Accountability for All

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by corylife, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. WantsToQuit2021

    WantsToQuit2021 Fapstronaut

    Finished day 10. Just 96 more hours till a nee personal record.

    Today was easy, I lost myself in work and suddenly worked for 12 hours.
    That doesn't leave much room for urges.

    My trick to make a physical motion if I do have urges seems very effective.
    We naturally associate this motion with distancing ourselves from something, and it's very similar to the Korsakoff study motion of pushing away. So it complements eachother.

    Stay strong.
  2. higor pereira araujo

    higor pereira araujo Fapstronaut

    Day 0: tough old world baby
    corylife, Leonflado, blacktea and 2 others like this.
  3. keplerb

    keplerb Fapstronaut

  4. Hopeful Dreamer

    Hopeful Dreamer Fapstronaut

    Completed day 29, have been busy studying but today something cool happened: I went to confess in my church and the priest was really supportive, like he understood my position about my parents and of course suggested me to stop consuming P at all. By the end he cheered me up, so now I'm getting back my motivation to thrive!

    I will succeed, it doesn't matter if alone, but I'll do... whatever it takes. Tomorrow I'm completing a month, yay!
    corylife, keplerb, Leonflado and 7 others like this.
  5. Spreadlove

    Spreadlove Fapstronaut

    P: 31 days
    M: 57 days
    O: 57 days

    * 4 PMO but no relapse
    * 1 MO but no relapse

    Had a full blown panic attack yesterday. Not sure if it was because I PMOd or had too much caffeine during the day. However again Im counting the progress and not counting it as a relapse. Averaging around 11 days of pure PMO nofap. (56/5). Pretty pleased with this as long as the average number of days keep increasing.

    On a side note I felt a few moods which I am now working on too. Shame, disgust, anger. I'll be reading more into these moods as the nofap continues as to why I'm feeling them.
    corylife, keplerb, Leonflado and 2 others like this.
  6. ThisSideThatSide

    ThisSideThatSide Fapstronaut

  7. WanderTruth

    WanderTruth Fapstronaut

    Day 0. I dont think i can do it :((( porn defeat me too many times. But i will try though i dont think i can win
    corylife, keplerb, Leonflado and 2 others like this.
  8. WantsToQuit2021

    WantsToQuit2021 Fapstronaut

    Don't worry to much. It's more like 3 steps forward one back. You are still 2 steps further.

    I've been trying nofap for 4+ years. And never once got to 14. Days clean. 4 years!!!!
    But now I'm less than 4 days away!

    After all that time I'm going to break through.
    You only lose when you quit trying.

    There are a lot of tips and tricks out there. Plenty of blockers that normal people don't know how to disable. And so many accountability partners that give you support.

    You got this
  9. blacktea

    blacktea Fapstronaut

    Just got through day 31! Wanting to thank all you guys for your support. It is great reading all your posts, and inspiring to see the courage each one of you show.
  10. widdendreampenguin

    widdendreampenguin Fapstronaut

  11. tivruh

    tivruh Fapstronaut

    Day 12 Updates
    My friend came over in the afternoon and we strength trained. It was good company and a good time. Had therapy afterwards and went over the last 2 weeks, the trip I took, the miserable dates, and the longing I'm feeling for the spicy mama I met at the airport.

    I'd say I'm still handling it much better than I would've 6 months ago before therapy. Just have to keep myself busy and not pine for her. Good women and good things don't come easy. This is my opportunity to develop patience and focus on my own needs.

    If things don't work out with this woman for whatever reason, I'll have known I took care of myself and put myself first throughout, and hence be better prepared for the next opportunity. One. Brick. At. A. Time.

    Mah man <3

    Gonna take a cold shower, work on my university applications, do breathwork and go to bed by 11 tonight. I have about 3 hours.

    OMINI MAN Fapstronaut

    Day 6
    These 10/15 days are really difficult and crucial.
    I'm getting stronger urges each day.
    I'm just telling my self that these thoughts are NOT real, its just illusion of devil to lure me in the path of darkness.

    Stay strong and hopeful. ❤️
    corylife, blacktea, keplerb and 2 others like this.
  13. MeEqualsNF

    MeEqualsNF Fapstronaut

    Day 0
    Been lurking for a while and decided to make an account today after relapsing yesterday. I want to quit PMO to improve myself and live a better life. I will keep trying no matter what.
  14. Leonflado

    Leonflado Fapstronaut

    Day 16 check in
  15. MeEqualsNF

    MeEqualsNF Fapstronaut

    Chaser effect hit me strong today. Will reset and try again. Need to be more conscious of my actions.
  16. ThisSideThatSide

    ThisSideThatSide Fapstronaut

    wake up at 4 today!
  17. Thadeus Tuffington

    Thadeus Tuffington Fapstronaut

    It's 'lose' not 'loose'.

    Day 6
    Hard as hell, especially at the end of the day. I was hit by a strong urge to fap on my way home and somehow managed to make my way through it over the course of an hour or so. I used the microcosmic orbit a little bit, the biggest help was being still.

    It is hard to describe the source of my motivation, it could be freedom, self improvement, thirst for power, enlightenment, getting closer to the source of existence be it god or the tao, or the release from pain and suffering.

    I have no idea, I am still searching. I believe that quitting porn, masturbation, and practicing semen retention will get me where I want to go or at least help me find out where I want to be.

    One day at a time, moment by moment.

    You are not alone. You are worth time, attention, love, and affection. Do not give up on yourself, no matter what.

    Keep on keeping on my fellow fapstronauts.
    corylife, Leonflado, blacktea and 3 others like this.
  18. higor pereira araujo

    higor pereira araujo Fapstronaut

    DAY 0: I lost, but something super amazing happened: Now I can study and use the internet (on a few websites) alone because I use two blockers called: blok supreme pro and cold turkey.

    With blok supreme pro I can blok the taskbar that I used to use the search bar to access some sexy stuff. And with cold turkey, I can blok all the websites, except the ones that I put on the white list (the ones completely free of pornography)

    Thank God, I'm very grateful.
  19. WantsToQuit2021

    WantsToQuit2021 Fapstronaut

    You can do this!
  20. MeEqualsNF

    MeEqualsNF Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the support :)