How long has your NoFap journey been so far ?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Usernameallowed, Sep 23, 2021.

  1. Usernameallowed

    Usernameallowed Fapstronaut

    It's been nearly 2 years since I started . Hard to believe . It's been 2 years and I've barely made a dent .

    As the old saying goes your crazy If you keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results .
  2. Odds are you aren't living the life that you want to live. "I'm never going to look at porn again" is just part of the cycle. Not looking at porn is the most mediocre of goals I man can have. The goals is to create a life that you want, a life that is so engaging to you that you don't want to look at porn because you have so many other things going on that hold your interest. It isn't easy, but that's the only way out.
  3. I actually first stumbled on NoFap about 7 years ago but I didn't actually make a serious effort until about 4 years ago. At this point I'm pretty sure that the reason I'm still struggling with porn is I have failed to improve other areas of my life. I'd attempt to quit porn while still being consumed by my other bad habits, so of course my attempts to quit porn crashed and burned. I now realize that I'll never beat porn until I solve my other issues first.
    Usernameallowed and lampt7392 like this.
  4. DeeJ4y

    DeeJ4y Fapstronaut

    First time tried to not watch porn in 2016, gave up quite soon. Tried again in 2017 with some success but eventually returned to PMO. 2018 I had some success in not PMOing but still went back to PMO. Same with 2019. During thes years I had no other game plan than "dont watch porn". I did not use any of the tools (journaling, reasons to not do it etc.). Also used drugs and went out clubbing quite often. I also did not have a proper workout routine - I would work out for a month or two and then stop working out due to various excuses. In 2020 I decided to get my life together stopping all drugs, alcohol, tobacco and focused on healthy living. Have not taken any drugs, alcohol or tobacco since then. I have worked out concistanly (dont know how to spell that lol) pretty much since then, only a few short breaks that were somewhat reasonable but I would not take a break due to those reasons again. With nofap I had my first big successes after 2020 started and had some good streaks and also started seeing the benefits. I have learned a lot about myself during this time. Also went through a lot of pain from past events now that I did not numb myself every night to PMO or other things. Still relapses have happened but I have only learned from them.

    To answer you question - 5 or over 1,5 years, since I do not know if those previous tries before 2020 could count as trying since I had no battleplan, did not know about this site and had a bad lifestyle overall.
    Usernameallowed likes this.
  5. sam30

    sam30 Fapstronaut

    I been doing NoFap two years myself. I have completely stop watching porn.. my only problem is I only edge looking at escort website and I get aroused by the photos.. I suppose I have made some progress. I edge for about twenty minute but no orgasm.. as I try to stay strong I do feel I relapse completely sometime
    Usernameallowed and lampt7392 like this.
  6. diep

    diep Fapstronaut

    I've been trying to quit porn for 10 years. There are lots of ups and downs in this journey but I am glad that I started it.
    Usernameallowed likes this.
  7. sam30

    sam30 Fapstronaut

    Do you still have urges to go back and watch porn?
  8. Longtime27

    Longtime27 Fapstronaut

    @Usernameallowed you are not alone my friend. 7 years for me. This may to some sound like a long time, but it's not uncommon here for it to be a battle for years; this is the nature of addiction.
    There have been periods of success within those 7yrs but essentially still working away at it - things can change in your life and tip the wagon, or you can just lose site of your goals.

    Keep going - we all work differently and have different circumstances to deal with but if it takes years, it should still be worth the effort
    Usernameallowed and Buddhabro2.0 like this.
  9. Woodland-Soul

    Woodland-Soul Fapstronaut

    I first started nofap in 2018 so three years ago is when I started taking this seriously.

    I would say late 2018 and early 2019 was my peak of doing nofap I would go 3 to 4 days regularly and I would go up to 7 days at times. My longest streak is 8 days which occured sometime in 2019 or possibly 2020. However since late 2020 I've fallen back into old habits and it has progressed to now (2021) where I fap every day and watch porn. Back in 2020 or 2019 I rarely watched porn but now it seems that addiction is back in full force.

    Not just this but hookups...

    I'm sharing this so I can get my willpower back.
    Feelmalos and Usernameallowed like this.
  10. sam30

    sam30 Fapstronaut

    All relapse is all part of the journey I suppose
    DeeJ4y likes this.
  11. DeeJ4y

    DeeJ4y Fapstronaut

    I agree.
  12. diep

    diep Fapstronaut

    I still have urge to watch porn but when I say several Hail Mary prayers, it disappears. I also pray the Rosary at least 2 to 3 times per day. During the recovery process, I also have weird dreams in which I watch porn or participate in a porn scene. But I trust in the Lord and keep saying the prayers regularly so I don't fear it.
    sam30 and jdilla97 like this.
  13. jdilla97

    jdilla97 Fapstronaut

    Since early 2016, still fighting
    sam30 likes this.
  14. For last 1003 days i am doing nofap. My longest streak ever is 23 days.
  15. sam30

    sam30 Fapstronaut

    What’s the difference betweeen relapse and reset
  16. sam30

    sam30 Fapstronaut

    mines been over two years i have been on streaks right up to over 90days but then edges kicks in and then i think is whether i have relpse or reset shall we call it
  17. Woodland-Soul

    Woodland-Soul Fapstronaut

    How do you get up to such high streaks? It seems near impossible for me...
  18. Woodland-Soul

    Woodland-Soul Fapstronaut

    Reset is when you are "cured" like you have gone an extended amount of time.
  19. Since November 8th 2014. That was the day that I first came across articles online about not masturbating, and decided to give it a go. I think I did a week, then a week of using porn but not to orgasm which at the time I thought that was a good thing. The article mentioned going three weeks. I managed to do that in about February the next year (22 days total) but would always go back. First out of choice. Over the next year or so, I would start to realise that I wasn't able to just stop using porn and started to consider whether I did have a problem and if I was addicted. I came up with every excuse under the sun to prove to myself that I wasn't before finally admitting it to myself and saying it out loud. Since then, I've never given up on trying to quit porn, but never have quit porn. Interestingly, I have noticed myself becomming further entrenched (or desensitised with tastes changing) during that time. The porn I use now is a lot more hard-core, and in some cases deviant, than it was when I first started trying to give up. The longest I've gone during that time is 36 days which I've managed on two different occasions, once in 2016 and once in 2017. Best this year so far has been 19.
  20. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Any physical/mental changes witnessed during your streaks?