Is this numbness normal?

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Daxos, Jul 8, 2018.

  1. Daxos

    Daxos Fapstronaut

    Hello Fapstronauts!

    So last night I noticed something very weird. I woke up at night with a semi-erection MW, and noticed that my penis felt more numb than before, as in, I felt less sensation and just the feeling of my penis. It almost felt like when you wake up with a numb arm or hand, but not as extreme. Is this normal for a PIED reboot?

    I have relapsed before and had some decent streaks before but I had never experienced a loss of physical sensation in my penis. Is this a symptom of flatlining? Because I relapsed quite hard last month and I don't think I had a real flatline in my previous streaks. I'm freaking out about nerve damage now...
    I did relapse because of stress, and I appear to have no loss of sensation in the head of my penis, but mostly in my shaft.

    I have no abnormal masturbation techniques. I mostly masturbate sitting in a chair and last last month I sometimes had days where I masturbated 3-4 times a day.

    I would really appreciate help and thoughts!
    Wugazi32 likes this.
  2. GoodFeeling

    GoodFeeling Fapstronaut

    Just fight it through. You are at 24 days that is awesome!! Just avoid ANY sexual stimuli to your best ability. Don't touch your penis, let it heal, only when you pee and keep it clean, also helps the healing! You could also try aloe vera gel or some kind of oil.
    Wugazi32 and Daxos like this.
  3. Daxos

    Daxos Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your reply. I was, however, not on day 24 but day 4. I had a really bad binge relapse for a month. I really hope yesterday was just the start of a terrible flatline that caused the loss of sensation and general feeling in my penis.
    Wugazi32 and GoodFeeling like this.
  4. GoodFeeling

    GoodFeeling Fapstronaut

    You get the best results when you try to avoid everything. It is very difficult but you can fight it one day at a time!
    Wugazi32 and Daxos like this.
  5. I had this same exact thing somewhere around days 10 to 20 and that's one quite common symptom of flatline. It'll go away pretty soon so don't freak out, and try to think something else than sex related stuff.
    Wugazi32 and Daxos like this.
  6. Fapping prohibited

    Fapping prohibited Fapstronaut

    I know this is an old thread, but i am going through the same thing. Did it ever resolve for you? I’m currently on day 4-5 my head is sensitive but the shaft seems a bit number than usual, compared to other streaks. Even when i have an erection it’s not full erect like it used to be while waking up during PMO days. Please if anyone reads this respond, and thank you very much!!
    Wugazi32 likes this.
  7. adamexe

    adamexe Fapstronaut

    I don't know what happened to this guy or the extent to which you feel numb right now, but realistically, there is very little grounds to believe that not jerking off for 4-5 days should result in a loss of sensation.

    I've been dealing with a nearly complete loss of physical sexual pleasure for over 12 years now.

    While I recently reached the conclusion it might have had something to do with porn (nevertheless, eliminating porn certainly helped me so far... but off topic), I've also resumed my admittedly previously thin efforts to find a solution on the medical side. And I am starting to believe that there may have been a physical component to it related to posture, and possibly a blow I had received to my lower back at the time.
    After reading about this, I am worried that if that is the case, it may be too late for me to ever regain full sensitivity (although recently I have sometimes felt, I believe, partial regain).

    My point is, if you do feel a loss of penis sensitivity, get moving medically. Get doctor appointments and scans and shit. Because if it's neurological or nerve-related, the quicker you get it sorted out the better the prospects of regaining full function. If you wait too long, you can incur permanent nerve damage.
  8. Fapping prohibited

    Fapping prohibited Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply brother!! Really do hope you find the solution and resolve your issue. I specifically remember this issue starting right after my recent streak. Never in the past has it ever happened, but the crucial thing here that makes me think it’s solely psychological, is that I don’t ever recall taking an injury or hard blow to or around the area, or elsewhere on the body. I’m no medical expert, but somewhat educated on human anatomy, so if anything happened that would possibly cause an issue, i would’ve noticed or thought about it at the moment of it occurring. The (numbness) i would describe it more of loss of sensation rather than numbness like you get an anesthetic at the dentist. Which leads me to ask, how severe is your condition? Loss of sensation? Numbness? ED? loss of sensation in the shaft? Do you experience any morning wood?….. I just hope Daxos replies because there was an off topic thread somewhere on Nofap, posted in 2020 and he mentioned that “I’ve been through it all” regarding Nofap and flatline symptoms. And to contact him regarding any questions. I did send him a message after initially posting here, hope he gets back.
  9. adamexe

    adamexe Fapstronaut

    In my case it happened pretty much overnight. One day I was jerking off and having a satisfying orgasm and the next I jerked off, came, as in, ejaculated as usual, but felt absolutely no spark, no orgasm, and that left me distressingly unsatisfied.

    I had noticed on occasion before that, that after sitting for a long time, it just felt like the area around my groin would be a bit numb. I couldn't pinpoint it if I tried to touch around and feel a spot that felt anesthetized as you say, but i felt.something seemed off.

    After the loss of of sensation happened it wasn't like I couldn't feel anything. I did feel touch, although it seems a bit damped. But no sexual arousal on touch. It's like touching an elbow or any other body part.

    All hormones have tested ok and no infection ever detected. Psychological arousal and sex drive remained, and even for some time I became premature ejaculator because I was so on edge all the time..Every time I had sex or tried jerking off it was like getting turned on all the way but just being denied the satisfaction. Cumming basically felt almost identical to peeing, nothing more.

    Now I should mention the blow I received to my back didn't happen immediately before that it was a month or two earlier and I had fully healed before I felt any change to my dick. So might be completely unrelated.

    My areas of inquiry at this point are pelvic imbalances/injuries (I've been spending an awful lot of time sitting for decades even though i do lots of at a computer, used to game a lot, read a lot, etc..) and porn induced dysfunction. At the time this declared I was using a LOT of porn. I had no suspicion that it could cause any problem and my girlfriend at the time, with whom I had been for almost 3 years, couldn't have sex. She had issues down there and it just didn't work, and she had very low sex drive, as a result I suppose... so I used porn. And many healthcare specialists at this point have told me it's probably psychological. So porn seems like a likely culprit. But also I have a clear posterior pelvic tilt and been told by many trainers and physiotherapists in the last that my posterior chain is extremely tense. I also have hypertonic pelvic floor apparently... and my specialized physio has told me my lower back tilt and tightness could very well be related to my problem as well.

    Did you say you tend to jerk off sitting? Or was it the other guy? In any case, I tended to do it sitting at the time it started. And sometimes I would notice afterwards how much I had just been slumping while jerking, after I finished, because I'd have a bit of a sore back, which I wouldn't realize while I was getting off. That adds to the idea that nerve or blood vessel compression might play a role here.

    Lack of satisfying sensations have eventually made me less and less easily aroused and so I've delved into harder porn. Only recently have I decided to give this problem another try because now this lack of arousal/sensation had reached a point where I couldn't keep it up more than a few minutes with a new girl and I felt now this might become a hindrance to even my romantic life. But cutting porn has had a clear impact on my ability to get aroused from my own thoughts and have stronger erections.

    I still don't know the cause of my problem (there might be multiple) but no porn is clearly helping.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2021
    Free 23 and Fapping prohibited like this.
  10. Fapping prohibited

    Fapping prohibited Fapstronaut

    Now that you mentioned it, it kind of clicked. Could it be that my sciatica nerve has been some how compressed? Cause i would also do it sitting down, then after a while would feel a little numbness in my right upper thigh. This was sometimes accompanied by pins and needles, and tingling feeling. The last time i orgasmed same thing, just ejaculated, but not much pleasure as in orgasm. But idk if that has to do with the fact that I literally masturbated after 2 minutes of waking up, in a groggy state. And my penis felt like as if it was a half inflated balloon, rather than a full on erection, but the day before that morning, i had a full on erection while masturbating and the orgasm felt pleasurable. I’m currently on a streak, and plan on not dong it for a long time, at least 90 days. I have to be honest, i am kind of nervous to test it out, and if it is anything like the last session i had, it would make my anxiety worse and put me in a bad state. So currently just rebooting and doing some exercises, also trying to eat healthy, so far i just have semi MW, sometimes the quality is hard, but not fully engorged what it was like before. I wholeheartedly hope you can find a solution to your problem soon, and that it’s just something not so complicated, and can be solved with some therapy and exercises.
  11. adamexe

    adamexe Fapstronaut

    Well in my opinion if you haven't tried since that last time when you felt nothing, it might be worth breaking that streak to try it. Unless you're saying you definitely had an excessive masturbation problem and you think doing it would throw you back in.
    Losing sensation to your dick is *not* a normal or a banal thing. It's not supposed to happen, and while it is possible that the cause is psychological, it can also be physical. If it is physical you don't want to be hiding the problem needlessly for another 90 days. You want to get on top of it now. Again, if it's something compromising a nerve, the longer you wait, the higher the chances of suffering permanent damage.
    The choice is up to you. If it were me though, I wouldn't take that chance.
    By the way, there's not much to be anxious about. It's out of your control. And there's no point getting over-observing about it. The loss of sensation is unmistakable. It's not just a kinda lukewarm orgasm. It's no orgasm and no satisfaction. Just once should suffice to tell you if something's really up.
  12. Fapping prohibited

    Fapping prohibited Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much for responding! Actually earlier today i started working with a therapist, and he’s working on loosening my tight back muscles and nerves, that’s connected to the sciatic nerves down below. However he did mention this can possibly be a cause for loss of sensation in the penis, but he can’t say with certainty that it is the cause at the moment. So i’m most probably going to see him for more sessions, and hopefully we can come to a solution. I’m actually praying that it’s not the sciatic nerve causing the issue, and just the classic temporary flatline. And as far as breaking the streak for the sake of testing, I don’t think i can do it, i’m very committed and prayed to The Lord to deliver me from this addiction and i never want to go back. However i have been suffering with this sciatic issue for over 6 months, i know stupid for not taking care of it sooner. But i was having great MW and erections to fapping, and sometimes just thoughts, up until a week and a half ago. Then all of this started when i was on a few days streak and decided to test it out. So my mind is kind of telling me chill out it just a flatline, and at times causing me to doubt it, and believe it has to do with serious physical disease.
    Free 23 likes this.
  13. Free 23

    Free 23 Fapstronaut

    Similar experience here! Let me know how it goeas with the therapist regarding the sciatic nerves
  14. Fapping prohibited

    Fapping prohibited Fapstronaut

    The sciatic nerve is doing much better, noticing slight improvements. So far just had one session, i think it should be resolved for good in like 10 sessions. As far as loss of sensation in the penile shaft, i woke up with a MW wood yesterday morning which was around 80-90% strength, great sign. I didn’t really touch to see if the sensation is any better or not, letting my brain do the work, to reboot properly. No clue if it has anything to do with the sciatic nerve though. Just trying to remain patient and hopeful, what about you? Which day are you on? What kind of numbness/loss of sensation are you experiencing?
    Free 23 likes this.
  15. Free 23

    Free 23 Fapstronaut

    Nice to hear that you can see some improvements regardless if it has to do with the sciatic nerve. What kind of therapist do the sessions? Is it a maseur or a physiotherapist? Can you describe what kind of session he/she does to you? I want to give it a try.
    As regards me I had my first streak of 33 days and relapsed just today mostly due of really bad insomnia that was going on more than 2 weeks.
    I can tell that my erection was WAY BETTER than before Nofap. So something helped here for sure.
    But the problem remains mostly while my penis soft.
    In this state i can hardly feel it. It is like is diconected from my body and it shrinks a lot! Nothing similar to how my penis used to be in the soft state some years ago.
    I used to feel my penis between my legs even while soft some years ago. Now it is like invisible in sensation until i touch it and strech it a bit.
    I dont know how to explain it.. It feels more empty.
    Fapping prohibited likes this.
  16. Fapping prohibited

    Fapping prohibited Fapstronaut

    There isn’t a specific name for the technique he uses. He started about 40 years ago, and uses a combination of different healing methods, that he learned along the years, the last time i asked him. As far as erections most mornings i have non after starting Nofap, where as before when i was going through PMO i’d wake up with very strong MW almost everyday. This only started to occur after starting Nofap, which i’m thinking is just a severe flatline. Emotionally i feel ok some days are tough, but physically No libido, No spontaneous erections, not even erections to fantasy which i used to have on streaks in the past. And to add in to the empty feeling, i know exactly what you mean, the penis feels like as if it’s a balloon partially inflated with air, and not much strength or body to it, which i’m sure you know what i mean. It’s very frightening, but i know we have to take it easy and be patient. By the way did you notice all of these symptoms after starting your last streak of 33 days? Or you’ve had these symptoms even while PMOing? Just yesterday i also noticed a new weird symptom, and that is sometimes when i’m sitting or laying down, i feel like my penis vibrates or has this vibrating feeling that happens to it, it last about a few seconds. Have you ever had anything like that happen to you?
  17. Free 23

    Free 23 Fapstronaut

    I 've lost you here. You say that after starting noFap you had no erections, while with PMO you had very strong (PMO is part of Nofap) so.. when did you have strong erections and when they stopped?
    As regards me during the first week of nofap (PMO) me morning erections got stronger and bit thicker. But then I guess flatline came and my erections got weaker and dissapear the moment I stood up out of bed.

    Again, Nofap and PMO its the same thing.. Am I wrong? PMO refers to what kind of nofap you are doing (porn, masturbation, orgasm)

    I dont think I have experienced that! For me during the first week of nofap while I was horny most of the day and I could't touch it, at night I could feel something like needles on my penis.
  18. Fapping prohibited

    Fapping prohibited Fapstronaut

    PMO= Porn…Masturbation…Orgasm
    PMOing= using Porn..Masturbation..Orgasm
    Nofap= abstaining from Porn…Masturbation…Orgasm aka (hardmode)
    The weird thing is while i was PMOing, i would have healthy and hard morning wood, also pretty good spontaneous erections during the day, and also to fantasy. Only when i stopped watching Porn..masturbating…and Orgasming these problems started to occur, loss of morning wood or weak morning wood, loss of sensation in penis shaft and feeling of fullness, no libido. The reason i joined NoFap and abstained from PMO is because of things like fatigue, severe social anxiety, no motivation, mild depression. A few days into my recent streak all of these symptoms started to occur, which in the past wasn’t the case. However the weirdest and most unusual thing occurred last night (day 10). I went to bed an hour into my sleep, i suddenly woke up half conscious and started to masturbate, not fully grasping and understanding what’s happening, i managed a weak erection. By the time i realized what’s going on, I couldn’t stop felt aroused and heart pounding, rushed to the bathroom with my phone. I started to watch porn, by this time i started to lose my erection. Even though i felt aroused by the scene i was viewing, mentally i was aroused, but my penis wasn’t responding nor did it feel pleasurable. I just wanted to reach orgasm. A minute or two into it..i ejaculated, it did feel somewhat pleasurable and felt a release, but the whole process my penis was pretty much not responding. This scared and worried me, and didn’t get much sleep since last night, never really experienced anything like this in the past nor to this degree. I don’t understand what’s really going on with my brain or body. Is my brain in a deep flatline and it’s shut off my penis and erections or is there something medically wrong with me? I mean my anxiety is telling me it could be my sciatic nerve causing this, but my logical brain is saying it’s a flatline. Since I’ve experienced sciatic problems for a long time, and this is just now suddenly happening only when i started my new streak. I’m thinking maybe if i start regularly PMOing again that part of my brain might reactivate again and everything will go back to normal, but i don’t want to feed this addiction and fall back into it, want to cut it out of my life and get rid of it for good.
  19. Fapping prohibited

    Fapping prohibited Fapstronaut

    I just really hope Daxos will respond soon, and say he went through this and it was just a flatline and it will resolve soon, and everything will go back to normal after abstaining for a while.
  20. Fapping prohibited

    Fapping prohibited Fapstronaut

    @Free 23 I also would like to mention that, on day 7-8 i don’t specifically recall, i woke up with a very decent MW. It was pretty strong, to the point where i got out of bed and wouldn’t go down until i went to urinate. However at the time I didn’t touch or feel to see if there is any increase in sensation in the shaft area. So that alone i guess tells me my body is capable of having erections, and that everything works properly. Then last night happened and made me feel very worried and anxious.
    Free 23 likes this.