Obesity genetic or not ?

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by nfpexperiment, Sep 23, 2021.

  1. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    Not trying to fat shame but I was wondering do fat people do not have a choice because of genetics they are fat ? I mean what u eat will get stored in your body, so eat less junk, eat healthier, exercise more. I read a article in venezuela because of economic crisis the fat people got skinny because they are kinda forced to eat less.
    We cant ask fat peiple why they are fat ,it is a sensitive topic for them.

  2. CastratedLegend1

    CastratedLegend1 Fapstronaut

    Fatness is caused by worrying about your weight
  3. It depends. Genetics is an important factor in individual metabolism, but nowadays, thanks to medicine, nutritionists and exercise/gym experts, loosing weight is something achievable for everybody.
    But of course, it is more difficult for some people than to others, as they have to do major sacrifices in their lifestyles (more exercise, less junk food, or even taking drugs to change their malfunctioning metabolism, which can be tedious).
    E31 likes this.
  4. I do not think obesity is genetic. I believe people think that because they are fat, and had fat parents. I think a bigger factor is that it's a learned behavior as a kid. If your parents fed you fast food all the time, you're more likely to be a fat kid, which in turn is all you know and more likely to become a fat adult. If you have kids, you'll be more likely to raise them to be fat.
  5. DiegoSR

    DiegoSR Fapstronaut

    I am not fat but i believe obesity is like 1/4 genetic and 3/4 awareness
    in 2021 if you are fat, with some discipline, a nutrition plan, workouts maybe all seen on instagram posts,
    in 2021 anybody can be fit and healthy
    if there is something bad behind like a disease a lot of things can also be done to cure or to improve al least
    of course, discipline is the key in everything!
  6. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    I believe obesity is a learned behaviour from kids as @I_Am_Strong_54 said. When a kid often eats junk food, he/she will progressively become fat and the learned behaviour will continue in his/her adult life if he/she doesn't stop.
  7. CastratedLegend1

    CastratedLegend1 Fapstronaut


    We're all fat here, my brother
  8. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    Genetics, hormones, and basic body type. Also, life choices. If a person develops an eating disorder, then fixes it, their thyroid is jacked up and they will put on weight, even when they eat clean. If a woman starts hormone replacement birth control later in life (late teens/early twenties), that can screw up her thyroid. Pregnancy always rearranges hormones, you never know what you're going to get after.

    We actually don't understand nutrition or hormones nearly as well as the general public thinks we do. Some people are enormous because they don't eat carefully, others are enormous because life dealt them a weird hand. You can't tell the difference just by looking at them, so I wouldn't bother judging.
  9. CastratedLegend1

    CastratedLegend1 Fapstronaut

    yeah hormones bro
    E31 likes this.
  10. There are several aspects to consider with the obesity equation. One of the important "genetic" factors is not so much a matter of the DNA at all--it is simply that during the ages of 0 and about 3 years old the body develops its fat cells and loses brown fat during this time (fat that can convert stored energy to heat). Once developed, it's much easier for the body to store fat reserves in them. A child who was lean during this critical period of life may have more difficulty with getting fat later. So this "genetic" trait is actually inherited from early development, not from the DNA itself.

    Another important aspect is hormones and the metabolism. Some individuals have a high metabolism which makes it harder for them to put on weight because they are burning through the calories. Others' bodies are more efficient and pack on the pounds easily. This aspect is often thought to be "genetic," when in reality it is only partially so, with the other part of it being governed by lifestyle factors (e.g. sedentary versus active; choleric/type A/driven versus phlegmatic/laid back/passive; etc.).

    There are a few disorders which cause people to become obese even when they are doing their best to exercise and eat moderately. These are rare, but do exist--and one should be careful about judging that morbidly obese stranger for being a glutton.

    Overall, the best way to regulate one's weight has less to do with food and more to do with exercise.
  11. CastratedLegend1

    CastratedLegend1 Fapstronaut

    fat people are just drug addicts cause theres addictive chemicals in almost all the food
  12. Theoretically anyone can lose fat. That being said, you have no excuse unless:
    • You are disabled
    • You are too fat for any physical activity (get liposuction and then start working out)
    • You are too old to exercise (most >70 aren't)
    I don't necessarily think genetics play a role. Just as a personal anecdote, I had no hope as a 'skinnyfat' loser just 1 year ago, but now I have gotten fitter. I assume most other people can do the same
    HelperX likes this.