Diary! Dose is work?

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. Lost Hope

    Lost Hope Fapstronaut

    I ve been lurking here for a while so... 30 Y M here,Long story short is that i m struggling with M since 15 (or so) and got snared on P at 20...
    Tbh, i don t know what to say... just lost a 3 weeks streak (again) on some hanime BS and i feel like...
    Why is so hard the get rid of this sin? I ve been a Christian all my life, and i know that P is a sin... but i keep losing to it! Sin or not, i want to get rid of it, it gave me enough problems already (Mental, physical and spiritually)
    I ve been reading on forum that keeping a diary can help, so here we go: Day 0: Pray for me :(

    PS: Sorry if bad English and mixed thoughts.
  2. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    I think the diary works for some but I have not utilized it in the traditional sense of writing down all of my thoughts. Rather, the most effective thing for me was to review the mistakes I made after a fall in order to find a pattern of where I went wrong. When I did, I found four consistent mistakes. Now, when I am being tempted, I consider which of these I am committing and I change my behavior before I fall. The four mistakes I consistently found are, failure to: 1) pray from my heart for as long as I am being tempted (2) maintain my discipline not to dwell on any alluring image (3) stop myself from self-pity over some set back (4) store my device out of convenient reach when I am being strongly tempted

    I should also add some positive steps that have helped me. One in particular is that I find when I pray for help for others who are suffering from this addiction, I feel I am being helped to. So, I am praying for you. Please pray for me.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2021
    kylewantstowin likes this.
  3. If we are mindful of our PMO use, it will bring us to the end of ourselves and reveal all the places where we are weak and do not trust God to provide. All sin can drive us to our need for a Savior! When we realize our great deficit and correspondingly great need, then we are ready to enter the little gate in humility. The journey begins with realizing God's great love for us and embracing for ourselves the identity has has provided for us in Christ. Once we are confident in who he is and who we are in him, we are ready to move forward into the fullness of the Kingdom. And that is when life truly begins!

    maa too, Keli and CPilot like this.
  4. Lost Hope

    Lost Hope Fapstronaut

    I will use it as a reminder, not to write every thought, it will take to long and i don t have the time to do it ( job)...
    My mistake is that i m sliping in to temptation by accident like watching movie and the next thing is a sex scene, or just by having a thought can trigger me, etc... and all of that is leading to a peak, a peak to another....
    1. The harder i pray, the stronger the temptation is, i don t know why! ( God Testing me?)
    2. I usually don t dwell on images when i m not in the "mood", i simply "wipe it out", but if i m the "mood"... i m done for!
    3. I can t , is to hard for/on me,
    4. I m using PC, so is a bit hard for me to "store it". Not married, so i live alone, so placing my PC in living room is a no go. Phone..., i have not watched "anything" on my phone in two years, i don t know why but i just stopt, and to be sure that i keep doing that, i have a second phone for work ( old type, no internet, i don t need internet at work).

    Thank You for praying for me, i will pray for you.
  5. Lost Hope

    Lost Hope Fapstronaut

    Yes! i am week when it comes to PMO... Physically... i m big, strong ( 105 Kg/+230 lb, 185cm/+6 ft).
    I know that God is Great, i know that he Loves me and he forgives me, but... i m still Letting him down.
    I want to move forward with my life, i want a family, live happily, die of old age and enter the little gate...
  6. One thought at a time is how we get there. Onward! :)
    CPilot likes this.
  7. Lost Hope

    Lost Hope Fapstronaut

    Day 1: Success!

    Well it was the first day, so nothing to great here.
    Tao Jones and CPilot like this.
  8. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    It all begins with the first priority, prayer. It is probably not God setting out to test you, although He does permit the temptations of the devil to help us come to Him.
    “Peace is in the soul, and comes from union with Him, though the body may feel pain. Trials, tribulation, anguish, anxiety are permitted by the very One Who gives peace.” Excerpt From: Fulton J. Sheen. “Life of Christ.”

    If your prayer is not bringing peace, I think you may find help by considering how you are praying. Prayer is a conversation and a communion with God. In general, it should bring you peace, a loving heart and a desire to follow the Lord more closely. There are many ways to pray and thus feel this communion with God. Lectio Divina is one method that has been effective for me. The process entails four steps: read, meditate, pray contemplate https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lectio_Divina. Although Lectio Divina involves reading, it is less a practice of reading than one of listening to the inner message of the Scripture delivered through the Holy Spirit. Lectio Divina does not seek information or motivation, but communion with God. It does not treat Scripture as text to be studied, but as the "Living Word". Personally, during the contemplation phase, I enjoy trying to imagine myself in the scene described in the text. I try to picture the region, the people, the animals, the climate, hear the sounds and even smell the smells of the moment. This draws me into the passage and particularly when reading the New Testament, I feel myself being drawn to Our Precious Lord.

    Praying prayers others have written for us is also helpful but I find it is important to say the words slowly and to pause after any phrase that catches my mind then allow myself to contemplate that phrase for awhile. Often God, speaks to us during such contemplation. Lastly, I also compose my own prayers following the sequence A.C.T.S. Adoration, Contrition, Thanks, Supplication. In my case, if I rush to Supplication without ACT first, the feelings of communion with God are just not the same.

    I hope these ideas are helpful to you. I am praying for your success!
    Keli likes this.
  9. Lost Hope

    Lost Hope Fapstronaut

    Day 2, 3: Success!

    Thank you for praying for me!
    Tao Jones likes this.
  10. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    Hi, Lost hope. I developed the habit of praying, "Father, take away this spirit of lust and help me to turn aggressively from sin." I do this whenever I start watching any higher-risk TV or movies. I also pray it instantly every time a sex scene or nudity comes on my TV. Then I immediately fast forward. If we pause and look for even a split second - well, we all know what happens. With my addiction, I watch TV with the remote always in my hand, ready to go to war with temptation. You are in my prayers.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2021
    Tao Jones likes this.
  11. Lost Hope

    Lost Hope Fapstronaut

    Day 4: Success!

    Thank you! I do the same, skip the scene... some times some images stay for a while. If i peek on some images (explicit) i m usually done for it. I was lying to myself that taking just a quick peek to take the edge off wont hurt... well, it never worked! I usually was able to abstain a few days, now that i m trying not to peek, days turned into weeks!
    Myfortress and Tao Jones like this.
  12. Lost Hope

    Lost Hope Fapstronaut

    Day 7: Success!

    One week down. Some small urges here an there, nothing to hard to handle.
    Tao Jones likes this.
  13. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Well done! If you managed one week, you can manage two! I am praying for your success, please pray for me.
  14. Lost Hope

    Lost Hope Fapstronaut

    Thank you! Usually at two weeks i m starting to get strong urges. Well, is better then before starting NoFap ( PMO ing up to 3/day every day ). I can t believe how much time i wasted with with my life PMO ing, damaged my "body", my mind, MY SOUL... What scared me the most, was that my "body" started not working properly,it was an wake up call, since started NF i can see some improvements. I hope God and time Will fix it!

    I see that you are almost at one year, congratulations!

    Thank you for praying for me, i am praying for you!
    Tao Jones likes this.
  15. Lost Hope

    Lost Hope Fapstronaut

    Day 9: Success!
    Myfortress and Tao Jones like this.
  16. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Fantastic! I am sure Our Precious Lord is smiling at the strong effort you are making. I am praying that you will feel His loving arms wrap around you. Feel the safety, the peace and the warmth of His embrace. His loving embrace! It is simply incredible to consider how patient God is with us. Time and time again He was given an excruciating lash on the back for each of my ugly sins and yet He silently withstood the pain and waited patiently and lovingly for me to come back to Him. I cannot fathom the depth of God's love for me, nor can I explain it to myself. Although my mind struggles to understand it, based on these facts, I must admit He values me and He values all of us more than we value ourselves. Surely, I can manage another day of purity as a small token of love to Him. May God bless you with a glimpse of His immense love today.
    Keli likes this.
  17. Lost Hope

    Lost Hope Fapstronaut

    Day 10: Success!

    Amen brother, Amen!
  18. Lost Hope

    Lost Hope Fapstronaut

    Day 11: Success!

    Is weekend, i don t work weekends, so... some urges are starting to mess with me, i have to stay busy, and no peeking! If i peek, i m done for!
    Myfortress and Tao Jones like this.
  19. Do whatever it takes to keep moving forward. Do not go back into sin and death! The pit will never hold anything good for you!
    value, Keli, CPilot and 1 other person like this.
  20. Lost Hope

    Lost Hope Fapstronaut

    Day 14: Success!

    Two weeks down!
    value, timcia, Myfortress and 2 others like this.