Do circumcised people masturbate more?

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Da User, Oct 14, 2021.

  1. I have a feeling that circumcised men last longer. I can't say for sure of course.
  2. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Yes, I agree about infant circumcision. How awful to find out later that someone sliced off part of your penis! :eek:
  3. I'm circumcised--from infancy. It's never been a problem for me, and while I would be curious about the difference (which of course is an unanswerable curiosity), I have no regrets. I think if I had much greater sensitivity than I do now, I'd be struggling with PE, which is not a problem for me. Neither has DE been an issue. I've been able almost always to control things to sync with my wife and finish together.

    What I'd be a little more curious of, though, is what women think of the difference--if they have the experience by which to compare.

    There are advantages and disadvantages to circumcision. Many try to portray it as a barbaric practice, but it really isn't. There are proven health benefits to it. The sensitivity issues are one side of the matter, but there are other issues as well, including hygiene, transmission of STDs, etc. Some men have such an occlusion in the foreskin as to restrict urination--a condition for which doctors will often recommend the procedure, at least a partial circumcision.

    There is also a gamut of circumcision "levels". Some may think it an all-or-none operation, but it really isn't. It is more like a haircut where long and short are not the only options. My feeling is that somewhere in the middle is best--a "relaxed" fit, if you will, so that an erection does not produce an uncomfortable tightness, and yet the glans can easily emerge and be cleaned.

    As for the nerves, I really don't think there's as much difference between those with and without the foreskin as many imagine. The nerves all must pass through the shaft and up to the brain. When nerves are cut, they tend to regrow, albeit slowly. It may take a month for the nerve ending to extend a millimeter or two. If you've damaged a nerve, such as by some repetitive action, the numbness which follows lasts a long time. In many cases, however, that nerve eventually grows back, and the numbness will disappear. It would seem logical that the nerves in the skin of the penis are similarly able to grow new nerve endings. I would, on that basis, postulate that the sensitive areas of a circumcised penis have greater concentrations of nerves than those same areas on the uncircumcised--though the uncircumcised will certainly have more overall area of sensitivity. It seems unlikely that this has been studied, and I know of no solid evidence one way or the other.

    Whatever the case, I'm not opposed to the humane practice of male circumcision. Female circumcision truly is barbaric and should be banned worldwide. It is such a different procedure and with such radically different purposes as to not even be in the same ball park. The equivalent on a male would basically be removal of the entire tip of the penis, including all of those "sensitive" areas--or just remove the whole member, and remove half the scrotum, too.
  4. It is Finished

    It is Finished Fapstronaut

    The act of sexual intercourse was intended to be performed with a fully intact- uncircumcised penis. Circumcised men create unnecessary friction during sex with women. They can cause tears in their vagina. I feel sorry for women that are married to circumcised men. Myself, I’m fully intact, just as God intended.
  5. It is Finished

    It is Finished Fapstronaut

    It’s not about the nerves, it’s about the action of the foreskin gliding over the glans of the penis, that makes intact men experience greater pleasure.

    I’m not sure how you think male circumcision is any less barbaric than female mutilation. There are no benefits to circumcision, just like there are no benefits to cutting off your eyelids.
    BlackNight212 and Bullseye2 like this.
  6. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    As you have the user name, Do all to the glory of God, I am puzzled why you think a natural penis designed, invented and created by God on a perfect human, is somehow unnecessary and/or unwanted.
  7. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I agree with @It is Finished on this point.
    Please watch this reasonable video you guys...
    Difference Between: Male & Female Circumcision - YouTube
    It is Finished likes this.
  8. News flash: God invented circumcision.

    God is the one who commanded circumcision as a token of His covenant with His people.

    Oh...and if you never cut your hair or shaved your beard, that would be "natural" in a way, too. Should your umbilical cord be cut when you are born? That's natural uncut, too, I suppose.

    Perhaps the hymen should never be broken either. Should women want to keep it "intact"? Would it be better for the penis to go "gliding" over an intact hymen?

    I realize that these are not all equal comparisons. I do not intend to say that they are equal. The point is to provoke a little thought. Just because one has something "uncut" does not necessarily make it best or the only right way. Nature caused us to be born unclothed as well. Nudity is "natural." Should we not attempt to cover our nakedness?

    If God commanded circumcision, who are we to criticize His judgment?
    Risingstar98 likes this.
  9. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    News flash: God did not invent circumcision. You need to do research before making wild statements.

    The earliest historical record of circumcision comes from Egypt, in the form of an image of the circumcision of an adult carved into the tomb of Ankh-Mahor at Saqqara, dating to about 2400–2300 BCE. Circumcision - Wikipedia
    I think the point you make is simply to provoke.
    He mandated it for a temporary period, for the reason you mentioned. However, what you failed to mention is that this was discontinued. Perhaps you would read Acts 15:1-29. Clearly, the Holy Spirit directed Christians that circumcision was no longer a requirement.
    Bullseye2 and It is Finished like this.
  10. You have to realize that the world's dating of historical events is often wildly inaccurate when compared against the Biblical record. In this case, those dates align almost exactly to the time of the Flood. I don't think Noah was the one they were targeting as circumcision's originator.

    Oh, and the article you linked says this, too:

    That sounds rather barbaric, doesn't it?

    The biggest "barbarism" they could point out follows in the next sentences:

    Basically, they're trying to say there's not enough evidence. I think that's a good indication that the conclusions were not favored by the authors. If you don't like the results, question the process.
  11. It is Finished

    It is Finished Fapstronaut

    There is no need for that. The majority of time it becomes tight as a result of some kind of infection, or possibly a reaction to some kind of medication. In any case, it’s abnormal for the foreskin to become painfully tight and unable to retract. During an erection it’s not necessary for it to be able to retract fully, though it should have some play. Basic hygiene is really all we need to be taught regarding it.
  12. It is Finished

    It is Finished Fapstronaut

    I don’t think anyone here argued that circumcision affects sexual desire, or PE, or ED, or pain with intercourse. So I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make? The act itself is barbaric. It’s genital mutilation of a baby. You are trying to justify a barbaric act because it supposedly doesn’t cause PE and ED? What do you have against letting a grown human make his own decision regarding his body?
  13. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Circumcision on a baby is akin to assault IMO.
  14. It is Finished

    It is Finished Fapstronaut

    I mean our society allows murder of unborn babies so... circumcision is “child’s play” to them.
  15. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Yes, good point!
  16. I think you're going on an off-topic tangent with that one, but what do you think about those armies of "murderers" who "murder" enemy soldiers? Or how about the householder who "murders" the midnight intruder before said intruder harms his family?
  17. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Oh really? And then you say this...
    Do you mean circumcised soldiers or uncircumcised soldiers? Circumcised homeowners or uncircumcised homeowners? :rolleyes:
  18. It is Finished

    It is Finished Fapstronaut

    You know it turns out the definition of murder includes that it’s “unlawful” killing. Since abortion is actually lawful killing, I guess you’re right in questioning my use of the word.

    Do you support abortion? Maybe I’m interpreting your words wrong.. but it seems your downplaying the evil of abortion. Does “do all to the glory of God” include killing unborn babies?
  19. There are four "abortion" texts in the Bible. One appears ambiguously against it, and three appear in favor. There is one case of God causing a post-natal abortion (the first son of David by Bathsheba dies at seven days old).

    I am not pro-abortion. I am, however, in favor of correctly interpreting the word of God and of not allowing political agendas to be the source of interpretation. The anti-abortion campaign is politically driven, is not clearly backed by Scripture, and is self-contradictory in its principles. Taken to their logical end, the fetus is of greater value than its mother--she must die in the cases where her life is in danger because of a problem with the pregnancy, rather than have a lifesaving abortion. Most people do not realize how often abortion is actually necessary, and not really "elective." Most also do not realize how abortions are medically coded, per the government rules, to make any abortion appear "elective." So abortion statistics have become inflated, i.e. such-and-such hospital performs X amount of abortions every year....but many of those "abortions" were nothing at all like what the public has been led to consider "an abortion." For example, the medical coding would classify a D&C (dilation and curettage) procedure where, after a miscarriage, the uterus is cleaned out, as an "abortion"--and an "elective" one.

    Essentially, I am pro-truth and pro-education on the matter. There are many lies passed around on the topic, and, to be honest, I am uncertain as to all of the reasons for the misinformation campaign--but it boils down to pure politicking. No one should be forced to accept the decision of political lobbyists when it comes to his or her own medical needs. HERE is an example of a case where a woman died because her doctors were "pro-life" ("pro-death" more like).

    In cases where the Bible is not clear and unambiguous, the decision should be left with each individual as what he or she will do. The right of conscience is a most important principle in any free country. This includes decisions about whether or not to circumcise oneself or one's infant son.
  20. It is Finished

    It is Finished Fapstronaut

    The word of God is thou shall not kill. Stop with the gymnastics.