To muslims

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Quitterrr, Jan 7, 2022.

  1. Quitterrr

    Quitterrr Fapstronaut

    I'm a Muslim teenager, I've been away from porn for about a year but I still have sexual urges, Idk what to do, what should i do to release sexual urges? I don't wanna masturbate but I wanna release my energy, should i just keep resisting until marriage? Am I addicted for life or is it just being a teen
  2. Don'tLookBack

    Don'tLookBack Fapstronaut

    Not sure what your religion teaches you, but find some sort of creative outlet. It helps a lot. For me it's piano. I know some religions restrict music and stuff like that, but yeah. Find something creative. It helps. I'll tell you this: I have never relapsed on a day that I played piano. It's a certifiable fact. Something about it helps me express that energy inside of me without directing it to something that's going to harm me.
    88991s, GotCaught and elliottsmith91 like this.
  3. Quitterrr

    Quitterrr Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much sir, I just wanna say its been over 675+ days since I masturbated to porn, I find studying and going to the gym really helpful, the thing I'm asking is I've been doing all of this yet it's still going, is it just being a teenager? Or am I addicted due to the few sexual things I've seen or stumbled across
  4. NutMaster777

    NutMaster777 Fapstronaut

    It depends on your purpose with no PMO, because it’s normal to have sexual urges or being “horny”, especially being a teen, so don’t worry about that, if you feel it’s counterproductive to suppress your urges so much I’d say don’t be afraid to reconsider. And I’m no Muslim, but it doesn’t matter if a Muslim, an Imam or the Pope tells you to wait until marriage or not, but what are your beliefs(not feelings, not urges).
    Zay77751 and elliottsmith91 like this.
  5. Don'tLookBack

    Don'tLookBack Fapstronaut

    I think that your fine, and you shouldn't stress over it. I believe sex is for after marriage too. But what would be the point if we weren't attracted to anyone or had any desire for it? Absolutely nothing. Sexual desire is essential to carry on the human race. Just having that desire isn't sinful or anything, it's when you act on it or you think bad thoughts about someone else like how you can take advantage of them in your mind when it becomes a problem. So don't worry too much. As for the whole release thing, just make sure to keep up the good habits. Stay healthy, stay creative, stay in touch with God the best you can and He'll guide you.
    88991s likes this.
  6. The only way to "release" the urge is through sex/masturbation. If you're not currently married and cannot "release" the urge, then you're option is taming the urge and minimizing it. In fact, you actually have to learn how to tame it whether you are married or not.
    Try to strengthen your willpower while at the same time decrease the urges to keep them under control.
    You can decrease the urges by avoiding all erotic sources(TV, Websites, Apps, Games, and even thoughts) that might arouse you. With enough time, if done properly, avoiding them becomes second nature.
    Another way to decrease sexual urges is through controlling your diet. If you eat like a glutton, you're more prone to succumbing to sexual urges. For that, you can fast occasionally and avoid junk foods and overeating. This connection between the appetite for food and lust is a perspective found in both Abrahamic and Eastern traditions.

    I think the comments above that mentioned getting a productive hobby also make a great point.

    And also congratulations on 675+ days Porn free. Great achievement.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2022
  7. bradmax

    bradmax Fapstronaut

    You say you are 26?
  8. Quitterrr

    Quitterrr Fapstronaut

    You see I used an advanced technique called...lying

    I thought they wouldn't let me login to the website due to my age so..
    NutMaster777 and WildEntheology like this.
  9. bradmax

    bradmax Fapstronaut

    you are the final boss haha

    well yeah then being a horny teenager and a functioning adult in society is completely different but nonetheless You are young,
    so when you say you stumble upon “ a few sexual things” and questioning wether it is an addiction is fair to say in your position because there are levels to this. You are young and make it seem like a bad habit or a simple escape/coping mechanism which it may be at the moment.

    Getting on this site to seek help and understanding your issue is good because you do not want to become an Adult and let this “questionable” addiction become something that grows into a life challenging addiction.
    I am not Muslim but I would recommend “The 40 Rules of Love” It is an Islamic base novel of love and spirituality.
  10. Lol your age is 26 are u a teenager? Hahaha
    Bro if you are under 18 or any age our great and good religion islam ☪️ teaches us if we had an urge we should work as hard as we don’t have anymore energy
    I mean when u get an urge u should work any work even if u do workout but u should work until ur energy is low the method of our religion is best method i have ever tried and i am succeed with it
  11. Diego2080

    Diego2080 Fapstronaut

    Islam religion tell us to fast when we’re not able to get married ( releasing our energy in a halal way ) so Islam teaches us to fast because when you fast your urges slowly go away , coz ur stomach empty , so fast and keep eyes down from (sexy woman’s ) and you will release your energy through what they call ( wet dreams ) u will cum while sleeping and that’s what make sense that we’re able to stay without sex even for long time coz there is something called wet dreams , and wet dreams for someone who’s actively in PMO he will never experience wet dreams until he get recovered from it , so bro fast and do nonfap and workout and of course pray , you will be the most powerful man in the world , stay assured about that ,
    TimeToQuitNow likes this.
  12. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    Ramadan Mubarak!

    Hope you're doing well
    Diego2080 likes this.
  13. RandaBajwa

    RandaBajwa New Fapstronaut

    Yes, I agree with you guys. Us males need to improve our way of life. But first, we should find it.
  14. The prophetic advice is to fast as it is supposed to reduce sexual energy, also do tiring work which will exhaust you and read more quran and learn more about the religion which will make you fear Allah more
  15. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut

    Isn't masturbation forbitten in the Quran?
  16. iRebootMyself

    iRebootMyself Fapstronaut

    I'm a Muslim and yes, masturbating is forbidden in Islam due to its destructive addictive nature.
    I mostly get these urges when I work or study.
    When I get these urges, I stop working, studying, or doing anything that requires me to work hard, and I play some video game for an hour, Overwatch has been a good cure for me :D.
    Competitive online games grasp your attention easily and quickly without forcing you to focus like studying and working, so go ahead and give it a try.
  17. Mortalll313

    Mortalll313 New Fapstronaut

    Assalam alaikum brother, my english is not good btw ...
    The best way to avoid sexual urges is to get married... If its not possible many scholors suggest to fast (Rozah)
    Keep fasting till urges get down...
    Another way to go to gym some how release your energy... Get yourself tired... Inshallah you will be OK soon...
    And pray for me I'm 22 trying to do Nofap from last six months.... And my highest streak was 70 days,20,days and 30 days... I usually relapse after week or stay for a week in this filth
    Hard Mode likes this.