Alternative for regular cow milk - VEGAN??

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Zillion, Feb 23, 2019.

  1. dr eric berg is one, also i have ate meat all my life and feel better than likely anyone i know.
  2. Sense

    Sense Fapstronaut

    You're twenty years old -- even smokers can feel great about themselves at that age. What you get away with now will catch up with you in later life.
    RavenGT and (deleted member) like this.
  3. i could say the same for vegans my age.
  4. Even Eric Berg himself is not against vegan or vegetarian diets. He just says they need to be done correctly and is a little harder to do. Which is correct, it takes some planning to get all the proper nutrition. Those people who fail vegan diet due to deficiencies are usually either too lazy to do proper research on what they should ate for complete nutrition (in rare cases there are malabsorption issues and similar health problems like that, but those also exist for meat eaters, they often get deficient too) or too cheap to pay plant based nutritionist to construct meal plan for them. It's usually their stupidity, nothing to do with diet itself. While diets based on meat takes very little planning due to how saturated meat is with nutrients. The problem is that these nutrients come with a cost of whole bunch of toxic, unhealthy things.
    There are a lot of scientific research done that show that diets high in animal foods have many bad consequences on health long term. But there are zero studies that show that vegan diets, if planned properly, have any negative consequences on health whatsoever. There are proof that they are perfectly healthy and adequate. You are once again making stuff up from thin air by claiming these things. Claims like that have been scientifically disproved long time ago.
    RavenGT and Sense like this.
  5. Futurebillionaire88

    Futurebillionaire88 Fapstronaut

    Try not to focus on exact amounts it’s like taking one addiction and replacing it with another.
    Cut out dairy completely and you’ll be Better off all together
  6. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    A lot of people have mild intolerances to milk. I feel uncomfortably bloated after drinking eg a large milky coffee, although the feeling passes soon enough. I switched to oat milk in my coffee, and I felt no such bloating. So it is worth experimenting.

    Different milk substitutes work well in different uses, so it depends what you are using the milk for. oat milk is very good for coffee, I can make a passable cappuccino, latte, etc. and it tastes great. Coconut milk makes really delicious porridge, very creamy and fatty but fills you up and is satisfying in a way that porridge made with water just isn't. Soya milk gets a bad reputation these days, yes men in particular should limit the amount they eat, but occasional consumption isn't too bad. I find it is best used for puddings/sweet things, makes nice custard etc. I used to like 'soya dessert' which is a vegan angel delight when I was younger. The various nut milks also taste nice and are good to drink alone or in tea.
  7. Why don’t you just drink normal milk?
  8. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    Because drinking milk is cruel and can be very unhealthy. Add to that, that it's not good for the environment either.

    There are plenty of milk alternatives that are superior. Buy one with fortified calcium and you got all your calcium needs covered.
    RavenGT likes this.
  9. Why is drinking milk cruel? Why is it unhealthy?
    I've been drinking milk ever since I was born and first of all I don't feel any guilt while doing it. And second of all - it's proven to be healthy.
    Why people could drink milk and eat meat for 100s of years and there was no problem and all of the sudden people are so soft?
  10. Ejaculating wastes unborn babies. Isn't that like... Cruel?
  11. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    Very simple. In order to produce milk cows are artificially inseminated against their will in order for them to start lactating. Then their newborns are taken away from them and usually send to slaughter for veal. This happens over and over again so the cow doesn't stop producing milk. Imaging doing that to a woman. Then cows are fed hormones so they produce more milk than they would naturally which has such a toll on their body that they are send to slaughter after 5 years. Dairy is one of the cruelest industries, maybe the cruelest industry on the planet. You can make yourself a picture of that. Plenty of videos on youtube that show how cruel the dairy industry is.

    Milk contains saturated fat and cholesterol which causes heart disease, contains no fiber, lacks many vitamins etc.. Most cultures around the world historically haven't actually drunk milk. Only very few have which shows how unnecessary dairy is for humans. Add to that the naturally occuring growth hormones and estrogen which is found in dairy products and you got yourself one hell of an unhealthy product.

    Dairy and meat were luxuries for most of history and only after the second world war became readily available for consumption in the western world. Yes we have consumed them, but in far lower quantities and the reason was usually survival and not taste.

    Sperm are not sentient. How is ejaculating supposed to be cruel? Torturing cows so we can drink their milk when we absolutely don't need it however, definitely is cruel.
    Becko and RavenGT like this.
  12. We live in a world full of cruelties. Why would I care about cows?
  13. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    Because they are sentient beings with the capability to suffer. Yes, there are many, too many cruelties in the world. But you have the power to stop supporting one of those cruelties by simply changing your consumer habits.
    RavenGT likes this.
  14. RavenGT

    RavenGT Fapstronaut

    Ive been vegan for over 5.5 years now and drink 2L soy milk most days since then and dont have low testosterone

    Its also fortified with b12
    Becko likes this.
  15. I've had thoughts on that too. I said no to meat for some time because of it but I knew that because of me whole animal killing thing won't stop. That is not the way to stop it. It's just not.
  16. RavenGT

    RavenGT Fapstronaut

    Thats a bad outlook to have

    U can still do your part
    Red Eagle likes this.
  17. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    Of course it won't stop animals being killed, but by buying meat you will further increase the demand and thus the amount of animals killed. Just because you can't stop the whole thing doesn't mean you should keep supporting the meat industry.
    Becko likes this.
  18. Well yes, but I want to eat that meat. I want to drink that milk.
  19. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    I don't blame you for that. But ask yourself: Does what you want to do matter more than the consequences of that action? I get that consuming milk and meat is pleasurable. But does pleasure matter so much to you that you would ignore the suffering of others?
  20. Milk isn't the only source of calcium. There's calcium in many vegan friendly foods like spinach.