Your favorite country other than the one you live in?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Resilience personified, Sep 23, 2021.

  1. turkey , because they were very friendly with me when I was in Saudi arab for 1 month . they are so nice people . and the country is beautiful
  2. Grub milk

    Grub milk Fapstronaut


    Doesn't take a genius or be someone that lives in that country to see that.
    Perseverance 16 likes this.
  3. USA is developed
  4. gsherman100

    gsherman100 Fapstronaut

    Don't have one. I don't think I ever will have one. There are locations that I enjoy visiting. I enjoy going to the Appalachian mountains for one.
    Marshall 5 and Perseverance 16 like this.
  5. svwluke

    svwluke Fapstronaut

    Same. Also Slovenia. Two very beautiful countries.
    Toni7, Marshall 5, Talz and 2 others like this.
  6. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Italy - beautiful landscapes, buildings and people. Plenty of variety a short drive away. Best food in the world, and the wine isn't bad either. Cheap decent coffee everywhere.

    I'm not sure how great it is to work there. And by all accounts it wasnt a great place to be during the pandemic. But it's still my favourite.
  7. Can I ask what country is that?
    Perseverance 16 likes this.
  8. I have never visited any country that isn't the USA but Romania seems lovely and I'm still interested in going there.
    Coilavana and Perseverance 16 like this.
  9. Hero76

    Hero76 Fapstronaut

    Australia. We see battles on TV between freedom rally protesters and the militarized police like a weather forecast. People here hear about how police beat up a 75 year old woman, body slammed her into the ground, and pepper sprayed her in the eyes and they don't even blink twice. Or how the police are body slamming random people head first into the concrete, shooting at protesters with rubber bullets with AR-15s and pepper spraying them, and even when they're running away they're shooting them in their backs. They gas them with CS and CN gas, and you can hear explosions from stun grenades and Stinger CS Rubber Ball Grenades thrown into the crowds. Meanwhile the general population, according to the media believe everything the government tells them and feel so happy that their government is keeping them safe from a deadly "virus", that they are getting their "safe and effective", "ticket to freedom" kill shots in "record numbers". Doctors have gag orders not to say anything negative about the vaccines otherwise they'll lose their jobs. Journalists are hunted down, beaten up, and arrested.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2021
  10. I was thinking of going to Australia after studies and settle there. NOW PLAN CANCELED.
    Coilavana, Taylor25 and Billybrasco like this.
  11. svwluke

    svwluke Fapstronaut

    I was in Poland once and I also noticed the cleanliness. Especially compared to Germany (where I live) and where the cities are more or less garbage dumps and people throw their garbage on the street, in nature...
    Coilavana and Perseverance 16 like this.
  12. Most countries can be described in terrible terms if you focus on particular items. I’ve never been to a country that had nothing to offer, or that I couldn’t imagine living in with an adaptable attitude. Just a thought.
  13. Good thought
    Marshall 5 likes this.
  14. Hero76

    Hero76 Fapstronaut

    Come and join us for our 236th day of lockdown. As long as you give up any notion of freedom and do as you are told you would fit in perfectly.
    Perseverance 16 likes this.
  15. LOL yeah bro even Nazi Germany the trains ran on time and actually they invented the freeway, right? Who cares about all that other stuff....positive vibes only...Big Brother's orders.
  16. LetsBeLovely87

    LetsBeLovely87 Fapstronaut

  17. Interesting. Curious why you would choose Romania?
    Perseverance 16 and Hero25 like this.
  18. LetsBeLovely87

    LetsBeLovely87 Fapstronaut

    I like their aesthetic, language, and traditions
    Taylor25 and Perseverance 16 like this.
  19. BrighterFuture

    BrighterFuture Fapstronaut
