Why is so hard to find a girl? What's the problem?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Deleted Account, Jul 14, 2021.

  1. Why is so hard to find a girl for me while other guys uglier than me go out with different girls every week?
    I'm 5'2''. Is It for that?
    Every girl I knew in my life did not find me attractive, 2 or 3 girls found me attractive but eventually not enough because They stopped go out with me to go out with other more attractive guys and I feel so sad for that. They Just wanted to use me to pay them dinners and to bring Them out when they had nothing to do.

    What the hell is wrong with me?
  2. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    This can be a turn off for a lot of woman. But that is something you cannot change, focus on what you can change to attrack woman.

    Your courrent self is not attractive for woman, then you need to change to start attracting woman. Hit the gym, dress better, earn more money, become more popular, do more sports, do more fun stuff, be more social, leave porn behind, be more confident, be more masculine. All that stuff is going to make you more attractive for woman.

    They probably were attracted to you in the beginning but then you talk them out of liking you in the dates.

    Yeap, this happens a lot. If you are dating an average girl and some hot woman knock at your door you are going to date her also. We all want the best partner we can get, don't take it personal. Be the best catch you can be and only date woman that are exited to go out with you.

    Ok, we all been there. Did you do something about it or just sit down and wait for your luck to change?
    Succes in life takes work, are you willing to put up the work in order to get the ladies?

    There are woman that definitively are going to do this to you if you let them, woman that do this see you as a weak guy that they can f*k around with. The reason you are probably not attracting woman is because you are displaying weakness all over, woman love masculine confident man, if you are not one then you are not going to attract much woman unless you are tall and attractive.

    I have a friend that is the same heigth as you and gets lucky here and there. He is just good looking but the tipicall nice guy that lots of woman take advantage of him, just like you. He was able to get some date but those date lead to nothing becouse he was weak, not masculine, to nice, to submisive to woman. Woman can see that in a blink of an eye and get turned off.
    I suggested him to read "how to be a 3% man", at the beginning he didn't want to.. but eventually cave and he read it. He started to hit the gym, got a better job, start been more masculine and stop been that nice to woman. He finally started to stand up to woman and don't let them walk all over him.
    Now he is able to spot woman that want to take advantage of him and put them in their place. Some of them can feel he is masculine and gets attracted to him more, so they don't take advantage of him anymore.

    Is up to you, work to be in your best version and get more attraction from woman or keep like you are rigth now and you are getting the same results you are getting rigth now.
  3. Why struggle to be your best version if there always is someone who's better looking, taller, Rich, and successful than you?
    Women will Always choose him over you.

    So why bother?
    You will just struggle to achieve nothing because the results will always be the same
    Inspired_2_Rewire likes this.
  4. You don't strive to become the best version of yourself for women, man.

    You do it for YOU.

    Women are a bonus. You don't need them.
  5. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Wisdom right there ^
  6. Vanquisher12

    Vanquisher12 Fapstronaut

    The right girls won't, so long as you continue to be the best version of yourself, and respect your own wishes and desires as much as those of others. Different girls prefer different types of men, just as different men prefer different types of girls, so if one doesn't show much interest in you, doesn't mean the next one won't. What's more, focus on just socialising, making good friends who respect you and enjoying life, and you'll happen to find the right girls while you're doing so.

    This attitude is defeatist and won't get you anywhere. The results will always be the same so long as you do nothing, so it's a no-brainer to do something, as that's the only way in which things will improve, and so long as you keep trying to be the best version of yourself and aiming to improve on your weak areas, you'll be maximising the chances of doing so.
    Reborn16 and Don Peter Clemenza like this.
  7. PeterGrip

    PeterGrip Fapstronaut

    You say it like women can get any man they want, which is ridiculous. And of course they know that is not the case.
  8. depeche69

    depeche69 Fapstronaut

    Is there really hard to find a girl or is hard to find a good girl?
    I think many men strugle to find girls, because they want only a beautiful women.

    Because if i look in my daily life, i see many single girls. But they are not in the focus of the men because they are fat, old (40 years+) or are single mothers.

    Install dating apps and rate all the women. Are you really interested in all the women?
    Have a really open look to your surrounding and you will notice, there are many single women.
  9. Vanquisher12

    Vanquisher12 Fapstronaut

    This is the trouble, in today’s hedonistic, degenerate society so few people wish to save themselves for the right significant other and end up developing sociosexually unrestricted lifestyles to their detriment. For the men it isn’t so much of a problem, but a lot of the girls end up bearing the children of men they’ve had a one-night stand with, and of course very few self-respecting men would ever consider looking after another man’s child, particularly if he is bad boy beta enough to have a one-night stand and then abandon the girl when she wanted a relationship, as any offspring of these unions will possess some of the father’s delinquent genes.

    But personally I’m not going to stop until I find a good girl who has been saving herself and decides to commit herself to me, because that’s what I want in a partner.
  10. Vanquisher12

    Vanquisher12 Fapstronaut

    Apologies double post
    Don Peter Clemenza likes this.
  11. I knew a guy who had the height of a kid, he is now married with a peach of a lady.
    Stop looking at others it will only make you feel worse. Just remember there are hundreds of thousand guys looking for a partner you are not alone. Stop the self pity it is not necessary. Besides those guys that run away with a different woman every week should not be congratulated. Look at it from the other site, maybe the woman who dated them for a week dumped them because they were not as good/fun/pretty as they first thought they were.

    What looks green from across the street could possibly look stale from up closer. Don’t contrast and compare, be yourself.
  12. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut


    Easy example. Let say you are a 5. And you like a girl that is a 7. She can date guys that are a 6..7 or even land an 8. Guys that are a 9/10 may sleep with her but definitevely wouln't date her seriously. So in order to have a chance with her you must be at least a 6..7, but you are a 5. Work on yourselve to get to your best version, and that best version can be a 7 maybe. She is going to look at you totally different than when you were a 5, so now you have a chance with her.
    Moreover, woman that are a 5 are going to be crazy happy to date you now that you are a 7.

    Getting to your best version is going to make you even happier, and as a side effect you are going to attract more woman than before.
  13. I thank you all but these are just words we speak to not accept the reality

    Because everyone knows that looks is the first thing for girls. And especially height.

    I also used to think to better myself but believe me it's useless unless you get a new face and a new height.

    More Money are not going to get you girls. How do you show money without being a d-bag?

    Gym is not going to get you girls. There are plenty of guys with a better pyshique than you and taller. So why should she choose you? In fact all my shots with girls in the gym were all humiliating because I was the last guy they wanted to talk to.

    A good haircut and good clothes is not going to get you girls. If you were born Willem Dafoe you can't become Chris Hemsworth.

    because yes, a woman won't always get the man she wants but she can have many men without doing anything.

    Even the girl who is a 5 thinks she is a 10 and won't date you.

    The girls you are talking about exist only in movies. There is no more good girl in this World.

    I will just accept the fact that no girls will ever care about a short guy who at 23 still looks like their little 16 years old brothers.

    Thank you all anyway
  14. if you don’t stop thinking like this they will indeed never care for you. Girls are not evil, they just like positive men, who would want to date a pessimistic nervous wreck? You hold the shots, believe it or not.
  15. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    There was a really short guy in my high school who would ALWAYS have a girl lined up to date. He dressed well, stood up straight with shoulders back, and talked very confidently with a smart ass sense of humor. If anything, we was a bit over the top sometimes, and beautiful girls often got tired of his attitude.

    So I'm sorry... But after witnessing that, I'm not believing any more "only tall guys date girls" stories.

    So where do you start.......?

    Changing small things. Giving up porn is a great start. Also trying new clothes. Doing some new exercises. Joining social sport or dancing classes.

    These all have small positive impacts that eventually build an accumulative affect to make you a new person. And when this momentum of good habits is built up enough, you start to feel a lot better.

    You won't be interested in low quality women, and those women won't be interested in you. Instead, women who are crying out to find a guy who isn't following 100 thots on instagram, and enjoy a genuine connection, will be attracted to you.

    When you're in a better place, it just takes some effort on your part to start these interactions.
  16. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    I have been in a similar mindset to yours. There CAN be joy and happiness even without a girlfriend, without sex, without any romantic attention from women whatsoever.

    You are too attached to the idea of romantic love, sex, dating, girls, etc. It is driving you towards many negative thoughts.

    So then, how do you not focus on girls anymore? Easier said than done, right?

    You need to find something else to believe in. Girls and sex can no longer be your “gods”.

    Go to the library. Find a book that gives you inspiration. Read the whole book. Your thought patterns will begin to change.
    Don Peter Clemenza likes this.
  17. Blessedby TheMostHigh

    Blessedby TheMostHigh Fapstronaut

    Don peter, Don peter, what’s a matta with you?
    Don Peter Clemenza likes this.
  18. AI7

    AI7 Fapstronaut

    I've seen guys date women taller than them. Women do tend to place emphasis on height but you can easily make up for it in other ways. If you focus on making money, going gym, eating healthy, having a fun personality then you should be good. You want to be the guy that other people would want to hang out with you. Plenty of short guys that get women. It will be your time soon if you put the work in.
  19. FrequencyLimbos

    FrequencyLimbos Fapstronaut

    your last question is what's wrong, you doubt or attack yourself.

    ask yourself this, "what's wrong with those women who use men for money and look to replace them?" You blame yourself too much. You can't change your height so it's useless to worry about it.