Who else is gender confused and hates being a man?

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Austin88, Jul 12, 2021.

  1. It's definitely not going to be anywhere near the mainstream level numbers wise but support is not the same as understanding, for the simple reason that all someone needs to be supportive is to not be judgemental. It may not look like much, and especially online it may not even be recognized as support but it is available and out there.

    I will say that I had a brief period of this, at a much lower intensity no doubt. I guess for me what it was basically about is that there was a lot of idealization, but at this point I definitely see there's a lot of up and down sides to everything and to everyones experience. And in a spiritual context, changing your way of being is actually quite a deep thing - not at all the same as only being religious which is about beliefs and therefore is limited to the mental which is shallow and doesn't go very deep. Also, gender does not account for intelligence anyway. Both trying to be hyper masculine and hyper feminine does not in itself say anything about that, and of course having just made the observation about religiosity alone without spirituality being a head game I don't mean this kind of disconnected academic "understanding" which is out of touch with other peoples experience and has little recognition of anything beyond the words people type.

    To get back to support though, I had tried some chats at that time and at times you can have very intelligent conversations as you probably know, though some of the younger members seem to be it's all about them and that doesn't necessarily help.
    moliver_xxii likes this.
  2. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

    and you can't seem to trust your dad... how much years of school/university do you have left to go ?
  3. Austin88

    Austin88 Fapstronaut

    It was supposed to be 1 year but I sunk into a deep depression when covid started so 1 year was wasted. I was stuck in lockdown. Now I'm trying again but it's very hard given my situation.
  4. I don't, I actually enjoy being a man, I like cars, weapons, tools, working out a lot, rock music, and metal. Most things that men enjoy (Except tattoos and booze.) I am a bit sexually confused though but that's mostly around women, they bring out this softer and more vulnerable side of me. My advice to you is if you are this ashamed of being a man why not just become a transvestite? If you ask me a man who is ashamed of having a penis never deserved it in the first place.
  5. Hey now, I never got along with parents either and you don't see me behaving like this.
  6. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    That sounds very hard. Unfortunately people on the internet cannot do much beyond offer support and advice. This may be tough but you have to do whatever you can to take matters into your own hands. I'm not sure what that would entail, but you need to do it.
    Brown Boy and Vanquisher12 like this.
  7. Melkhiresa

    Melkhiresa Fapstronaut

    OP you want to know what being a man entails? it is very simple actually :
    “The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.”
    Giacomo Leopardi likes this.
  8. Just a question but how am I confused? I'm just shy around women and sometimes have submissive desires. This guy is a self-loathing man who hates other men and wants to become a feminized sex slave. I will admit that I do have submissive desires but I do not want to be feminized or become somebody's sex slave. I also don't and never will hate myself for being a man either. Also read my update on that thread.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2021
    FlorianStayStrong likes this.
  9. Austin88

    Austin88 Fapstronaut

    Throughout my life my dad humiliated me, calling me a woman, sensitive, that I have a woman's butt, that I have skinny arms, among many other insults. I had a bully in elementary school that pulled out his dick in the school bathroom and showed it off in front of me and he was much, much older than me. I had another bully that showed his dick off then pretended that I got a boner from it and called me names due to that. Basically anything that corresponds to a feeling of being male is gone. I only feel shame when I think of myself of a man. On top of all this when I was 13 I was raped in the butt, which I developed bowel problems from, leading to humiliation from doctors and other people.
  10. Freedom_from_PMO

    Freedom_from_PMO Fapstronaut

    I am not an expert, but maybe your hatred towards your own sex came from traumatic experiences and malevolence of other people.
  11. Ekhangel

    Ekhangel Fapstronaut

    Definitely does sound like it! The notion of masculinity seems to have very miserable associations in his mind. This is no surprise, obviously. We live in a truly fucked up world, and it feels great to at least contribute to fixing it somehow by keeping yourself away from all this P filth.
    Austin88 and Vanquisher12 like this.
  12. Wow, this is genuinely very sad, I mean this from the bottom of my heart. I've had bullies but any disagreements that were had were settled through an honest fist-fight, I won some I lost some. I didn't really get along with my parents because they were overprotective and wanted to avoid conflict as much as possible. They got upset when I fought my bullies when I lost, but they got very upset when I won. I never thought you had to go through all of this. I thought you were one of those self-loathing male-feminist white knights who was throwing his brethren under the bus as weak attempt to get laid. As for the guy who raped you at 13. I want words with him *Loads shotgun* I ONLY WANT WORDS WITH HIM!!!
    Austin88 likes this.
  13. gsherman100

    gsherman100 Fapstronaut

    Ofc we are gonna say good luck for the simple fact we don't know your situation. What you just stated here changes the context of just about everything now so don't try to guilt trip people who say good luck when you never expressed this part. Since "no one cares" and doesn't want to get "emotionally" involved, it appears your mind is already made up and everyone here responding to you is simply wasting thier time.

    Be aware there is always somone who has it worse and your situation, as shity as it is, is not unique and thousands of children have gone through that horse shit.

    My advise is work as hard as you fucking can to get out on your own. Your dad sounds like a real peace of shit. It seems like you really need some peace and quiet to sort some things out. You deserve it.

    Oh I read earlier that men have looked over the urinal to stare at your genitals and then made fun of them. I want to point out that is extremely abnormal behavior and the men that have done that to you are really fucking wierd. That is NOT normal for people to behave like that.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2021
    Garou99 likes this.
  14. Austin88

    Austin88 Fapstronaut

    You misunderstood what I said.
    So according to you I don't have the right to tell my story because according to you it happens to everyone so I shouldn't be complaining?
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2021
  15. Science is just the Church reformed just like the Church was the Roman Empire reformed. Before black coats, now white coats, before abstract God, now abstract theories (trash big bang invented by a chatolic, Evolution from monkeys made up by a malthusian).
    The fact that scientists accept the idea of genderless just show how they are deployed to a politic thinking. Don't call them scientists nor science, chromosome X and Y exist for a reason, but i don't deny that the atheric body is female for men and male for women.
    Lgbt+ is just a product of pornography and of sick society made for sterilize and maintain people busy and depravated just like said by Aldous Huxley (nephew of a Malthusan).

    Future for youngs is bleak.
    Garou99 likes this.
  16. I can somewhat understand how you feel. I grew up around a lot of knuckle dragging, abusive men who embodied the worst stereotypes of masculinity. Also, I was possibly molested by my older cousin when I was 8, but I'll probably never know for sure because my memory of what happened is very fragmented. I may have been drugged or maybe my mind erased the memory as a defense mechanism. Either way, it has caused me a great deal of trauma, so I can definitely empathize with how you feel.

    However, I never reached the point where I myself hated being male. I've never been hypermasculine and I never will be, but I'm also not feminine. I like some stereotypical masculine things like action movies and heavy metal, but I couldn't care less about most sports, especially football. I feel comfortable in my own body even though I know I'm not super masculine. I guess what I'm trying to say is you don't have to be the embodiment of masculinity to feel comfortable being a male.
    Austin88, Vanquisher12 and Gmork 2 like this.
  17. This type of thinking is absolutely deranged. OP, ignore this nonsense.
  18. gsherman100

    gsherman100 Fapstronaut

    No that doesn't mean you don't have the right. Ofc you fucking do. What I am saying is there are many others who have or are experiencing what you are going through. The reason I stated that is because it seems you belive your situation is beyond redemption when in fact many have crawled out of that shit hole. The point that I am making is that its far from over and no situation is permanent.

    Using the word "deliberately" is quite persumptuous, cause now you believe I am here to make you "look bad". If you want to believe that sure go on ahead. Work as hard as you fucking can to get out on your own, and don't presume. That's all I'm gonna say in the matter.
  19. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    It's just a (supposed) quote by Genghis Khan lol.
    Melkhiresa likes this.
  20. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I think my biggest issue is treating science as some infallible dogma when it's literally just the word used to describe a process of learning and testing. This is not even getting into how biased modern science is, because scientists have an incentive to profess things as truth that benefit the people who fund them. This is not a conspiracy, it's literally what happens.