Stuck in 1-14 day purgatory for over a year now. Attempt at 30 day streak

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Nov 10, 2021.

  1. Iohannes

    Iohannes Fapstronaut

    use the SPIN browser on android. If you need the best protection get also the partner app Boomerang and get a license, it's 14 dollars a year or something. But SPIN itself does most of the job. Lock yourself out of thr playstore with an applocker (there are tons). Have somebody set up a password or, if not possible, use a long randomised one you write down on a piece of paper and keep somewhere hidden from where you usually live. Like your workplace.
    Among Us! and HolyTheotokos like this.
  2. Iohannes

    Iohannes Fapstronaut

    Also, please, reach out to a priest or a monk about your suicidal problems. That's one of the worst works of Satan on men and you have to be really cautious. You need spiritual support ASAP with that.
    We all do need that, but when it comes to the risk of losing one's only life, you must pay extra care towards yourself.
    So again, go and talk to a figure with spiritual experience and don't withold anything; just say all the truth.
  3. I haven't heard about that drug but after looking it up I like that it is anticholinergic.
    Problem is I don't have any means to order online currently. Do you have a source?
    Now that's interesting. I'll have to check it out
    I have been in contact with a psychiatrist for a long time, worst profession on earth! Most of them are more mentally ill than you yourself, and they set themselves as the standard "normal" and "healthy" people.
    Modern antidepressants are really bad. I'm only an SNRI (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake Inhibitor, although the one I'm on works very, very little on Serotonin, and may even decrease it, which is attractive to me. Serotonin is a stress mediator and not something you'd want to raise...) called Mirtazapine and it has been a Godsend, really helps me sleep, it powerfully decreases Cortisol. Don't mess with any neurotransmitters too many, only Noradrenergic at higher doses. So I really like that as a drug and it really helped/helps me.
    I already eat lots of red meat so Zinc should be covered, and I haven't heard of it having anti-depressant qualities, that's interesting. I'll assume because of how vital it is for Testosterone production.
    I definitely agree. Good systematic health (especially good Testosterone and Thyroid production) will usually give you more mental fortitude and resistance to Learned Helplessness and depression. So trying to correct any deficiencies with supplements may help.
    Maybe if it gets really bad I'll try Ketamine or something. I have some LevoTriiodothyronine Sodium (Synthetic T3 Thyroid hormone) on hand. It has been shown to be a very effective anti-depressant and lowers suicidality. So maybe it's time to give it a go.
    I can also order through a friend some Vitamin K2 MK-4, it'll raise Test and lower Aromatase/Estrogen.
    Among Us! and learning like this.
  4. I am very lucky to have an older brother who was dealing with similar issues during my age, although slightly different circumstances. He was also very suicidial. so I can talk to him about this issue
  5. Definitely have urges to just say fuck it, but it's not that enticing. Intrusive thoughts all throughout the day even through my commute.
    I really need to solve my issues and get laid (!)
  6. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    HolyTheotokos likes this.
  7. Haven't searched much, but I know there is one in Nazareth and I don't live too far. I'm truly lazy and ignorant! I really want to become a catechumen but I'm slacking on so many things when it comes to my "faith". I also simply don't have time due to school.
    warrior2k20 and FirefromAbove like this.
  8. warrior2k20

    warrior2k20 Fapstronaut

    I have a solution. If you have an old friend or someone use the screen time function in settings to block things on your phone. If you have school, just turn your phone into a hotspot and carry a laptop with you. But seriously, it worked really well for me and still does. I usually block safari and the app store, and if you’re detoxing from electronics for awhile its a good thing. I keep youtube around for quick how to’s but in the past this was dangerous. I created a new google account and restricted the age on it to like 10 so that i could watch videos sometimes but was shielded from literally anything. It is a lot of work to set it all up, but once it is all set up it allows you the time to heal and build your fortitude.
    HolyTheotokos likes this.
  9. warrior2k20

    warrior2k20 Fapstronaut

    I found that lot of my porn addiction came from shame before the hypnosis was factored in. Once i defeated shame it was easier to defeat porn for awhile.

    i still relapse, but compared to what state of addiction I was in before, I don’t beat myself up too much about it. I learned to not feel ashamed for things I’ve done wrong, as I know there is one up above who has forgiven me for my sins.

    That doesn’t mean I don’t put in effort. I get up everyday not wanting to fail. But I have gotten to a point where porn doesn’t rule my mind, so most the time it is not on it. I am praying for you, brother. Praying you can learn to live with yourself, forgive yourself for the past, and find something-church or activity- that you look forward to doing.
    HolyTheotokos likes this.
  10. warrior2k20

    warrior2k20 Fapstronaut

    And it is completely ‘normal’ (if you’re fighting porn addiction) to be stuck in this phase. Don’t feel ashamed or abnormal. Don’t feel guilty for going through something everyone goes through… in secret. This is something I’ve discovered whilst talking to a lot of people at college. Stay strong brother.
    HolyTheotokos likes this.
  11. Sylveon389

    Sylveon389 Fapstronaut

    A game of Among Us was triggering because they typed in chat a dick emoji. Your username takes me back to a bad place tbh. Just saying.
    HolyTheotokos likes this.
  12. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    HolyTheotokos likes this.
  13. What do you mean? Are you alright?
    Alright, have deep urges. They don't feel like straightup strong desires but more like a psychological thing, I feel worthless, weak and passive, and that makes me want to PMO.
    I feel like my entire psychological aspect regarding PMO is pretty messed up. The P I indulge in concerns me, and my fetishes developed with and around me, I feel like they are no longer some fetishes, that are only "brought up" or are relevant when I'm sexual, but has become an almost constant desire that is associated with a variety of feelings like the weakness, passivity I mentioned, but also lack of mental masculinity, and my inability to be a normal productive person (Peter Pan syndrome or something, I'm very immature, and weak, I feel like a child can scam me. I also feel like I DO NOT want to be a normal member of society, maybe I want to struggle with these minor internal things such as PMO, immaturity and basic things like schedule; so I do not advance in life and stay a bum and loser; and I want to stay a loser so I do not challenge myself with women, career... I'm theorising. Although a few things: I'm not on the spectrum, it is definitely possible for me to be a normal and average member of society. Another thing is that I DO want to start a family and have children; so I don't know how come I'm not compatible with maturity... But I feel like this desire of mine to have kids is underdeveloped and does not mean much, because I almost forget the topic of women when it comes to having a family. I just want kids, I want to be a good father to them, I want to raise them to be strong. Of course first I have to learn self-sacrifice, competence, and of course success with women.
    I don't know where to close the () so I'll just continue.
    I feel like I am so socially underdeveloped and so disconnected with society (this is also reflected in the P I'm seeking, it is drawn or animated P, complete fantasy. This shift in porn preference has happened in the last 4 years or so, can't remember exactly, although even from a young age (10...) I sometimes watched h****i) that I am very far from having a relationship with a woman. I'm not autistic, again, and I wasn't isolated in most of my developmental (3-12) years, only recently (13-..., I'm a bit younger then the age I put since I feared it would cause restrictions, I'm still allowed to register at my current age but I don't know if it is allowed to put a false age), and only very recently (last 2 years) am I VERY isolated from people my own age group. So IMO, it isn't impossible for me to become "normal" socially, although it'll be very difficult, and I think a part of that will HAVE to be ditching P.
    @FirefromAbove , this is the important part: very soon I'm going back to an environment filled with my age group, although hopefully it'll happen gradually. It's going to happen in this target month (in this 30 day streak timeframe, itll happen in the next week or 2 weeks). So it's going to be very hard for me to keep it up, since I will be very drawn to PMO, but I simply can't relapse... I need to stop going into fantasy land.
    Thanks for asking by the way, bro.
    warrior2k20 likes this.
  14. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    Day two in spanish lol.

    So you're a few years younger than me. I felt the same way when I hit 21. In the US it's really the last birthday that has any significance because you can finally drink. I am also South African and the 21st birthday is also a huge milestone where it is customary for your parents to gift you a key on your birthday, it's suppose to symbolize you have having the key to the world.

    I'm 23 now and still feel like a child. I think that's normal especially in our world where we gain life experience very slowly.

    It might be good to get back with your age group because you can develop your social circles and meet new people. Always turn things like this into a learning experience, y'know?

    Might I ask? Did you serve? I know military service in your country is compulsory and was wondering.
    Iohannes and HolyTheotokos like this.
  15. its a necessity
  16. Kyojuro Rengoku

    Kyojuro Rengoku Fapstronaut

    I too am going to attempt a 30 day streak from now on.i won't journal everyday but will do it once a week or so
    HolyTheotokos likes this.
  17. Almost day 3... Again deep desires fueled by weakness. I'm worried about the 7th day mark. I'll have to see
    AModernMiroku likes this.
  18. AModernMiroku

    AModernMiroku Fapstronaut

    HolyTheotokos likes this.
  19. Thank you a lot, sir!
    AModernMiroku likes this.
  20. Soon day 4. Lots of urges, this time more physical and not mental. I overcame a big obstacle today so I feel somewhat good. I'll feel even better if I overcome these desires, because they feel like the ones where I usually PMO. Gotta get off my PC
    warrior2k20 and AModernMiroku like this.