing , while you give permission to download apps check wether the apps have inbuilt browser or not . Many apps like Instagram Facebook and Snapchat have inbuilt browsers in them and porn can be easily viewed and family link only works on chrome . So make sure chrome is the only browser your child uses and be careful while giving permission .
    Long Range likes this.
  12. Darkest

    Darkest Fapstronaut

    Block it from the wifi, usually 11 year old kids don’t know how VPNs work
  13. SlimTeleGuy

    SlimTeleGuy Fapstronaut

    I don't know about that video @SergioCon sent. But I like his points. In addition to using blockers or other technology to lower the chance of your kid seeing porn, maybe try making it so sitting in his room on the phone all day or night doesn't seem like fun or isn't really convenient. I'd say stuff like school clubs or sports, family time like family dinner or other stuff like that might help. I'm not a parent, knock on wood. But I know someone who is...

    You might already do all this stuff. I see that the tech options have been covered so wanted to add something. Good luck.
    SergioCon likes this.
  14. There must be packages from phone providers now that only allow sites that the parents consent to; even the ability for parents to see all searches, views, messages, calls etc. One would hope so. Good luck, and good to see that you're sensible about it.
    Long Range likes this.
  15. the300clean

    the300clean Fapstronaut

    Unfortunately you are correct, even with Family link , like 25% of apps in android have build in browsers, if you dig enough it's there.
    Android wasn't design in mind for filtering honestly, it's absolute shit.

    So if everyone want my advice, at least for the close future, buy iPhone. it has Screentime as a filtering from Apple which you don't even have to install, and 99% of all browsers (even 100%) have Safari browser only as their browser, so there is no ability to cheat there...
    Long Range likes this.
  16. Prodigy Lightseeker

    Prodigy Lightseeker Fapstronaut

    Hi! I am 16. I truly happy to see you really care about your son. I exposed to porn for the first time when I'm 11 years old, a few months after my parents give me my truly own first "smartphone". If I can turn back the time, I would really appreciate if my parents (or my future self) can teach me anything about porn and it's effect on brain. I think your son will never forget to say "thanks, dad!" in his mind when he's grow up if you let him know about porn.

    For porn blocker, install "Kiwi Browser". It's a android browser that accept extension installed on it. So, you can use desktop porn-blocker extension on the browser (it uses chrome web store). Don't forget to disable the real android chrome!

    For monitoring, you can use Google family link. Some activities in the web maybe don't recorded, unfortunately. If you're more serious, you can use other 3rd party apps that's more "intrusive" (sorry I don't know the app).

    Hope this help, cheers!
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2022
  17. SergioCon

    SergioCon Fapstronaut

    "the talk" can be hard and seem awkward ,
    but now i begin to realize through reading some
    posts from modern milarepa - that perhaps it doesn't has to be
    and that there is a way forward with that side of human nature
    without hurt, fear shame or guilt or repression.

    .... at some point in time.... this too shall change....

  18. King in the making

    King in the making Fapstronaut

    Buy him a classic Nokia.
    SergioCon likes this.
  19. Dan Sanders

    Dan Sanders Fapstronaut

    I know a great way to block all porn from at least an Android phone.
    I tried it on myself and it worked, so I just didn't have any way to relapse with my phone.
    There's a feature in settings to restrict access to some apps.
    So, what you need to do is to block google play market and similar apps,
    all file explorers and all browsers, of course apps like telegram and some social networks where porn is easy to find.
    And secure all these apps with a good password that only you know.
    That way your kid won't find porn anywhere on the internet and also they won't have a way to install some other app to avoid your care.
    Still, you will have to check, because the kid can reset his or her phone and even though all the photos and other content on the phone would be deleted, they will now gain access to every app and the password won't work anymore.
    With this approach and checks / talks with a kid, they will still have some functionality working like messenger, phone calls, emails, sms texting, may be some games, pre-downloaded content, some usefull apps that you install for them, maps, podcasts, etc.
    Long Range likes this.
  20. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    Buy and install Norton or Boomerang.
    Long Range likes this.