Has porn made me gay?!!

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by GuitarDude, Aug 30, 2021.

  1. GuitarDude

    GuitarDude Fapstronaut

    **Its a little graphical**

    Im 22 now and in these last 2 years porn has really has really torn me apart. I have to come to question my sexual identity and morality. I have watched trans, sissy porn and other stuff I dont feel comfortable sharing with. I have been straight all my life and have had romantic relationships with girls. Being on Covid lock down made me really lonely and I dont have much friends anyway.I had just gotten back from basic training in the army so I didnt really know what to do with my time while college started. I decided to go on a dating app. I had 0 luck and during the whole thing I was feeling very self conscious. I decided just for kicks to go on a gay dating app see what was there.

    Keep in mind during this I was jacking off about 5 times a day with both straight and trans porn wich had recently become my favorite type of genre. I then met a guy I didnt really like him or anything but he offered to give me oral. I complied.... since then I have had various homosexual experiences. Which mostly comprises of guys giving me oral and In 2 ocassions I had intercourse. At first It felt bad and I was ashmaed later it became business as usual. I only proccured this when once or twice a month. I guess when my brain got tired of porn it wanted something else. I know I am straight but I feel that porn is morphing my sexuality into something I do not agree with. I haven't really had a successful long relationship with a women but ive had good experiences with girls. Im currently in a friends with benefits relationship with a girl which I dont really like in fact I find her really annoying but once in while she dms me and we hook up.

    Im wondering if anybody has had a similar experience. Any thoughts or comments are appreciated. **I have a 30 PM goal which Im journaling about**
    Hard Mode likes this.
  2. PegasusKid

    PegasusKid Fapstronaut

    Well, sexuality is more like a spectrum than a this or that thing. It's common for the urges of porn to get so strong and want so much novelty that even watching different types of girls isn't enough, you actually start watching porn that doesn't necessarily align with your sexuality. The thing here is, this didn't end with simply watching different kinds of porn, you actually have had several gay experiences and went on a gay dating app for fun which just seems like a whole 'nother thing separate from porn and it makes me wonder why you feel you're straight. I used to think me watching gay porn/trans porn occasionally was a symptom of porn making me watch stuff that goes against my sexuality, but then I reflected and realized I was always open to being with guys and girls even going back to childhood before porn, and I never really saw being attracted to transgender people as against my sexuality because a trans woman is still a woman, so even if I was straight(I'm not, I'm bi but just making a point) it doesn't necessarily go against that. I can't say that is the case for you because you know your life best but being straight your whole life up to 22 isn't a long time. I'd put less emphasis on the labels of straight, gay, bi, etc and focus more on how do you feel in general. When these labels don't exist, who are you at your core? What do you value and find attractive in a partner? What are your feelings on being attracted to men when you put aside what society has to say about that?

    Don't get me wrong, it could be the part of you that craves porn that has made you experiment sexually, and you may genuinely just be a straight guy who is very hooked on sexual release. I'm just saying there's no shame either way and it's fine to want to experience other things and see what you really want in life. On this website we have a tendency to point the finger at porn for a lot of our problems but it might be worth trying to reflect on other potential reasons you went down this route, maybe even with a therapist specialized in sexual/lgbtq topics.
  3. GuitarDude

    GuitarDude Fapstronaut

    Hi Pegasus, thanks for replying. Well I dont find guys attractive never have really. I do find trans porn extremely attracting and I suspect that even when I fully reboot I probably will keep liking it. I guess its something thats already ingrained in my brain. But I would like to stick to just girls cause its what feels natural to me. But thats what Im curious to see, when I reboot see how I feel about things. Because I believe desensitization played a major role in my sexual experiences at the time. I actually started looking for trans on the the dating site but I couldn't find one.
  4. treed

    treed Fapstronaut

    banging dudes is all good bruh.
    most people here believe that escalation leads to confusion about sexuality, and that external agents like porn can change what you're into.
    My opinion is that trans/sissy/gay porn just make it easier to get closer to what you might be into in real life.
    Its also normal to feel like sex with women is more natural, to anyone it is, we live in a heteronormative culture, gay people, even if they're relatively accepted, are still marginalized, especially in cultural or religious families/communities.
  5. KKS123

    KKS123 Fapstronaut

    Just do a full 90+ day reboot and if you find trans people still attractive then you might be gay.
  6. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    Check out my story at Am I a Sissy?? (Actually a good story with happy ending, trust me, read the whole thing)
    Very similar circumstances to you

    Also check out these articles from YBOP:

    Evolution has not prepared your brain for today’s porn

    Porn FAQs


    I’m straight, but attracted to transsexual or gay porn (or gay attracted to straight porn). What’s up?

    ‘Straight Men, Gay Porn’ and Other Brain Map Mysteries (2010)

    What benefits do people see as they reboot?

    How do I know when I’m back to normal?

    Why did my porn use escalate?

    What are the symptoms of excessive Internet porn use?

    I’m not an addict. What happens if I “reboot?”
  7. ZombieMan

    ZombieMan Fapstronaut

    I believe you can be mostly straight and still maybe wanna bang guys…..if theyre the only option easily available. Though a 100% straight guy would never hook up with a guy.
    Freedom_from_PMO and GuitarDude like this.
  8. Nabson

    Nabson Fapstronaut

    Il est clair que c'est une escalade de porno pose toi une seule question
    Si tu n'aurai jamais regarder de porno serais tu arrivera à regarder du porno trans ou gay
    LLa découverte de nouveau genre est simplement du au fait que tu a commencé par du porno
    GuitarDude likes this.
  9. BrighterFuture

    BrighterFuture Fapstronaut

    The effect of porn is massive on one's life

    yes it can alter a man's sexual orientation easily, so many of us here struggle with it... including me,

    some people give up and go down with having a relationship with the same gender, which in all honesty isn't really worthy of your time, having a girl of your own comes with a real joy as it's a healthy relationship that lasts as long as you want it to, the joy all gay couples pretend to have in porn and through camera lens, but then again, you always can choose the path the suits you the most,
    isn't god so fair? you always have the right to choose, no one forces you

    Or maybe you should take the 90 day challenge, after getting to 90 days, take an even longer streak to really clear and flush your mind from all the porn you've consumed, and really think about your morals and what you want in life, change is possible, forever and always, you just have to know what you seek in life the most.

  10. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    Hello friend. This case is seen often in the NoFap community. The type of porn you watch can morph your sexuality, it has been proven countless times. This correlates to the HOCD as well. You stated that sexual intercourse with the same gender did not feel fine at first, but then became business as usual later. This is a sign I think you are not gay, but just influenced by the dopamine release from something new especially at your age. I would recommend doing a 90 day no PMO reboot and possibly increasing the streak eventually. I would also recommend taking life a bit slow and relaxed and feel out what it is you actually want. Meditation and self improvement such as exercising can work. Maybe even learn how to make tea to soothe your mind :)

    If you require any help you have all the resources here, and everyone is willing to help. Good luck with your journey friend.
  11. GuitarDude

    GuitarDude Fapstronaut

    Thanks for all the replies, I value all of the input! Today I had a good time with the girl I said before and I really enjoyed it. It felt a lot better then before my 5 day streak started (even if its a small one).This trans/gay stuff only started after covid in which i hit rock bottom with my porn addiction.
    Chris_Cactusblossom likes this.
  12. GuitarDude

    GuitarDude Fapstronaut

    In my case I was intrested in trans and I just didnt mind a guy sucking me off. Guess that makes kinda bi even tho I dont really feel like it
    Hard Mode likes this.
  13. Freedom_from_PMO

    Freedom_from_PMO Fapstronaut

    Tastes in porn should be taken with a grain of salt, because porn often lead to areas we would never otherwise explore irl. Obviously we are also drawn to stuff that is natural to us. I think that it is good to examine if we had in the past some real life attractions outside of porn, if we are unsure about certain interest.
    Vanquisher12 likes this.
  14. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Gonna say something that's maybe a little bit controversial, but no offence is intended to anyone.

    You're only doing stuff with guys because you have had issues with girls. As soon as you start dating a girl properly or are able to have sexual relations with them, you wont want to do this anymore. The stereotype that men are more straightforward sexually is kinda true in this case, you could put the same profile on a straight dating app and a gay dating app and get way more results on the gay version almost every time. Men are just that willing to cut to the chase. I suppose if you actually are gay/bi and want to be promiscuous, then that's great. But for a porn addict it's just another step of escalation.

    I dont know if anyone has seen the movie "Shame" with Michael Fassbender. It's about a man who becomes addicted to various sexual outlets and in it, he too engages in gay acts because he's desperate to feel something after his usual tricks dont work. This is all that is happening to you. Cold turkey is needed to reenergise your "default" state.
  15. sobersociety

    sobersociety Fapstronaut

    The type of porn you jerk off to DOES NOT determine your sexual orientation. You know yourself better than any of us. If after a full reboot you still want to bang guys then go for it. But porn absolutely can and will twist and manipulate your brain into thinking you're into something that truly you may not be, you may just be deep in the pit of the addiction, and need a step back to truly see it from an outside perspective. Hope this helps! Stay strong!
    treed and Chris_Cactusblossom like this.
  16. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Research "situational homosexuality" and then get back to me on that one. For example, men in prison turn to gay sex not because they are all secretly in the closet, but because no women are available and they have to satisfy sexual desires in some way. In OP's post, he says he only did what he did because he was having a hard time with women and was lonely. This is situational homosexuality.

    Not everything is about the bible. Maybe the reason OP feels shame about his acts is because they are not compatible with his physical attractions. He says he does not feel attracted to men.

    OP has stated he experienced all this as a result of being desensitised. The not politically-correct way of looking at this is that he doesnt really want to have sex with men because he likes them, but because his monkey brain wants something to stick his penis into. The fact he is reporting feeling much better with girls after only a short streak confirms this imo.
  17. Lizards Mousqette

    Lizards Mousqette Fapstronaut

    When I first found out about NoFap, this was an incredibly common issue-- presented as an issue. "My porn does not equal my sexuality"-- this was a common staple. Nowadays, it's always a debate, and the only time that people recognize it as a problem is if it's "escalated" to child porn. Before they hit that awful level, everyone will sit there and try to groom users into believing they should stay gay after they've been groomed by porn into having fetishes outside of their normal window.

    This has nothing to do with actually gay people, by the way. But it seems like if someone branches outside of their sexuality and it makes them uncomfortable, and it's even unwanted, we probably shouldn't be telling them to "suck it up, buttercup" so that other users can start their grooming process.
    Mr Anderson and Freedom_from_PMO like this.
  18. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I'm honestly baffled by the way attitudes have shifted on this site over the last couple of years. It's like we've gone from agreeing porn is a negative influence that can mess with your brain and perception of reality, to just saying "fuck it, doesn't matter, do things that make you ashamed, it's muh current year" and it honestly kinda makes me sick. Not because I have anything against non-straight people, but because this has NOTHING to do with that, and everything to do with porn influencing people on a massive scale. Escalation is a very real problem. Not just in the realm of sex addiction but in general human psychology. If I have to explain this many more times I feel like I might explode lmfao.
  19. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    No straight man would accept a blowjob from a guy and would never have intercourse with a guy.

    You are bisexual, as simple as that.

    The reason I say this is because you wanted to and willingly engaged in a sexual act with a guy.
    But if you feel straight, then you feel straight, as simple as that. If you don't feel bi or gay, go on with your life and only have relationship with girls and live the life you want and not the life your brain wants you to partake.
  20. Freedom_from_PMO

    Freedom_from_PMO Fapstronaut

    This forum will be probably worthless in few years. The worst offenders aren't even gay guys, but straight people. Most gay people are using this forum like everyone else and are not hocd denialists.