477 days, Why I don’t ejaculate or masturbate

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by modern milarepa, Aug 19, 2021.

  1. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Current streak: 477 days no PMO, semen retention

    48 days no sex, I had non ejacualtory sex during the streak which if done right with the right girl can give you lots of energy.

    One of the main reasons I don’t masturbate is that when I do I feel I’ve been defeated by lust, I lose my face to women, I need to be in a high place energetically and psychologically to deal with women and life in general, if I gave in to pleasure it means women have the power of sex over me, I become inferior to their superior sexual power, which they already have, women according to eastern teachings have ten times more sexual energy than men and most of them can easily live without sex or masturbation for years or have sex for hours or days straight. I don’t like to be inferior to women this is a step prior to be dominated by a woman.

    Also sexual energy is one of the most powerful forces we have if you lose it to PMO or being a sex machine you become weak and you need energy to do anything in life specially if you want to be a superior man.

    I have dealt with so many beautiful and crazy girls, always trying to pick the most high quality one, I think a regular man will be crazy by now, traumatized or at least a little beat down because of this, I’ll be in such a bad place if I haven’t dealt with girls with a detached mind, seeing sex as meditation.

    The moment I lose my streak it doesn’t mean just losing a streak which is just a number at the end of the day, it means that I’m in a mental state again in which appearances and pleasure cloud my thinking, not relapsing means a permanent fixed understanding of what sexual energy is.

    Conclusion: NoFap needs to create a clear understanding of your sexuality and pleasure, aiming to destroy any relapses.
  2. visionarysanitation

    visionarysanitation Fapstronaut

    fascinating, which kinds of meditation practices do you do?
  3. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Meditation mostly focusing four fingers below the belly and microcosmic orbit meditation to balance sexual energy.
  4. visionarysanitation

    visionarysanitation Fapstronaut

    is this tantric? what are the benefits you see? and how do i learn to practice this meditation properly?
  5. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    It's more tao

    The tao of health, sex and longevity by Daniel Reid

    In the section meditation he gives an easy approach on how to do it.
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  6. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    I think I'm going to make a thread about it, I've been asked quite often the type of meditation I do. I think this is the only thing I haven't made a thread about.

    I think I'll do it now and also other breathing and meditation like practices I find useful.
  7. I am ready

    I am ready Fapstronaut

    Hi brother ...hope you doing ok ...I want to ask a question from you as you and most of seniors in nofap advice to Search for the reason behind doing NOfap is the most important thing on the first place ..now I want to ask you that I am doing NOfap for my better health and to become religious guy..the question is after few days like 10 to 15 days I forget my reasons how can I remember my my reasons in this journey
    Can you tell me the full system from start to the end what to do what to not
  8. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    The reason is that after 10 or 15 days you feel better so you lack awareness. You need to remember that there is no safe number streak.

    You can write or think daily why you are doing nofap to not forget it, like a vow.

    What to do? The same as everyone else: avoid triggers, doing sports, healthy lifestyle, meditation, cold showers, a journal.

    For more see my main thread
  9. Osl0

    Osl0 Fapstronaut

    Hi, could you tell me some meditations for anxiety?
  10. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Focus on your breath coming in and coming out
    Ajar and Osl0 like this.
  11. Ajar

    Ajar Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I really like the way you conceptualize
    Check out Mantak Chia, his books are amazing, really good for building if you got a little bit more control
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  12. Hey brother i am really interested in learning this meditation about using microcosmic orbit. I even read mantak chia’s book multiorgasmic man and saw some videos on YouTube but can’t fully understand how its properly done.

    As you have a lot of experience with multi orgasms and microcosmic orbit meditation, can you explain me in detail how its done properly or make a video or audio on this meditation please.
  13. It's me Milarepa.
    It's quite simple really, once you have enough sexual energy: at least 3 months no ejaculation and a good reservoir of energy. Then you just move the energy spontaneously in the microccosmic orbit.

    The most important thing is just having a lot of energy then you just play with it.


    Here I talk more about the meditation
    Shoe lace likes this.
  14. The microccosmic orbit during sex it's you combining your orbit with your partners orbit.
    In regards of multiorgasms I'm against it. Even if mantak chia a great master preaches it.

    Multiorgasms it's a forum of edging so you lose dopamine and it's focused on pleasure, tantric taoist sex is about gaining energy and developing a higher state of mind. To go beyond sensuality in a very sensual activity such as sex.


  15. See sex as a form of gaining energy, health and a superior mental state.

    If you see tantric sex as a form of healthy pleasure, multiorgasms it will be very hard to practice and to understand what tantric sex is all about.

    Here are other threads you can check them out


    Also if you are battling with porn addiction don't dwell on tantric sex. Not even regular people can do it.

    It's an advanced form of sex.
    Go one thing at a time.
  16. Hey thanks brother, i will check out all the posts you recommended and if i have any questions i will ask u.
    I appreciate your replies.
  17. Bartholem_phew!

    Bartholem_phew! Fapstronaut

    Hey Bro - a really good meditation app is Insight Timer - loads of guided meditations on there for free.