What do you think about CAPITALISM ?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Mr.Tony, Dec 30, 2021.

  1. I think it's mother f*cking ugly as it is.

    It turns Housewives into Prostitutes or Pornstars, It turns Soft people into Monsters.

    Plus the fact you need to have things in this Game!

    A good Connection and Network
    A good amount of Safe Cash

    The fact that this is a Game is very simple, You need to find the well paying job and fall in love with it... Save yourself first by not paying the Rent Every Month by Getting a House of your own, that way at least you won't live pf the danger of that survival mode!

    Learn Marketing & Sales - These Goddamn two things are veey essential for you to survive in this world.

    Learn Basics of Human Behavor & Psychology, You are dealing with human, you better know how to deal with each personality!

    Capitalism is a Game! And you need to know the Rules before playing any game!
  2. DeeJ4y

    DeeJ4y Fapstronaut

    Capitalism is the main reason we are facing a lot of threats. Our planet can not handle this endless search for new technology to keep the market prices high. And still the market will crash every few decades to fuck people up who built it whilst banks and financial bussinesses who caused the crash remain un harmed and backed up by governments. Literally every market crash was because banks wanted even more money and gambled with the PEOPLES money.

    Capitalism also causes selfishness. Shallowness. Still everyone can decide how they want to live life. But capitalism enforces that sort of behavior. We should work as a planet, not compete against other countries with the expense of our planet and common peoples lifes.

    To find an alternative to capitalism is hard though. Communism has its own problems. I think a hybrid of the best of both worlds could help. But capitalism on its own will eventually crash into its madness.
  3. Minsc

    Minsc Fapstronaut

    I believe earning a profit is fine. You say capitalism is a game. The question we can ask is, what rules for capitalism should humanity strive for? I see a need for a cap on how much each person is to earn in the course of a year. Having a limit would at least allow the majority to have a reasonable chance at the game.

    The unrestricted quest for profit is what needs to die. Thankfully, with the global connection of the internet people who were once clueless can help negotiate on the world table. I believe a transition is happening. It's just going to take time, generations even.

    Educating the world about addiction would be a great help. The mechanics behind addiction is what leads people to make bad financial decisions.
  4. depeche69

    depeche69 Fapstronaut

    I think the right way of capitalism is social market economy like here in germany.
    Here in Germany, you have the opportunity to become rich, but if you fail, there is a strong social net to ensure you survive.

    I see this currently at the case of my brother. Cause of Covid-19 he is in hospital at intensity station; each day ist cost up to 3.000 €!
    The costs will be between 100k € - 200k € after his release. Thank god, we have a general state health insurance.
    In the USA you will be billed with 200k $...

    Or myself i was once unemployed after my university release. I got enough money from the state to pay my bills, so i could focus to find a new Job.
    Roady likes this.
  5. Agreed your brother would probably have died without state intervention. Yet one could argue that in time capitalism can drive down cost of every treatment to level where it would be cheap for everybody(yet this remains utopia as of now). You could also argue that there are already enough of technological innovation, so it would be good time to close all markets and just become command economy(still innovation, yet slower and without invidual rights(may also be saver than capitalist path, if technological innovation is something to be feared)).

    Remains to see what's the best way.
  6. Infidel.48

    Infidel.48 Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Capitalism in America is next to hell.
    Corporations >> Humans.
    Profit is all they want, they dont give a fuck about anything else.

    Its sad to see India slightly heading towards that direction
  7. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    It's right wing. Survival of the fittest sort of thing. I don't agree with it personally. To some extent I do. Like if you do well you deserve to be rewarded. But capitalism goes beyond that. Like if you don't do well you just deserve to suffer.

    I am more left wing. Like someone who is starving on the streets is much worse off than someone who is wealthy who loses some money out their bank. I personally think poverty should be seen as a crisis. Capitalism couldn't give a fuck about helping people out of poverty.

    They're doing well. Why would they care about people much less fortunate than them? Yeah that's capitalism.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2022
  8. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    The irony of people in this thread bashing on capitalism, while typing away on a device that was paid for, on a website that was paid for, on a server that was paid for. I can literally pay for your guys airline tickets to fly to Venezuela to experience a non-Capitalist country. Just send me a PM, and I’ll pay for it no problem, money isn’t an issue for me, my treat. No European countries, because we all know where countries like Deutschland get their money from to pay for lower class.
  9. Morally more correct to be socialist while capitalism makes more sense innovation and production way. Idk why USA has bundled church and capitalist together, since Jesus Christ is more of an socialist than capitalist(and Christianity = Jesus Christ). Morality could also be on the side of innovation tho if that's higher value than equality. Freedom in it's essense is always unequal tho.
  10. shamrock19

    shamrock19 Fapstronaut

    All inclusive….?first class tickets…?economy class….? can I have hold lugggage…? Will you pay for a window seat for me ?

    we need more specifics here Richie Rich
  11. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    I see you’re a John Lennon until someone waves money in front of your face. Isn’t Capitalism so bad? ;)
  12. Why are all singers and actors socialists(or big part)?
  13. shamrock19

    shamrock19 Fapstronaut

    Was John Lennon a communist or something ? I haven’t heard much on his monetary/political ideologies if I’m honest
  14. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    Just like how many Americans started adoring socialism: You guys live way too good of a life here and have not experienced socialism or communism. I have. It sucks, and a reason why capitalism works underground in those countries because it’s hardwired in human nature to deal and trade.
  15. True I also believe into capitalism, yet technology could be game changer for social models. Ex: command economy like Soviet Union with Artificial Intelligent dictator who's reign lasts forever.
    Sir Übermensch III likes this.
  16. I think capitalism is alright because it is adherent with biological human nature for a hierarchical competitive existence. For humans it is all about value. Communism redistributes said value but it does not do it based on competitiveness. I think it is unfair that wealthy men get more ladies so let's redistribute the ladies according to our own system of values (equity, fairness, etc) so every man gets one? Oh no that sounds bad, lets redistribute wealth instead. Capitalism is more according and honest with human nature that is all.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2022
    Marourag and Dioplleo_547 like this.
  17. Well with many ladies you're going to die of sooner anyways. That's the reason why monks life so long.
    Agreed with everything you said.
    Sir Übermensch III likes this.
  18. Really not sure that analogy works at all. You think a redistribution of human beings is comparable with the redistribution of wealth?
  19. It is a matter of value. Leaving disney love fantasies aside, a woman is to a man and a man is to a woman a mean of acquiring value, sexual gratification and emotional companionship are much valued for humans. It is at the core of our reproductive drive and many of our actions are guided to unconsciously fulfill this need. There are, of course, hundres of other ways of acquiring value and attributing meaning to life, such as the acquisition of wealth. So there is the comparison, they are both ways of achieving status, and I make the proposition that some communists are just trying to level the hierarchy so they can themselves get a bigger share of the cake when they could just compete for it, and might even be unconsciously trying to get the other benefits that come with being wealthy. Thing is, if you redistribute wealth equitably then you take economy OUT of the status game and something else WILL take its place. I talk about women because this is a sex related forum and thought it was adequate. Why not, therefore, compete for status as it is on our nature. Good to hear that at least some sort of redistribution actually sounds bad to you.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    objectively untrue, humans spent the majority of their existence being hunter gatherer pre-states societies with a communist/socialist *economy*, true capitalism only started about 15-16th century. I don't know about what you are talking about socialist countries sucking, sure you are not confusing with marxist-leninism socialism? cuz that is just an extreme form of socialism. Most people probably couldn't afford an education or any sort of comfortable life without some form of socialism.