What is normal in terms of wet dreams?

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by HitB, Oct 28, 2021.

  1. HitB

    HitB Fapstronaut

    I don't know how to preface this, so I'll just dive in. I've been attempting a Hard Mode Reboot for several years now. Unsuccessful, and I take full responsibility. However, since starting NoFap, I've had consistent wet dreams, something that I hadn't experienced since puberty (now in my 30's). At first, I thought it simply meant that I was on the right track. Now I'm just annoyed. I have them 0-4 times a month, depending on how I'm doing with abstaining from PMO (the more I abstain, the more wet dreams I typically have). Is that normal? I feel like that's not normal...do adults get that many wet dreams in a month? I mean...I don't remember how frequent they were when I was a kid, but this is ridiculous.
    How does one STOP having wet dreams? I am more likely to relapse after a wet dream...cuz I'm stupid, I know. But it just makes things a bit more difficult. I have no doubt that I'll eventually get the hang of this NoFap thing and make my 90+ day streak eventually. And I feel like I would be more apt to get there without wet dreams. Was just wondering if there was any advice on this and didn't want to have to sift through numerous posts to find someone with a similar situation. Thanks for your help!
  2. DeeJ4y

    DeeJ4y Fapstronaut

    @modern milarepa had a method of stopping wet dreams that has worked well for me. I can stop the wet dream when I realize in the dream that it is a dream. I am on my phone so I do not know if the tag will work but I recommend asking him, he made a post about it in the past that helped me.
    HitB and modern milarepa like this.
  3. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    Wet dreams are normal and natural to healthy male sexual functioning. We often got them as lads, and healthily so in puberty, well before we were deeply ever enmeshed in years of porn and MO. Your first instinct was correct - "it means you are on the right track." Don't you find it as no coincidence that these resumed again just as you started the process of recovery from PMO? Hence, don't suppress wet dreams, discourage them, or get upset over them. Your brain is rewiring itself in proper fashion when the body cleanses and rejuvenates itself without your disordered, voluntary, and self-abusive behaviors of P/MO. Wet dreams are involuntary and are never counterproductive to recovery. Your mind is also cleansing itself from years of packed-down porn. Like a heroin addict gone cold turkey will start to violently vomit up years of poison that he ingested in his body, your mind, during recovery, is similarly vomiting and cleansing from P poison, perhaps. Unfortunately, it vomits P images past your visual field in the imagination, and you think you are watching P play out. Just the opposite, you are watchin P get rewired into healthy files. Be calm and be well assured that you are on the right path, as you gut told you originally, before you started to hear several other demonic/addictive whispers in your ear, possibly trying to sabotage your recovery or not understanding what real recovery is or the science/physiology workings of male sexual biology. Best wishes!

    pahh, p1p2 and HitB like this.
  4. HitB

    HitB Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much! I'll have to check out his stuff!

    So 4 times a month isn't weird? And I don't always have sexual dreams associated with it. It's odd.
    But thanks for the best wishes!
    DeeJ4y likes this.
  5. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    No, it's not weird if that's want your body wants involuntary. It also sounds like a spike of healing at this time, which will probably level off.
    HitB likes this.
  6. Abel100%

    Abel100% Fapstronaut

    Creo q mientras más tiempo pases sin Pmo, irán disminuyendo esos sueños húmedos, creo q el cuerpo se acostumbra a no producir tanto semen, así como ha esta estimula a producirlo x tantos años de abuso, recuerdo que estuve enfermo y debido a eso nada de fab, cuando mejore casi al mes de abstinencia, casi no salí mucha cantidad, eso me asombro, y después de mi racha de 50 días sin sueños húmedos , igual no estaba produciendo semen. Confío en volver a ese estado Este mismo año...
    p1p2 and HitB like this.
  7. HitB

    HitB Fapstronaut

    Really sorry, buddy. I don't know what language that is. I do appreciate the reply and attempt to provide support, though!
  8. It is Finished

    It is Finished Fapstronaut

    HitB likes this.
  9. p1p2

    p1p2 Fapstronaut

    Hey bro, i'm spanish, he said that your body regulates your semen with the time.
    HitB likes this.
  10. It is Finished

    It is Finished Fapstronaut

    The most important way to prevent wet dreams is to make sure you don’t drink too much liquid before bed. Urinate before bed and get up in the middle of the night if you have to. I just had my 2nd wet dream of this small streak because I made that mistake again.
    HitB likes this.
  11. matt2k12

    matt2k12 Fapstronaut

    Yea man it sucks, I know, but what can we do? Don't get too hang up on it. Accept it, and yourself. Realize, nofap, this streak, is not about you becoming perfect, because you are not perfect and you never will be. Accept it, and realize, it helps you become more humble. We all are sexual beings, and it is good that way.
    HitB likes this.
  12. theTank7

    theTank7 Fapstronaut

    Thanks man. This was super helpful to me.

    As for OP, I am on day 30 today and I have had 2 wet dreams so far. It seems to be coming every 2 weeks give or take a day. The first time it happened I thought I was peeing in my bed so I held it and got really bad blue balls. The second time I just let it happen. The biggest issue for me was the few days after I had some bad chaser effects, but was able to practice BRACE as taught through the freedom fight program, reached out to my accountability group and toughed it out.
    HitB and JoeinMD like this.
  13. HitB

    HitB Fapstronaut


    I have actually been trying to increase my intake of water throughout the day in order to try and live a more healthy life. That could be a contributing factor. Thanks for the insight!

    Ah, humility. It's been a lesson I've been struggling with lately. But a lot of wisdom here. I appreciate the reminder.

    BRACE? Glad I'm not alone, though. That does make me feel better. Thank you.
  14. theTank7

    theTank7 Fapstronaut

    BRACE is a method to rewire your brain so when there are triggers instead of going down the neurological porn pathway in your brain you make a new pathway of using this technique. It is taught by the freedom fight which is a program to lead people to freedom from porn addiction.

    B - deep breathing to activate your prefrontal cortex so you can resist urges. 4 seconds in, 4 seconds out, repeat a few times before moving to next step.

    R - remembering the truth, freedom fight teaching to memorize and recite Scripture to yourself but remembering other non religious things like how porn is damaging to yourself and your partner, as well as fueling sex trafficking of women and children.

    A - ask for help, ask God, ask accountability group, just don’t isolate and reach out to anyone someone.

    C - call your group, leave a message if you have to. Just knowing you are going to have people checking in to see if you resisted your urge can be the difference between sobriety and relapse.

    E - escape the situation if you are in a spot that’s tempting. Surrounded by triggers, leave.

    this takes like 60 seconds and I’ve been sober for a month now so it def works. Any time I’m stressed in general now I use this (maybe not call my buddies but may add it to my daily check in or something) and I’ve noticed it’s getting easier and easier.
    til_im_free and HitB like this.
  15. HitB

    HitB Fapstronaut

    Hey, thanks, theTank7!
  16. Aquablue

    Aquablue Fapstronaut

    It's very normal to have wet dreams at least weekly with abstaining. I had them for many many years and still do although its a bit less now and I'm in my thirties too. Not only wet dreams but also spontaneous ejaculations in the day, which thankfully are much less than they used to be.
    HitB likes this.
  17. HitB

    HitB Fapstronaut

    Good to know I'm not alone! Haven't had any during the day, thank goodness. Gosh, I hope that doesn't happen *knocks on wood [the tree kind]*

  18. part 16


    Hello there, I have a quick important question; does pre-cum or wet dreams weak en the body physically and mentally also? because ive been experiencing these th ings during my practice with celibacy. thank you & god bless


    Hello there, Hope this finds you doing good by the grace of god. Coming to your query, Q: Do wet dreams cause physical and mental weakness?

    A: Wet dreams are a result of repressed sexuality in the waking state that manif est themselves in the dream state while asleep. Brahmacharya is attained through transmutation and channelization of the sexual energy. Repression and suppressi on will not help one achieve the state of purity but will only make the fluid es cape through wet dreams. While the energy loss in a wet dream is much less as compared to a voluntary eja culation, wet dreams still cause weakness and despair. The subject goes through the sexual act at the mind level. Continuous wet dreams can be debilitating and depressing. The way out is to ensure the prevention of the causes that lead to a wet dream. If a man wishes to be free from wet dreams, he should first begin with the preve ntion & formation and growth of sexually related thoughts and deeds.

    1. The mind should first be trained to shun such thoughts right from the point t hey start to rake up their heads. Note the word 'shun' - In the current context it means immediately 'displace' these lustful thoughts with the opposite thought s of virtue, true love, compassion etc.. Wrestling with and suppressing these th oughts will not be of any use, they do not get displaced this way but only multi ply.

    2. The mind is then loaded with constructive intellectual activity (it can be wo rk carried out honestly and committedly at the work place) so as to keep it busy and occupied.

    3. The physical body is subjected to regular exercise to transform sexual underc urrents and energy into health and strength.

    4. The mind is gradually resolved of its constant modifications/highs/lows by pe rforming God meditation on a daily basis with a pure mind and intent following w hich it becomes more tranquil and serene. With constant practice and perseverance the above technique slowly starts to bea r fruit and in a years time better progress and growth becomes evident. It is good that you are putting efforts in the practice of Brahmacharya. Keep up the efforts with sustained vigor and determination. As your thoughts become mor e and more pure with time by constant effort, wet dreams will also become less a nd less frequent and finally disappear. The key to success is an iron will and d etermination to keep the mind free from sexual thoughts. Constant prayer and God meditation to help one get free from the ravages of sexuality are also equally important.
    Trust this helps, God bless and have a nice day :) Dhananjay
    HitB likes this.
  19. HitB

    HitB Fapstronaut

    Solid. I like this a lot. So basically, if you consciously try to aim your thoughts towards more virtuous thoughts (as well as occupy your mind with tasks throughout the day), your subconscious will follow and cause you less stress in the long run? Also, what is Brahmacharya?
    Thanks for the input!!!